The Wretched Mistress

Chapter 66 - Finding the Culprit

"Is something wrong? Is it about April or the Office?" Theo stared at his son, studying any signs on Alex's face.

Not knowing what to do or say, Alex handed the 7 printed notes to his father. He was still holding them on his hands.

"What are this?" Theo said as he looked through the notes.

'Found you'

'Miss me?'

'Don't Forget'

'I miss us together'

'Soon, I'll come and get you'

'You'll always be mine'

'Wait for me'

Looking at this notes, Theo's brows furrowed and looked at Alex. Is this some sort of love confession? "What are these?"

Alex sighed, he knew that his father was more knowledgeable than him. Although he didn't want him to see April on this light, It would be much easier and faster if his father would help him solve this. Instead, he opened the car door again and took out the pictures. All of the pictures was still there, including the pictures that came with the letters.

Alex gulped as he hold on to them, his eyes wear teary. The first and last time that he begged to his father, was his marriage to Francesca. He promised to himself that he would never do that again and yet here he is. Compared to his father's connections and intelligence, he was still much more capable than Alex himself. After all, Alex was still young and new to the business world.

He handed the pictures to his father faced down and said in a serious but weak voice. "Can you help me one last time , dad? I don't want her to shoulder it all by herself. I want to protect to her. .. But I guess.. I still can't." A tear fell down on Alex's face. His voice was shaking , as those words came out from his mouth.

All in Alex's life, he seldom cry anymore. The few times he did, was when his marriage was just starting to fall. After that, he became used to it. Constant fighting and separation, became their normal life. This time, his heart ached more than what he felt when his marriage failed.

Theo's mouth slightly opened. Seeing his teary son, it only meant one thing. This was about April. Seeing the printed notes on his hand, he could already conclude something.

Theo's jaws clenched as he turned the pictures. He gasps when he finally saw what they were. He then slowly flipped them, one picture at a time. He felt his heart stopped at one particular picture. It was a clear picture of April's face. What made him stopped and stare at it was April's eyes. It was like she was dead, soulless and empty. It was completely different than how he had seen April lately. Her warm smile that could be seen on her eyes were gone in these pictures.

Theo looked at his son, not knowing what to say. Alex leaned his body on to the car and looked up. Tears was still flowing from his eyes. Theo could almost feel how it must've hard to see these pictures. No wonder April is so broken, he couldn't help but thought.

He patted his son's shoulder and said. "Let's go back. Right now she needs you beside her. I bet she would want to see you first, when she wakes up. Go and stay by her side. Don't worry about this right now, I'll help you find who sent this to her." Theo inserted the pictures and notes inside suit.

"Give me the keys." Theo opened his hand towards his son. Right now, he didn't want Alex to drive in this condition. Theo thought that his son might've been real angry inside and would likely do reckless things in this situation.

Listening to his father, Alex took the keys out from his pocket and handed it to him. He wiped his tears away and slowly walked back to the elevator, not waiting for his father.

Theo looked at Alex's drooped shoulders, he could only sigh as he locked the car and followed him back to April's room.