The Young Lion

Chapter 288: Total enthusiasm

In the summer of 1995, Van Gaal led Ajax to the top of Europe, defeating AC Milan, and from then on, the Milan dynasty began to enter the tomb.

Last season, AC Milan finally ranked in the middle of Serie A. This season, they returned to Capello, a meritorious coach. However, after more than half of the season, AC Milan is still weak.

Berlusconi as the owner of the Red and Black Legion, the club has a meaning beyond football in his hands, that is to win over the hearts of the people for his political career. Because of this, Berlusconi cannot sit back and watch the decline of AC Milan. The rise and fall of honor and shame are tied to his political career.

The most intuitive problem for AC Milan\'s troubles is the striker. Weah is injured. Cruyvert and Anderson have too low a goal rate. AC Milan needs a striker. This is hardly a secret in the transfer market. Galia Niman World is looking for a striker, it seems that the top names in the top five league goalscorer lists and AC Milan can spread scandals.

Galliani himself is also under great pressure. The transfer operations of the two summers of 96 and 97 have similar trajectories. When commenting on the summer, the outside world was praised. AC Milan\'s sales were beautiful, and Galliani contributed.

But until the middle of the season, the outside world was criticized: AC Milan bought all the horses!

The goalkeeper Tybee, who bought it for $6.5 million half a year ago, was mediocre and could not even reach the level of AC Milan.

The freely introduced Kluivert sounded great, but in Milan, he scored a goal and a slap in the half of the season. Moreover, Kluivert, who was defeated because of a lawsuit, was called a "rapist" wherever he went. This is a direct impression of Milan\'s great image.

The free introduction of Bogarde also gives the impression that he is a capable player, but the Dutch like to talk to the coach\'s theory, which makes him quickly disgusted by Capello. He can\'t even sit on the bench and spend his time directly in the stands.

Although Anderson, a striker from Sweden, is always used by Capello as a stranger, Capello has been disappointed again and again.

Even Zig, the German golden wing, came to Milan and began to go downhill. The transfer itself was controversial, because Zig was obviously unable to shake the position of native Martini.

As for other transfer referrals, most of them are not qualified for the replacement or simply a rush of Milan, only Leonardo Capello personally selected can reach the expected level.

In this context, Galliani wants to bring fresh blood to Milan, but also to prove his ability in the transfer market.

In January 1998, three days before the opening of the FA Cup, Aldridge read at home these two nights, Rowling recommended a novel to him, he was reading with relish.


The doorbell rang.

Aldrich sat up on the sofa, put down the book and went to the door to open, and saw Shevchenko in casual clothes standing outside the door.

"Hi, boss, good evening."

"Come in, do you want to talk to me about AC Milan\'s intention to introduce you?"

Aldrich was ready in his heart.

Although AC Milan only sent a secret inquiry, it is impossible to complete the transfer in winter, because Shevchenko does not have an EU passport, and AC Milan has no non-European quota for recruitment. It can only wait for the summer after half a year.

Aldrich didn\'t hide this from the players and the agent because it was useless.

Shevchenko sat down on the single sofa and took a cup of tea from Aldridge as usual. He nodded and said, "Yes, I want to talk about it."

"What conditions does AC Milan give you?"

Aldridge asked quietly.

Shevchenko shook her head blankly: "I don\'t know, has the club agreed to my transfer?"

Aldrich shook his head and smiled: "No, AC Milan is only asking for a price, and the club responded by refusing to discuss."

In the previous question, Aldridge just wanted to test it out to see if AC Milan had contacted Shevchenko privately. Judging from the expression of the other party, it should not be.

Shevchenko held the teacup and said softly: "Boss, I can talk to you and I always think you understand me, so I am grateful to Millwall and to you, I I will always remember it, but I want to go to Italy, AC Milan has been chasing me for a year, the other party has shown enough sincerity, so..."

Some people want to go. As Aldridge is the head coach, how can he be at a loss?

Shevchenko only used the Premier League as a springboard before joining Millwall. This can\'t be blamed on him.

Moreover, when he renewed the contract last summer, his hesitation had revealed signs.

There are many clubs chasing him in Italy, but the most famous ones are AC Milan and Inter Milan. Inter Milan introduced Ronaldo last summer. AC Milan checked in Cruyvit free of charge. Shevchenko feels that if he wants to Going to Italy, certainly not as a substitute, but now things have changed, Cruyvert has a sluggish performance in Milan, and Via is injured again. As for the state after the injury comes back, it is still a mystery.

This type of striker Shevchenko is preferred by Serie A clubs, because he doesn’t seem to have free wings, and he won’t play alone on the court to be happy but free from the whole. On the top, Millwall’s players who are famous for their team and training are more favored by the Serie A team. The difference is Robert Baggio. It is undeniable that Baggio’s talent and ability, but when such a talent is talented Players have conflicts with coaches such as Capello, Lippi, Trapattoni, Ancelotti, Saki, etc. Then, this is the player\'s own problem. Coaches of big clubs rarely ask for a free Players outside of the whole.

