The World Enters the Era of the Great Flood

Chapter 37

"Hold the hammer with both hands and smash it with all your strength. Don\'t be afraid or fail. They are not people, but monsters."

Su Li guided Xu Xuehui, knowing that there was a certain psychological obstacle for her to smash the corpse beast, and she had little strength. It was not easy to smash the corpse beast\'s head.

"The first one is the most difficult. As long as the first one is solved, the later one will be simpler and simpler."

Under Su Li\'s guidance, Xu Xuehui finally summoned up her courage, clenched the hammer with both hands and hit the head of the corpse beast below, but she couldn\'t help closing her eyes.

As a result, the first hammer missed.

The hammer hit the ground, which made Xu Xuehui\'s hands numb and her face looked painful.

Suli sighed. She could only grasp Xu Xuehui\'s arms from behind, then let her hold the hammer, help her lift her arms and wave them down sharply, while she released her hand on the way.

This time, the hammer hit the back skull of the corpse beast, but it didn\'t break it because of lack of strength.

"Come again!" Suli raised her arms again to help her.

After repeating this, Xu Xuehui finally dared to open her eyes and watch. Finally, with a crisp sound, the corpse beast\'s head was smashed open.

The fatal key of this corpse beast is the head, otherwise even if the heart is crushed, it will not die, but once the head is damaged, it will die immediately.

A Lingyuan appeared and disappeared into Xu Xuehui\'s forehead.

Then there was a look of surprise on her face, obviously feeling the message in her mind.

After obtaining the first Lingyuan, her whole body was changing, including the growth of strength.

Su Li remembers that he began to absorb the source of spirit. Each one can obtain a significant strength improvement, and Xu Xuehui is no exception.

With the first experience and at least a lot of strength improvement, it was not so difficult to solve the second corpse beast. Xu Xuehui hit the second corpse beast three times and finally solved it.

After obtaining the second Lingyuan, Xu Xuehui\'s strength increased by at least 100 Jin.

The power becomes greater and simpler.

Soon Xu Xuehui killed five corpse beasts and obtained five spiritual sources.

With the absorption of five spiritual sources, she was successfully promoted to "level 1 spiritual source".

After that, she killed the last dead beast.

"Girl, remember to strengthen your stomach." Ding Longyun was busy reminding Xu Xuehui that she had killed all six dead animals.

Su Li said: "it\'s better to strengthen the lungs for the first time. Now it\'s all water outside. We should first enhance the ability to survive in the water."

Strengthening the lung can enhance the vital capacity, and now the food is still enough for the time being. It\'s not the step that we need to drink outside water and eat the monster\'s body immediately.

Ding Longyun said, "what you said is also reasonable. It\'s OK to strengthen the lungs first, and then strengthen the stomach next time."

Xu Xuehui hesitated and said, "but... There is no choice to strengthen the lung and stomach."

Ding Longyun was stunned and said, "what?"

Su Li said in his heart, "the information in your mind reminds you to choose what to strengthen?"

Xu Xuehui said, "eyes, ears."

"Well," Su Li said, "it seems that the choices that can be strengthened for each promotion are random. Maybe everyone is different."

Ding Longyun said with a smile: "eyes and ears, one is to enhance eyesight and the other is to enhance hearing. I feel that whichever you choose is almost the same. Girl, you can choose by yourself."

Su Li thinks Ding Longyun is right. Eyesight and hearing are equally important. No matter which one to strengthen, it\'s right.

Xu Xuehui glanced at Su Li quietly and whispered, "I chose to strengthen my eyes."

Ding Longyun said with a smile, "it\'s good to strengthen my eyes." as he said, he looked at the window beside the corridor and said, "it\'s getting late. The sun is about to set. I have to prepare dinner. Tonight is the highlight."

"How to deal with these bodies?" Su Li asked Ding Longyun.

"Put it here first and wait until later."

"There\'s a lot of extra rice at noon. Let\'s have fried rice with eggs, ham and sausage tonight."

Ding Longyun is a good cook. The fried eggs, ham sausage and fried rice have complete color, flavor and taste. The rice is golden yellow one by one. It looks very attractive.

"Brother Ding, your cooking is really not good. I\'m ashamed. I can\'t do anything except instant noodles." Su Li took a deep breath and felt his index finger move.

When Su Li praised him, Ding Longyun said with a smile, "there\'s no way. I live alone after divorce. I can\'t order takeout every day. It\'s neither nutritious nor healthy, so I slowly learned to cook by myself."

"Are you divorced?" Su Li was stunned.

Ding Longyun took out three clean bowls and put them aside. He filled a full bowl and handed it to Xu Xuehui. Xu Xuehui was busy shaking her hand to say that she couldn\'t eat so much. She didn\'t eat much. This bowl was too much for her.

Ding Longyun scolded: "you are just growing up. You must eat more." then Su Li responded to her question: "yes, I have been divorced for several years. I have a daughter, Ding Han, who is 13 years old. I didn\'t have any serious work before, so she was sentenced to my ex-wife."

Ding Longyun said here, his face showed a trace of bitterness, and then looked at Xu Xuehui, with a trace of kindness in his eyes. He said, "my daughter is as old as you. If you have the chance to meet her, you will become good friends."

Su Li knew why Ding Longyun had always taken care of Xu Xuehui and doted on her. It turned out that he had a daughter as old as Xu Xuehui.

Obviously, every time he sees Xu Xuehui, he thinks of his daughter Ding Han.

Xu Xuehui blinked her big eyes as if she wanted to say something. Her eyes turned to Su Li\'s face again.

Su Li saw that she was holding a bowl but didn\'t eat, so her face sank and said, "eat."

Xu Xuehui was startled. She immediately bowed her head and ate, and then choked.

Ding Longyun glared at Su Li and said, "Why are you scaring children?" he patted Xu Xuehui on the back and brought her water. He looked like a loving father.

Su Li was puzzled and said, "I found that she doesn\'t like dinner very much. Instead, she likes snacks. Eating too many snacks is bad for her health."

Ding Longyun immediately raised his face and said, "that\'s true, girl. You\'re growing up and need nutrition. Remember to eat less snacks. Those things don\'t have nutrition."

Xu Xuehui gave a cry, lowered her head, ate slowly and stopped talking.

Su Li looked at her eating speed and thought that this big bowl of fried rice would take her an hour.

After Su Li and Ding Longyun finished eating, Xu Xuehui ate less than a third of the fried rice.