The Wretched Mistress

Chapter 69 - Finding the Culprit (4)

"Any news?" Theo asked his secretary.

"So far, no major leads sir. Those people who dropped those letters were paid by different people as well. We tried to do a sketched on those people, but we noticed that they were from different people as well. Likelihood is, they were paid people as well. No certain patterns.

Whoever thought of this, was certainly really smart and sleek. They had planned it real good for us not to get their tracks caught."

"How 'bout the Black Dragon Club? What did they say?" Theo sighed.

"They said that they would think about it. From the looks of things, it looks like they already knew about this. If my judgement is correct, those pictures came from them. They were hired to locate those pictures."

"Why do you say so?" Theo's brows furrowed.

"From what I had gathered. During the day that April was rescued, Most of them went to jail or was killed during the raid. At the moment, some of them were already released. I heard news that if you didn't go back to the group, they were all haunted and killed. So to locate those people who were hiding, its best for the Black Dragon Club to find them."

"If it is them, then we're at a dead end. Black Dragon Club would never disclose their clients. Not even if you give them quite a lot of money." Theo sighed.

The secretary also sighed. He too knew how big this case was. To involve someone as big as the Black Dragon Club, the client must've been really wealthy.

"What we could assumed right now is that, whoever the person is. They had the means to hire such a big organization. Sir, I don't mean to be rude but have you thought of your son's legal wife?" The secretary didn't dare say the word 'daughter-in-law'. He knew that his boss wasn't keen on having Francesca as his daughter-in-law.

Theo stared at his secretary. "You mean there are chances for her to be the mastermind?"

"Just a possibility sir. After all, she would gain a lot in this situation. I heard from James that Francesca wasn't keen on the divorce at first. Weirdly enough, she changed her mind and decided to cooperate. As what we know of her personality, she wouldn't give up that easily."

Theo nodded his head, that he could agree. But if it turns out to be that woman, it would become complicated. He remembered how stubborn his son was, when Alex asked for their blessing. Theo knew how Alex had love Francesca that much before. Even if April was the current apple in Alex's eyes, that kind of love could never be forgotten that easily.

Would his son choose April? or would he protect his wife?

Theo rubbed his temples, feeling the upcoming headache coming his way.

"What do you want me to do sir?" The secretary asked.

"Get someone to spy on her. Every calls, text and meetings. Everything. We need to see if she really is a part of this mess. If she is, I wouldn't let her go pretty easily. Even if Alex would try to protect her." His voice was firm, promising to take avenge for April's sake.

Although he wasn't keen on cheating on your partners, Theo would rather want Alex to end up with April than be stuck on a loveless marriage with Francesca.

"Yes sir, I'll get it done right away." The secretary bowed and left.

As soon as the secretary left, Phoebe came in. "What did he say? Do we have any leads?"

Theo sighed and shake his head. "Nada".

Phoebe sighed and walked towards her husband. She then rubbed his back. "Sooner or later, we will find them dear. I know that you are worried and angry, but you aren't young anymore. Let's have bring some dinner to our son. I heard that April woke up this afternoon."

"Hmm.. Okay." Theo halfheartedly replied.