The Wretched Mistress

Chapter 93 - Calm Days Before The Storm (3)

The next couple of days, April felt like she was a different person. She felt like a normal girl when she was with Hugh. She didn't think that being with him was a bad thing. They didn't do anything except talk and hang out. No flirting or anything that could make the atmosphere weird or awkward.

Since her son was mostly with her parents, she didn't have anything else to be worried about. She had treated Hugh as a friend who was also a stranger. Someone who you could share your thoughts, who will listen and guide you with a third parties perspective.

Although Hugh was brutally honest, she somewhat felt that she needed to hear those words. It made her see the bigger picture and also made her mind clearer. She was still set on being with Alex since the divorce was already on progress. Only, Alex had to prove that he really meant his words and that he would take care of them.

This time, she didn't want to act blindly because of her feelings for him. She wanted to feel genuine love and affection without the need to worry about her and her son's safety. She now fully convinced that Francesca had a hand on those letters, pictures, and as well as the recorder. Only, why did it stop? It had been almost two weeks now and she hadn't received anything else. It somehow made her feel worried and at the same time, scared. Luckily, Hugh knew how to divert her moods to a better one.

Cefei accompanied April everywhere. He had noticed that her company was somewhat fun and enjoyable. Not only so, but he also had fun teasing and having a good conversation with her. They both have different views in life and yet they still find common areas where they both agreed on.

Sometimes, their topics went from celebrities, nature, religion, and politics. They bicker here and there, but nothing major. It was like they were having a deep conversation about the world. Cefei had never seen an intellectual woman like her. Despite having problems mentally, she was still intelligent with a smart mouth.

He enjoyed every single day that he spent with her, until one day she announced that they were leaving. This made him somewhat shocked and upset, though he never showed it to his face.

When April and her family left, Cefei still stayed at the hotel. He felt somewhat empty inside and unable to move forward. He still had 4 months left and yet he felt that his journey was over. He didn't have the drive anymore to go anywhere. So instead of staying in Los Angeles for the rest of his time, he decided to go back to England.

Maybe it was time to see his father. Somehow, he felt tired and was ready to go back home. Along the way, he could never forget that woman's laughter and her angelic smile. Unfortunately, she was his friend's lover. He had already messed up once with Alex's life, he didn't want to do it again. For the sake of April's happiness, he could only wish that she would find happiness with Alex's arms.


When April and her family got back home. They all felt bad that their vacation was over. It had been only two weeks. Unfortunately, they had to cut it short due to Ted's work. Although he already wanted to have a month off, something came up that he couldn't neglect. The mother and daughter were understanding enough so they all agreed to go back.

April had stayed in the US for close to a month now. Since this was the case, she too felt that she had stayed for too long. Her shop had already open and she wanted to go back and check on it.

So the next couple of days, she too went back to England along with her son Sky.


In England.

Francesca was back at their love nest. She had already got back a week ago and was resting at home. Sometimes, Alex would come and visit. Making sure that she okay and well.

The Psychologist had told Alex that Francesca needed to have someone beside her to check up on her. Someone who she was comfortable with so that she would not think of taking her life again. Unfortunately, only Alex fits those shoes. This was the reason why Alex had to visit her. Although he had visited her a couple of times, he only acted civil and friendly. Nothing like how he acted with April. Because of this, Francesca became more aggressive towards Alex.

Every time he visited, she would constantly show her loving side and even tries to seduce him. Yet every time, she would be rejected by her husband. She had paid big time to bribe that Psychologist. Only this way could she be able to stand near him again. Still, this plan wasn't fulfilling enough to make them go back to where they had been before. For this, she had thought of another idea on her mind. Tonight, Alex would come by for dinner. Tonight, she would make sure that Alex would stay in for the night. A seductive smile appeared on her face.

"Beverly, is everything ready?" Francesca was currently sitting in the living room. It was almost 6 in the evening. She had ordered a fancy candle dinner for her and her husband. She even ordered all the staff to have a night off. She only needed Beverly tonight.

"Yes, Ma'am. Everything is all set up. As soon as Sir Alex arrives, everyone will leave the mansion as you order." Beverly reported.

"Great! Then everything will is set. I have captured his heart once in this manner. I can do it over again. Only this way, can he consider me to be in his life again." Francesca smiled evilly. There was a time before where she had drugged Alex so that he would take her v.i.r.g.i.nity and be responsible for it. Although she plotted it, she had good intentions. She loved Alex so much when they were young and she hated the fact that his parents wouldn't agree to their union. It was only by going this way was she able to make Alex fought for her, despite having a conflict with his family.

She smiled as soon as she heard the car sounds in front of the mansion. She got up to welcome her husband back to their home.