The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 140: 1 step counts as 10 steps

She didn\'t notice Zhou Shuren sitting beside her at all.

Zhou Shuren, "I just came back for a while, but I didn\'t dare to move because you were sleeping."

As soon as he came in, he saw Zhulan sleeping with Ming Teng\'s head in his arms. The sleeping Zhulan was very soft. The scene in front of him hit his heart fiercely. Boys and girls are fine, as long as it\'s the two of them.

It\'s a pity that the current stage is only the primary stage. In recent years, it will not be too stable, and the end point is too far away, but according to the plan, he is not in a hurry.

Zhulan woke up as soon as she moved, rubbing her eyes with her chubby little hands, she suddenly woke up thinking about snacks, "Grandma, my stomach is empty."

Zhulan laughed, "Okay, okay, grandma will bring you snacks."

Zhou Shuren stood up, "Don\'t go down, I\'ll go get it."

"In the closet."

Zhou Shuren carried the paper bag and put it on the kang table. Zhulan took out the egg tarts and cakes. Zhou Shuren narrowed her eyes and said nothing. Zhulan left her and Zhou Shuren\'s, and put the rest back, waiting for Ming Teng to sweat a little. , wrapped Ming Teng and Zhou Shuren with his own padded jackets and said, "You bring snacks to Ming Teng to go to your daughter\'s wing, and a few little guys will eat together."

Zhou Shuren picked up Ming Teng with one hand, and his arm fell heavily. The little guy was already fat, but it was really heavy when he came to Pingzhou. He went out with the other hand carrying snacks and came back soon.

Zhulan has already eaten the cake. The ancient sugar is not as good as the modern cake, and the taste is not as good as the modern cake, but it is not bad. "Try it, it is not bad."

Zhou Shuren likes sweets, otherwise he wouldn\'t buy so many desserts when he came back from Jiangnan. In modern times, he likes cakes. Why he likes sweets so much is because he couldn\'t eat them when he was a child, and he gradually became obsessed, "It\'s not bad."

Zhulan asked, "How was your trip to the academy today?"

Zhou Shuren took off his shoes and got on the kang, "I have seen a few academies that are good. Next year Mingyun, Ming Teng and Rong Chuan will come to school in winter."

Zhulan asked, "Where is Chang Lian and Chang Zhi?"

Zhou Shuren said, "Aren\'t the two of them going to try next year? Let\'s wait until they try."

The children went to the academy. This was planned by Zhou Shuren and Zhulan. This year Zhou Shuren became a scholar. Next year, when Chang Lian, Chang Zhi and Jiang Sheng pass the Tongsheng test, their family will move to Pingzhou. Entering the academy is not only to make friends and get a better education, but also to make a few children better adapt to interpersonal relationships, so as not to change the environment and show their timidity in other places.

Zhulan and Zhou Shuren are both people who like to walk one step at a time and see ten steps. They made plans when they planned to buy a house.

Zhou Shuren tilted his eyes for a while, closed his eyes and rested his mind. After waking up, he took the jewelry he brought and went out to pawn. There are many pawnshops in Pingzhou.

Because there are no pearl necklaces and valuable jewelry, they are all old hairpins, and the color of the bracelets is not good. You don\'t have to **** them carefully, and no one pays attention to these old jewelry. All the jewelry is less than 200 taels. For one hundred and fifty taels of silver notes, forty taels were exchanged for forty taels of gold, and more than eighty taels of broken silver came back.

Zhulan was not worried about the silver notes, and planned to exchange them for gold little by little.

In the evening, the meat that Zhao Bo bought had some bones left, and Zhulan asked Li to eat the noodles in bone soup, and Li took her portion back home.

Zhulan looked very sad, but in fact, compared with her, her identity was really good, she didn\'t worry about food and drink, she had savings and a private house, and she also brought Zhou Shuren\'s plug-in, and now she has two houses and shops, still at home The top of the food chain is already super lucky.

If people want to be content, Zhulan is very content now.