The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

378 Let me stroke 364 stories!

Behind the woods, Mr. Ashli and Mr. Gol examined the signs and magic around us.

I don\'t know about magic either, but I explore the signs of people and demons.

"Okay! There\'s no one else here, and we\'ll be fine."

Mr. Goll released two slimes from inside when he opened the bag lowered from his shoulder.

Slightly cloudy green slime and orange slime mixed with white.

Both eyes are clear and cute.

"Eh, it\'s my slime..."

I was going to introduce you to Ciel, but what am I going to say?

"Hmm? I knew you were anxious? I can\'t help it if I can\'t."

"No, I didn\'t. These are the kids for now."

"For now? Whoa... translucent? Wow. I\'ve never seen a slime like this before."

When I opened the bag, Sora and Ciel jumped out of momentum and landed in front of Mr. Goll.

Peeping into the bag, Frem and Sol are stretching.

I got a little weak when I saw that.

Flem flies out of the bag when he rocks with a pull, leaving sol.

"What about Sol? Are you in the bag?

Shrink your body a lot in my words and then jump out of the bag.

"Ha, black? No, no, Ivy! You can\'t make it look so easy! What are you thinking?

I don\'t know, I got pissed.

No, I\'ll talk to everyone and they\'ll say it\'s okay.

That\'s why I said it\'s okay.

Besides, I\'m pretty sure it was Mr. Gol\'s condition right now.

"Mr. Gol, everyone\'s opinion made me feel fine."

"But I can\'t believe you\'re showing such a rare thing right away! Your father needs to be firmer!

Ah, your father\'s pissed off, too.

When I look at your father, he\'s smiling bitterly.

"Looking at Mr. Gol now, I\'m sure he was definitely referring"

Speak a little louder to block Mr. Goll from saying something.

Listen to that, Mr. Goll looks at me.

"Glad, very happy, but anxious."

Calm Mr. Gol smiles happily but still looks at me a little worried.

"It\'s okay. So this is Ciel..."

Is that it?

If I introduce you to Adandala, will you be angry again?

No, you\'re settled now, aren\'t you?

"What\'s wrong with that ciel?

"Actually, it wasn\'t slime, it was adandara... hehe"

Watch Mr. Gol thrilled.

Mr. Gol leaning between his eyebrows.

"Ahhh. Ivy, Adandala is a superior demon with much bigger, huge magic powers."

"I know, right?

That\'s common sense, isn\'t it?

"Yeah, why did Ciel say Adandala when you knew him?

See Ciel holding both hands to Mr. Goll\'s words.

I need a ciel that\'s slimy.

"Ivy, if you stay put, you won\'t be able to"

I laughed bitterly at your father\'s words.

That\'s right.

No one thinks it\'s Adandala looking at Ciel now.

That\'s why we\'re spending time together at the inn.

"Ciel, you can go back to normal."


When Ciel rang, she jumped gently out of my hand before returning to her original appearance.

To Adandala, who possesses immense magic.

".............................. Huh? What? Slime to Adandala?

Good. I wasn\'t pissed off.

I know you\'re worried about me, but I don\'t want to look angry.

"Huh, I\'m glad I kept my contract. Yeah. Adandala."

For some reason, I sigh loudly and say something about the contract.

And then he looked at me and sighed again.

What? I\'m sorry.

Your father smiled bitterly and spoke to Mr. Goll.

Probably explains it to me.

I\'ll take care of it.

"Puffy ~"

Turning his gaze to Sola\'s voice, Mr. Gol\'s slime looks a little freaked out by the Solas.

"Sora and everyone, get along."

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"



There is a grin in everyone\'s energetic reply.

Travel and crouch about a step away to avoid scaring Mr. Goll\'s slime.

Looking at the two, I\'m looking at Sola and the others.

I accidentally caught my eye with the green slime kid.

"Nice to meet you today."

I might scare you, but it\'s important to say hello.

I want to touch it, I want to stroke it.

"Green is better, Lyotta, orange is better."

Mr. Goll gave me his name, so I\'ll call him.

"Lyotta, Nanan. Say hello today."

Why don\'t you touch it?

I know you can\'t, but I\'d like to stroke you for a second.

The two stared at me and stuffed me with the distance that was open.

And at my feet.

It was crouched, so pretty close.

I\'ll gently try my hand from the bottom.

"Can I touch it?

Lyotta gently rubbed her body against the hand she was offering.

Apparently, I got permission and I stuck nibbling.

Caress Lyotta gently so she doesn\'t scare you.

Lyotta stares at me stroking, not even reluctantly.

"You\'re lying."

"I feel like if I could just stare at you with those hopeful eyes, I\'d just have to break it"


I felt like I heard everyone, but I wasn\'t excited to hear that Nanan could stroke me too.

"Cute. Let\'s play together today."

When Sola and the others sway at my words, Lyotta and Nanan also sway when they see it.

Too cute.

Too happy.

"Somehow, that\'s amazing"

Mr. Goll peeks softly into everyone from behind me.

Looks like both your father and Mr. Ashley came close.

Ciel turns into a slime and hits the Solas.

Maybe I missed you a little.

As I gently stroked Ciel, I narrowed my eyes gladly.

"Mr. Goll, too. Caress Sola and the others."

"What? Me too?

"I think you\'ll be fine. I\'ll touch it, too."

Mr. Gol with a surprised look at Mr. Ashli\'s words.

I gently reached out to Sola and caressed her gently.

Flem watching it jumps with Piong and hits Mr. Gol\'s body.

"He wants you to stroke Flem, too."

"Oh, wow. I\'ve never seen a slime like this before."

We all stroke the slimes for a while.

"Puffy ~"

"You want to play? Fine, just where I can see you, please."

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"




Lyotta and Nanan rocked happily when they saw me.

Sit in line on a tree falling a little further away and see how it goes.

Next to me, Mr. Goll, next to that, Mr. Ashley, in your father\'s order.

Ciel is back in Adandala, rolling the Solas.

Lyotta and Nanan were confused at first too, but it looks like fun.

"That\'s an amazing sight."

Mr. Gol crushes with an indescribable look.

Would that be such an amazing sight?

The usual sight as far as I\'m concerned.

Plus I have the impression today that I have two extra slimes.

"It was strange because it came to the back of the woods like this. If you had that rare demon, you\'d have no choice."


It\'s tough, especially if they see Adandala.

"Mr. Goll, I want you to tell me about Slime, are you okay?

"About Slime?

A strange voice returns to my question.

"Yes, my people are too out of standard to know much about regular slime."

"Right. It\'s just that if you look at it, it\'s possible that the common sense I know is different."

At the end of Mr. Goll\'s gaze, Lyotta and Frem are playing a game where they bump into each other.

"We\'re just playing together, aren\'t we?"

"Normally you should be more alert. I don\'t play like my body bumps on the first day...... until now"

Yes, it is.

At the end of the line of sight it already seems to bump into each other with pleasure, Lyotta and Nanan.

Is this the work of the Solas?

"Besides, I won\'t let you stroke me as soon as I see you"

You made me feel good when I stroked you.

"Lyotta and Nanan were close, it should have taken two, no, three years with the deceased Tamer"

"Then I was lucky, wasn\'t I? Because he let me stroke him right away. Isn\'t she cute?"

"No, I\'m not..."

You look at me like Mr. Goll\'s confused, but you don\'t know what that means and tilt your neck.

When Gol smiled bitterly when he saw it, he told me about the general slime.

And at the end of the day, I was promised that if I were to show someone from now on, I would definitely sign a contract.