The Wretched Mistress

Chapter 56 - Claiming his woman

Alex claimed her lips fully, yet not moving. Just enough to make point, yet sending his emotions to that kiss. His eyes were closed, while her was open.

She tried pushing him away, but to no avail. He was as strong as a big pillar that cannot be moved. His left hand moved to her waist, while his right hand was on the back of her head.

After 30 seconds of struggling, that seems to last like forever to April. She stopped and closed her eyes. She finally accepted the kiss. Her fiery heart mellowed down from anger yet it was still beating fast, beating with a different kind of emotion.

Alex then withdrew from the kiss and both of their eyes met. Alex's breathing was uneven from the short but fast sprint and also because of his raging emotions.

"I don't care about your past. That's why they are called the past, because we can never changed them anymore. What we can do is change our future. If you let them get stuck in your head for all your life, that would be up to you. It would be their win and your lost.

I know that what happened to you wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault. You had no control at that time, you were too young to fight it.

However April, I am here. I will protect you from all of it. I want to be a part of your future and stand beside you through everything. I just need you to give me a chance, for me to prove that to you." Alex cupped her face.

She didn't know why, but for some reason. Those shackles that held her down seems to loosen up. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard, especially because Alex was the only person that she told about it.

This time, instead of replying; she claimed his lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. April took the initiative. Powered solely by her emotions, she kissed him like there was no tommorow.

Surprised, Alex kissed back. He then lifted her up and pressed her back into the Elevator's closed door.

Alex slipped his tongue inside her mouth, seemingly searching for all her hidden secrets. April's thoughts were slipping, injecting her veins with Alex's venom. His wonderful smell, his fast beating heart and his delicious mouth. April could then feel something poking her bottom. She knew right then, that April had awaken Alex's manhood.

Alex withdrew from her lips and kissed her forehead, her eyes, cheeks and neck. It made April m.o.a.ned from the sweet sensation. Her breathing became uneven and so was his.

"I want you baby. Please tell me that you want me too." He begged. He had been craving for her ever since he had a taste. It was like April was her drug, making him high everytime he kisses her lips. Cold shower could barely keep him sane.

April looked at Alex's begging eyes. She smiled, she really was crazy. Crazily insane for this man.

"I want you. I want you to make love to me." She murmured in between her heavy breathing.

"Oh April..." Alex kissed her again and started walking towards his bedroom. Tonight, he would erase all of those marks from those other men.

He would make every single parts of her, his. He would make love to her, much better than they have ever done.

Tonight, he is claiming his woman.


Gently, he laid April into his bed.

Alex took of her shoes as well as his. He then laid on top of her, making her his captive. While April only waited for him.

He kissed her forehead again and said. "Tonight, forget about everyone. Your past nor my past. Tonight, you are just April and I'm just Alex.

Since you allowed me to have you tonight, I want to erase all of those marks that those men did to you. From tonight on, only remember me making love to you. Focused those beautiful eyes of yours on me.."

Alex smiled as he finished saying his piece. He then gently kissed her on the mouth. April was tearing up but none the less, responded to his kisses.

He kissed her teary eyes, her face, her neck, her whole body. Each kiss symbolizing his devotion to erase those unpleasant memories. April's heart and mind was conflicted, she was happy and sad.

Although she was tearing up, she focused where Alex's lips landed. Alex's eyes where on her the whole time, making sure that she was committing it to memory.

From head to toe, Alex kissed away all those memories. April felt blessed to have Alex by her side. Although she knew that Alex means well, she also knew that his feelings for his wife could never be replaced this fast nor this easy.

Yet despite this, she was willing to try. She was willing to fight for this man.