The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

376 362 words, please help me.

"Mr. Ashley? Why are you here?

"When I spoke to the captain, I was looking not only for Mr. Bug, but for Mr. Gol to join me."

Mr. Bug is the longest tamer in this village, isn\'t he?

With someone like that, Mr. Goll?

Look at Mr. Goll and tilt his neck.

Oh, he looked young, but he wasn\'t.

"Mr. Gol has a long Tamer history, and he has a good relationship with demons,"

Sure, I thought you said Tamer\'s history was about 40 years.

Watch Mr. Gol still.

You\'ve been going on for 40 years and you don\'t have a penetration.

"Huh? Have you ever thought about being very rude?

Mr. Gol has seen it with his jito eyes, so he deflects his gaze.

How could I?

Wandering his gaze, he is stroked in the head with a pong by his father next door.

When I look, I hold my mouth and laugh.

Is it that easy for me to understand?

"By the way, what are you going to tell the captain?

Mr. Gol turns his gaze from me to Mr. Ashley.

"About two days ago, you know the slime you were taming disappeared, right?

"Oh, that silly slime, isn\'t it?

Mr. Gol gives an uncomfortable look.

Probably doesn\'t like the Tamer in question.

"Yes. So the other Tamers ran into the jar worried and into a little commotion"

"Sounds like it. The villagers were rumoring."

Mr. Gol, who sighs loudly, shows a bit frightened by the disturbance.

"What were those guys saying?

"A contracted demon told me to investigate the cause of his disappearance."

"Fools, I disappeared because I didn\'t want to be with you like that. That would be all."

Ashley snorts at Gol\'s words.

"What, Ashley had the same idea?

Mr. Gol with an expression of surprise at Mr. Ashley\'s attitude.

Mr. Ashley smiles bitterly at it.

"Hey, I met an amazing Tamer. So I changed my mind."

To Mr. Ashli\'s words, Mr. Gol with a more surprising expression than earlier.

I don\'t think that\'s so surprising, but is there something?

"I didn\'t know that that stone-headed Ashley would change"


Mr. Ashley, was that a stonehead?

I didn\'t feel that way at all though.

Looking closely at Mr. Ashley, he also looked a little embarrassed with his gaze on this one.

"Hmm? Maybe you know Mr. Druids? Is it possible that the Tamer you just talked about is about Mr. Ivy?

"What! Mr. Ivy, did you tell him it was Tamer?


When I say so, Mr. Ashley sees your father.

Your father is grinning and nodding.

You know the soras I\'m taming, so I guess you thought you\'d hide it.

Whatever, because everyone is too rare.

"You\'re surprised, Ashley."

Mr Gol, who sees us in turn, to Mr Ashli\'s reaction.

That\'s how I see Mr. Ashley with an interesting look on his face.

"Well, something shocking happened. So much for you, Stonehead, to change your mind. Well, that\'s good."

Mr. Ashley makes his cheeks a little red on Mr. Goll\'s words.

"A stone head... it was... That doesn\'t matter now. Well, as I was saying, I\'m going to ask the captain to reform Tamers\' consciousness."

Mr. Ashley forced to change the story with a redder face than earlier.

Somehow Mr. Ashley looks cute.

"Consciousness reform."

Gol laughed pleasantly at Ashley\'s attitude, but she frowned a little about the consciousness reform.

"Yes. I talked to Mr. Bug a little bit, but he said the same thing about Mr. Gol. I guess I ran away because I was disgusted. That could mean that there will continue to be no Tamed Demons. I\'m going to ask the head of the regiment that Tamers\' consciousness needs to be reformed before that happens."

"What are you going to do? It would be useless for the captain to tell you to change your mind."

That\'s right.

It\'s not like we can reform consciousness where the captain told us to change consciousness.

"First, I will ask the captain and Gilmouth to announce the cause of his disappearance because of his poor relationship with the demons. And then I was hoping you two could teach the other Tamers how to relate to the Tamed Demon."

"Is that how it\'s gonna change? Those idiots. You can\'t."

"I don\'t think that\'s hard. But because I don\'t think we can keep doing this.... Um, is it still difficult?

Like Mr. Goll said, it\'s very difficult to change the way the Tamers think.

But as Ashley says, we can\'t keep doing this more than the demons could disappear again...

"Well, you say it\'s gonna be hard or you can\'t"

When I saw Ashli looking depressed, Gol laughed bitterly and slapped him gently on the shoulder with a pong.

I remember an exchange I saw a while ago between Mr. Gol and the young Tamers.

Mr. Goll was probably teaching the young Tamers how to engage with demons.

As he did, he decided that he couldn\'t do it as it is now, and preached the necessary mindset to the young Tamers.

But the Tamers rejected Mr. Gol.

I give up the look on Gol\'s face now.


Instead of teaching, why don\'t you let them feel it?

"Why don\'t you show me where you\'re with you instead of talking?

"What? Show it?

"I\'m watching you at work, so it wouldn\'t make any sense to show you now."

Mr. Goll shakes his neck to the side in my words.

Well, do you watch because we work together?

But things aren\'t the same when you\'re at work and playing.

So I think it\'s a good way to show it.

"I show you when it\'s not work. Like when Mr. Gol and the Slimes were playing."

"How are you doing when you\'re playing?

Mr. Ashley\'s expression becomes much brighter.

"Oh, I think that\'s good! It was shocking when we were playing."

Could it be about the Solas?

Was it that shocking?

Well, it does get a little more decent, but that\'s about it, right?

It\'s time to play.

"Am I right?

Ashley asks Gol what he said, keeping her body close to him.

You pulled a little to that, Mr. Goll takes a step back.

"Ashley, calm down. Or you, you\'ve grown up."


Leaning his neck, Mr. Goll laughs at my face.

"Because they said Ashley was a little special, or she was a naughty fucking kid. That\'s what makes people desperate for their villages, so they\'ll grow up."

Special must be about skills.

"Ah, forget the old days."

Ashley with an embarrassing look on her face to Gol, who speaks with pleasure.

"That\'s a good thing now! Does it make a difference?

Gol laughs funny at Mr. Ashley\'s condition.

Seeing that look reminds me of your father\'s master.

I don\'t look alike.

But the vibe\'s similar?

Did your father feel something, too, and he heard a "uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh" from next door.

"That\'s completely different. You listen to me when I work, but when it\'s a game, well, you can do whatever you want."

"And Mr. Goll\'s slime?

"Hmm? And Mr. Ivy\'s slime?

"It\'s amazing. Ivy has a few things to add and subtract."

Mr. Goll is surprised when I nod at your father\'s words.

And tilt your neck with your father.

"Even though you are young, have you already established that much relationship? Wow."

"Well, we were all friendly from the start."

"Everybody? How many are you takin \'? Oh, bad. Not here."

Mr. Gol in a panic, looks around.

Yes, this was in the middle of the road.

"Mr. Gol, please cooperate for this village"

Mr. Ashli bows his head to Mr. Gol.

"Ha, I can\'t help it."

Ashli gave me a happy look in Gol\'s reply.