The Yandere Came During the Night

Chapter 131

The great internal bodyguard holds the staff, and the strength is beyond ordinary people's ability. Thirty sticks down, Mrs. sun has already lost half of her life. She hears that Princess sun is kneeling in the Buddhist hall to reflect on herself. Twelve hours later, the Dragon fetus will be destroyed, and there may be two lives of one corpse.

The purpose of entering the Palace this time was to get married for her son. Unexpectedly, not only did the marriage blow up, but also the pillars of the sun family collapsed. Mrs. sun couldn't understand what had happened before and after. The elder sister-in-law was clearly favored like that. The emperor also promised that she would be the prince as soon as she gave birth to the Dragon son. How could he want to kill her in the twinkling of an eye?

Madame Sun is not stupid, where can not see the emperor and empress, this is a joint effort to punish the younger sister-in-law. The pain of her body was tearing, but the anxiety and anxiety in her heart was more than the pain of her body. She wanted to go back to the mansion immediately and discuss with her son Haosheng. She always felt that the sudden change of the emperor's attitude was not a good omen, as if the heaven of a great man was about to change.

"Mrs. sun, have you asked for the right marriage? Please give it to me so that I can go back and prepare for my dowry. " The carriage of the Shen family was across the road. Yu Xiang lifted the curtain and laughed.

"My wife is very ill. Please give way to Miss Shen." A girl lifted the curtain and said nice words.

"Seriously ill? Didn't you take off your pants and hit the board? There are so many bodyguards in front of the hall. It's very kind of you to be naked all day long, madam. I would be ashamed to death Yu Xiang didn't try to keep his voice down. Here is the main road of the palace gate. All the people passing by were dignitaries. Hearing this, they turned their heads to see.

The Dying Sun Fu was so popular that he almost vomited blood. He roared at the top of his voice, "go, go back to the house! Hurry up She felt as if she had died a moment longer.

"Get out of the way. She's in a hurry to get back to the top." Yu Xiang waved to the driver.

The coachman immediately got out of the way and saw the carriage of the sun family disappear rapidly in a field of pointing. Yu Xiang put down the curtain, holding the small stove and said, "let's go. There's a big play waiting for us to see."

Peach red laughs uncontrollably when she hears these words. A lot of voices urge the coachman to speed up quickly. On the contrary, there is no alternative on the Liulu surface.

The two carriages arrived at Sun Fu one after another. The porter got the news early, so that he carried a bamboo bed to meet his wife. Mr. Sun was still a yamen servant. Sun Mingjie was on his way to the palace. He heard that his mother had been given a board instead of asking for Yizhi. He had been waiting at the corner gate for a long time. A few drops of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

If he can be given the board by Emperor Chengkang himself and is still in front of the hall of nourishing the heart in front of many bodyguards, his mother's misfortune must not be small. Today, Princess sun is still kneeling in the cold Buddhist hall. What will happen 12 hours later. He is not a fool, he seems to have considered the worst.

"Here it is. Go and pick up Madame." When the servant saw the carriage, he quickly carried the bamboo bed with heavy bedding over it.

"How are you, mother? How about your mother? What on earth has happened that makes the emperor so angry? " Sun Mingjie held Mrs. sun's hand and asked repeatedly.

"Are you sun Mingjie?" A clear voice came from the next carriage.

Sun Mingjie turned his head and looked back. What caught his eyes was the beautiful image he had whipped and played with countless times in his dream. At this time, the man was slightly raising his jaw, his expression was arrogant, and his red mouth was spitting out hurtful words, "just like you, who are both male and female, you dare to think of my respectable Mr. sinang, and don't take a mirror to look at it. You deserve it? "

Sun Mingjie is the most taboo for others to say that he is male and female. He stares at him with red eyes and reveals his murderous intention between his eyebrows.

Yu Xiang sneered and waved his sleeve and said, "don't stare. I won't be short of meat if you stare at me again. I have something for you. Take it. "

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw another carriage in front of her. Several strong servants came down with a huge iron cage, in which there was a white swan and hundreds of toads. She took great pains to find these toads in the winter and put them on the fire.

Toads should have been the food of swans, but now there are too many toads in the cage. They are so crowded and crowded that they are full of flesh bumps with white poison in their eyes. Even people feel terrified when they look at them, let alone the swans in between.

The Swan raised its long neck and made a shrill hiss. The high volume drew all the passers-by. When we saw Yu Xiang lying on the window with a bright smile, we all thought: which unlucky devil provoked this demon again? If you want to say that you are naughty, the dandy in Manjing can't compare with the Yu family. Oh, no, Miss Shen's.

Sun Mingjie stares at the cage, grits his teeth and asks, "Miss Shen, what do you mean? Giving these toads disgusts me

"No, I just want to tell you a truth." Yu Xiang's eyebrows slightly pick, tone light, "I miss is a swan, you are the toad on the ground, toad toad want to eat swan meat, that is pure delusion."

As soon as her voice fell, the servant opened the cage and threw it at the gate of the sun mansion. The helpless swan was freed and immediately flew to the sky. After a few long hisses, it turned into a black spot and disappeared at the end of the sky. But toad couldn't fly, so he hopped in front of sun's house. Because of the poisonous mucus on their bodies, the servants of sun's family fled one after another. They also did not know who brought down the bamboo bed and fell down Mrs. sun. They crushed several toads to death. The scene was disgusting and funny.The onlookers laughed, but Sun Mingjie was so angry that he wanted to kill people. If he had a sword in his hand, he would have stabbed Yuxiang. After that, anyone who wants to climb a good relationship will be ridiculed by others as "a toad wants to eat swan meat", which will not be mentioned later.

