The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

381 366 Stories First Time Fishing

"Is this okay?

"Oh, when I feed you at the tip of the needle, you\'re ready. All you have to do is throw it around the middle of the river and wait."

Feed the needle as your father teaches you how to fish.

Right in the middle of the river...... I\'ll repeat how I throw it in my head a few times.

All right, maybe you can.

"Hey!... Is that it?

I fell a lot farther in front than I was aiming for, but I had no choice.

Let\'s wait for this to hang the river fish first.

You have no choice but to start, do you?

It was supposed to work out by appointment, too bad.

"If you use your wrist a little more, you\'ll be able to fly the yarn right down the middle."

"Wrist? Okay. I\'ll try it the next time."

See how your father is doing.

Looks like he does use his wrist to fly yarn far away.

"Get the hang of it, you\'ll make it work"

I nod at your father\'s words and look at the end of the thread.

When the river fish hangs, they know because they\'ll pull it off.

... Not yet?

A large river runs between the villages of Hathahi and Hathaka.

Father says there are some very tasty river fish in that river.

I really wanted to eat when I heard the story.

So I decided to fish... how long should I wait?

When I look at your father, he usually waits.

He\'s right to wait.

"Hmm? Ivy, isn\'t the yarn pulled?


Sure, the wooden rod tells me something when it sticks.

You mean this is being pulled?

You\'re such a small handler?

Move the rod in amazement and roll the yarn by hand.

Wrap the twisting thread around the little tree on the tree pole.

"Slow, slow. Be careful not to escape."


Is it fast to wrap yarn around a tree?

Slow, slow.

The yarn pulls so hard that it peeks into the river.

"Oh, it\'s really hanging!

At the end of the yarn is a river fish swimming diligently.

I\'m in a hurry trying so hard to escape, I lift a tree pole.

"Ah, it\'s still early!




"Oh, you got away."

"Did you get away?

When I looked at the end of the thread, I saw the needle.

There is no river fish involved.

Lie, there was a riverfish there until just now!

"Huh, fishing is hard."

"Take it easy, I guess it\'s basic to catch it slowly

All right, next time!

New bait at the tip of the needle and into the middle of the river.

Is that it?

I went to a completely different place.

What difference did it make when you moved your wrist like your father did?

Look at the dripping tip of the yarn.

I feel worse where I fell than I just did.

Well, the river\'s connected, and you\'re gonna be fine.

Okay, wait easy.

"... I know you\'re right to wait and relax, but don\'t want to do something"

It\'s pretty hard to wait for nothing.

Pasha Pasha.

Turning his gaze to the bouncing sound of the water, your father was catching a riverfish.

"Wow! That\'s huge"

"At this size, it\'s only small enough"

"Really? About my hands?

"Is it a little smaller than that?

Put the fish caught in the basket and put it on the river.

Now I can keep it alive.

"Ivy, come on"

"Uh-huh. It\'s hard."

It seemed easy when I was listening.

With that said, it was tough when we caught the snake manually.

Standing still makes me kind of want to move, and I feel like I\'m wasting my time.

"Ivy might not like to wait."

Maybe so.

If you wait, do you feel lost?

I feel like I can do something while I wait for that.

"I think so"

"Well, it\'s an exercise to wait and think about what\'s going to happen. One has to fish hard."

"Practice. Okay. At least one!

... but the yarn doesn\'t move at all.

Does that mean they only ate the bait?

Want to put it up once and see if it\'s fed?

But what if I was trying to feed you when I put you up?

That doesn\'t look like it.

Could it be a bad place?

Then we should move out of this place, right?

Want to change places?

Eh, what do I do?

"If there\'s no movement, you can try moving the place."

"After all, you are!

All right, let\'s move the place.

Let\'s collect the yarn once and make sure it\'s fed.

"Was the bait still attached?

"Yeah. I have it right"

"Then maybe it was a bad place? You can catch a place with a rock shade."

"Really? How\'s that place?"

There is a shade of rock a little further away.

Your father nodded as he pointed to it.

"It won\'t be a problem there. All right, hang up!

Turning his gaze to your father\'s happy voice, he was about to catch a second riverfish.

You\'re so good.

All right, next time, me too!

"Puffy ~"

Create the impression of moving your wrist and flying yarn over and over so that the yarn reaches its ideal location.

When I grabbed the pole asking it to arrive next time, I heard Sora.

When I see it, it comes to my feet with a pimp.

"Good morning. You slept well."

Tired of traveling, or when I had lunch, the Solas were asleep.

Looking under a tree a little further away, Ciel, Flem and Sol are stuck together and still asleep.

From the beginning of winter until the end of the Spring Festival, I let my behavior be limited in a variety of ways.

So if I could play with it all day long, I\'d be very tired.


"Hmm? This? This is a pole. Feed them at the tip of the needle, put them in the river, fish the river."

"Puffy ~"

You understand, you shake with pleasure and come on Piong and my head.

"Wow, are you there today?

I flutter a little to the weight on my head.

It\'s not heavy, but the weight I don\'t always feel is uncomfortable.

"Puffy ~"

"I don\'t have a choice."

Well, you\'ll be fine while we wait.

All right, let\'s get the yarn to that rock shade first.


Is that it?

Sora\'s in the way for a second...... No, can you?

Don\'t move your head, just your wrist......


"Is that it? Did it work?

I\'m a little flabbergasted to make sure it arrived near where I was going.

I felt a little different than before because I was careful not to let Sola fall.

Could it have been a good idea to be careful not to move your head?

Right now, you flew it just by your wrist.


"Oh, maybe thanks to Sola? Thanks."

Let\'s do it and verify it with care not to move your head the next time.

"Whoa. Now you\'ve done well. Got the hang of it?

"Hmm, still somehow?

"Well, once you get the hang of it, it\'s gonna work out next time."

Nod at your father\'s words and wait for the river fish to take.

There was a big rock nearby, so sit down and wait.

Sora is shaking a little bit over her head.

Could he be asleep?

I feel that way, I take my hand to my head.

When I stroke him slowly, he still looks asleep.

"Are you still tired? Sleep tight."

Fluffy, you\'re sleepy.

When I relax, I sleep......

And you feel so good.

It\'s enough to sweat already when you walk, but the wind is still a little cold by the river.

It feels just right when the sun shines.



"Hmm? Sola? What, ah!

Sora\'s consciousness soars a little louder.

When I panicked, I noticed that the wooden pole I had been grabbing was hard to come by and I noticed that it was being pulled.

"Thank you, Sola"

Eh, the pull is stronger than just now.

But I can\'t lose.

Slowly wrap the yarn around the tree.

Slow, slow.

"Yay! Sola, I caught it! Caught!"

"Pfft, pfft, pfft."

Sora jumping happily next door out of her head when she realizes it.

And thank you with a smile.

Well, take the river fish off the needle and put it in the basket, right?

The basket.

"Yes, basket"

Receive the basket put out in front of you.

"Thank you, Father"

"For the first time, you caught a fine one."

The river fish in front of me is bigger than my hands.

My first fishing trip was just one, but it was fun.

Your father had fished six.

I knew I was good.