Aldrich asked calmly after a moment of contemplation: "Andre, if, if I give you a new contract, would you consider staying in Millwall?"

Shevchenko shook her head slightly: "Boss, this is not a matter of money."

Aldridge nodded and smiled: "I thought I could keep you for two more years, so at least you can get a British passport, which is also very convenient for you, but since you want to go to Italy earlier, I understand that in the second half of the season, you have to work hard. Don’t let AC Milan dispel the idea of ​​quoting you in the summer. The non-European quota is very precious to the Italian team. They will be very careful in their choice."

Shevchenko nodded with a smile, and said, "Relax, boss, for the next few months, nothing else, desperately no problem."

He stood up and took the initiative to hug Aldridge and then said goodbye to leave.

After sending off Shevchenko, Aldrich muttered to himself: "Fortunately Henrik is 26 years old."

Larson was also hot, but he seemed indifferent to the transfer.

He is at the golden age of his career. If he transfers to another club, the new contract is less than 4 years. After all, if other teams want to get him, they will definitely have to pay a lot of transfer fees. The contract period is impossible to sign. short.

If the trajectory after the transfer ends in failure, I\'m afraid it will be difficult for Larsson to return to the peak. This peak refers to his peak of winning the Golden Globe!

Although Millwall is small, the club’s reputation is indeed inferior to that of the giants, but the competitiveness is obvious to all. What is lacking is the achievements and trophies. Larson is more willing to reach new heights in this team that he likes, rather than go Other giant club adventures.

Shevchenko is young, only 21 years old, he can afford to lose, he still has a chance to stand up after falling down, Larson is unwilling to do this, his age is when it is time to harvest honors and trophies, not to shoulder any renaissance Milan, in the end can get a few trophies, no one dares to pack tickets.

Aldrich sent Galiani a text message before going to bed: Shevchenko\'s transfer, we can talk about it.

At this time last year, Millwall and AC Milan were very unhappy, because AC Milan seduce Larson to use some means other than the rules to seduce players through the media, and at the same time privately contact the players, Aldridge was furious at the time, Speaking at the press conference, AC Milan lacked respect for Millwall.

Galliani is not that kind of self-confident person. Most of the managers who have done a good job in the transfer market are mostly exquisite. They can afford to let go and know when to be tough and when I\'ve played with fire again, when should I use what gesture to make up for the mistakes I made.

So this year, Galliani has been making up for the rift in his relationship with Millwall, and at the same time, he has also used a milder way to show his favor to Millwall players.

In fact, Shevchenko said AC Milan had enough sincerity, and Aldridge sneered.

The big club\'s recruitment is all over the net, and all the players who are optimistic or concerned are included in the friendly list. No matter whether the club ultimately wants this player or not, the relationship is first established. When you really want it, then hit the iron while hot. It seems natural.

Fortunately, Shevchenko is not someone else\'s spare tire, or he may be too, but with a louder name, AC Milan can\'t afford it or people don\'t want to go.

After he fell asleep, Aldridge saw that the phone had text messages, and many of them came from Galliani.

What Adrich did not expect was that Galliani flew from Milan to London overnight.

Although Galliani has been busy digging the corner of Inter Milan recently and wants Gantz from the other side, Galliani clearly understands that he has no expectations for this season and will now lay the foundation for a new summer transfer.

He came to London secretly, and then booked a box in an unremarkable Italian restaurant, and sent him a text message in Aldridge within 18 hours, and the other party sent the dinner invitation to the door.

Aldridge had telephone conversations with him before. In fact, Aldridge had telephone conversations with the managers, CEOs, and chairmen who were in charge of the transfer in the circle. Because Millwall is a star gold mine, others want to dig a hand , And Aldridge is the person who controls the transfer of Millwall players, of course, to talk to him.

Aldridge is not a rigid person. He does not sell people. It does not mean that someone calls the phone. He just coldly said: Lao Tzu does not sell. Then hang up the phone.

Like Moratti, who would call him almost every few months, Aldridge would always chat with each other for half an hour to an hour, and then no deal was reached, but he had established a good relationship.

In the Italian restaurant, Galliani came alone, and Aldridge also went to the banquet alone. The two met in the box after a friendly handshake and successively seated. After ordering the meal, Galliani could not wait to ask: "Apart from Shevchenko, are other players sold by Millwall? Er, don\'t get me wrong, I mean, does Millwall have any players who are not planned next season, maybe Milan will need them."

Aldridge laughed dumbly and shook his head: "Today I just want to talk about Shevchenko."

"Well, okay, then talk about Shevchenko. Ten million dollars in Milan, what do you think?"

Aldridge smiled and took a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his suit, put it on the table and pushed it in front of Galliani.

Galliani glanced down at the content on the paper and suddenly looked a little ugly.