The wife wants to hug

Chapter 144

Ruan Wei left by herself, not with Huo Ze, as if she had no intention of going together at all, leaving Huo Ze and Su Yanrui behind seemed a little embarrassed.

"Take care of yourself and don\'t associate with people you don\'t know." Huo Ze looked at her and said. In fact, the person he wanted to talk to was Ruan Wei, but Huo Ze was a little hesitant when he saw Ruan Wei\'s appearance just now. After all, Ruan Wei looked He didn\'t mean to bully Su Yanrui, isn\'t it a bit inappropriate for him to say such a thing?

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t provoke people who shouldn\'t be provoked." Su Yanrui nodded, and promised Huo Ze, but when he said the promise, he felt that Huo Ze\'s meaning seemed to be completely opposite.

"I\'m leaving now." Huo Ze didn\'t correct him, he didn\'t understand why Su Yanrui was so awkward, but it seems that for Su Yanrui, it\'s the strangest thing not to be awkward, right?

Seeing Huo Ze leave, Su Yanrui breathed a sigh of relief. These two people came to the crew to make a big fuss. Could it be that it was because of such a small matter? Su Yanrui was really helpless, but fortunately nothing major happened.

"Find Miss Ruan and let her come to see me." After getting in the car, Huo Ze said to Lin Chuan, there are some things that Huo Ze must confirm as soon as possible, otherwise he is not at ease. The woman a year ago was actually Ruan Wei Well, why is this so?

"Yes." Linchuan knew that Huo Ze had finally made up his mind, and was also very happy. The appearance of Su Yanrui would disrupt all of Huo Ze\'s plans. This is not a good thing for Huo Ze. Those who believe, of course he doesn\'t want Huo Ze to be influenced by Su Yanrui.

"Brother Huo, are you looking for me?" Ruan Wei still couldn\'t believe it when she arrived at Huo Ze\'s residence, her eyes were full of surprise, it seemed that Huo Ze had never taken the initiative to find her.

"Is the person in this photo you?" Huo Ze sat on a chair, looking high above him. He threw out a photo and asked Ruan Wei. The photo was just a back view, but Huo Ze couldn\'t tell whether it was Ruan Wei.

"This... how could this be in your hands?" Ruan Wei was stunned for a while, then picked up the photo after hesitating for a while, looked at Huo Ze and asked, a little unbelievable, as if frightened, completely unbelievable.

"You just need to answer me, is it true or not?" Huo Ze looked at Ruan Wei with a gloomy face, with a premonition in his heart, this time what Ruan Wei said was true, Huo Ze could tell at a glance if she was lying , but today she did not.

"Brother Huo, don\'t tell grandpa. Grandpa doesn\'t know about it, and I don\'t know who that man is. I... I wasn\'t sober at the time. I beg you, don\'t tell grandpa."

Ruan Wei panicked completely, and said to Huo Ze in a pleading tone, there were tears on her face, she was obviously frightened, she didn\'t dare to think, what would happen if such a photo appeared in her grandfather\'s hands, at least She knew that her grandfather would definitely kill her.

"It\'s really you?" Huo Ze stretched out his hand to support Ruan Wei, saying this, there are ten thousand reasons why he doesn\'t want to believe it, but there is only one reason to believe her, that is, Huo Ze understands what she is when she cheats look.

"It\'\'s me...I was...just drugged at the beginning. I went back to China to discuss a project a year ago..." Ruan Wei nodded, like a child who made a mistake, and she was full of face towards Huo Ze guilt.