Yu Xiang covered his mouth and chuckled. Before he reacted, he disappeared on the street corner by carriage. Sun Mingjie's face was twisted and his voice was hoarse. He tried his best to cry out, "Shen Xiang, if you are in my hands one day, I must ask you to live or die!"

However, catching a few toads is disgusting. Yu Xiang's practice is no more than a child's prank in the eyes of passers-by. However, sun Mingjie's final declaration was a little too much. In addition, he had always had a good reputation as a fairy boy. At this time, he showed a sinister real face, which surprised the masses and made a lot of comments.

Those who have the intention have already gone around to find out why the two families have a feud, and even more despise what the sun family has done. When the news of concubine sun's sudden death in a miscarriage came from the palace, everyone realized that the sun family's good life was over.

Lord Sun was very frightened. He was more frightened than ever. First, he received an anonymous letter in the Yamen. When he opened it, he found it was a blood letter recording his son's heinous crimes. Before he went home to inquire, news came from the inner palace. His wife was noisy in front of the palace, and the emperor rewarded him with 30 boards. His wife disobeyed the empress and was punished for not understanding the dignity and inferiority. He was punished for thinking on the wall.

He did not dare to send people to the palace to inquire about the news. He could only leave home in the strange eyes of his colleagues. As soon as the front foot stepped into the house, the back foot got the news that Princess sun had been killed in a miscarriage.

"What is the matter? Why is it that in half a day my sun family is on the verge of killing the door? What have you done? It's not as simple as killing a girl. Tell me Sun opened the door and threw the blood letter on his son's face.

Mrs. sun was lying on the bed shivering, and sun Mingjie was silent holding the blood letter. The servants fled one after another, and the house fell into a dead silence.

Lord Sun sat on the chair and said, "I just got the news. She has died suddenly, and the little prince has died. Our Sun family was good. How could it be like this? I asked myself to follow the rules and regulations and be careful. I never got into the emperor's eyes, let alone offend him here. Since you two can handle this bloody case behind my back, you must also be able to plan something else behind my back. Come on, speak up. Let's find a way. "

Mrs. sun buried her face in her soft pillow and sobbed. Sun Mingjie staggered to his father with a hoarse voice. "There's no way to think about it. I'm afraid my father can only jump into this fire pit with me. Either our father and son will become famous and prosperous, or we will never be able to survive."

The emperor must have found a clue to suddenly get rid of Sun Fei. For the present plan, he has to inform the fourth Prince and make him prepare for the imperial palace. The Imperial Palace and the imperial palace were infiltrated by the fourth prince. The prince also handed over all his contacts to the fourth prince, among whom there were some important officials in charge of the defense of the capital.

It is not difficult to encircle the imperial city with lightning speed.


not to mention how many dark tides caused by the death of concubine sun, Yu Xiang was on his way home, and ordered peach red to buy a few kilograms of fried melon seeds. He looked at the street scenery and ate them all the way.

"Wait, isn't that Chang Yafu?" She pointed to a pair of mother and daughter in the rich brocade Pavilion.

"Oh, yes. Didn't she go back to her hometown? Why are you back? And it's full of joy. " Liu Lu was surprised.

Chang Yafu is trying on a jade hairpin in front of the mercury mirror. Accompanied by the wife of Jingguo, she covers her mouth and chuckles as she talks. She looks very relaxed.

"There must have been a big wedding in Yasukuni." Liu Lu guessed.

"Chang Yafu's face is full of shame. She must have found her husband. With her reputation, who can she marry? She's not like me. She's got her own son-in-law Yu Xiang pondered for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, "look at me, how can I forget Yu pinhong who just returned to Beijing. Didn't he two have an affair for a long time? Now that Yu Junwei is expected to resume his original post and inherit the title, Yu pinhong is expected to return to his official career, and she immediately looks for him. Around, this pair of dog men and women finally came together

Taohong has always been inquisitive and knows a lot about the three rooms and one family. "But Yu pinhong has already married in Shu, and the other is an ordinary village woman, and she has brought it back this time."

Yu Xiang sneered and said, "Yu Junwei is really a hypocrite. He really wants to kill his daughter-in-law. Instead, he brings her back to show his commitment to justice. However, how can the village woman hold the door of the Marquis house, and then hire a flat wife for her son at this time, others can't pick out a reasonable son. Looking at all the noble women in Beijing, who will be a wife? Chang Yafu is the most suitable person who is born in a high family but lost her reputation. I uncovered Chang Yafu at the beginning, but unexpectedly, I made a pair of mandarin ducks. It's really changeable. "

As she said, she poured out the melon seed shell from the palm of her hand. It happened that Chang Yafu looked up and looked up. At first, she glared at her beautiful eyes. Then she chuckled and said silently with her mouth, "see? I'm still Madame Hou."

Yu Xiang glanced at her coldly, put down the curtain of the car and said, "when my brother comes back, I will marry immediately, so that she can know who is the honest lady Hou!"

Peach red quickly pacified, "yes, this is a son of a blind fool, how can you compare with miss." , the fastest update of the webnovel!