The Virtual Character I Personally Raised Wants to Marry Me

Chapter 387:

The two protagonists left the stage, but the commotion in the hall did not stop because of their departure.

Whether it is in reality or in the game, everyone is talking a lot, and they are not interested in watching the new show that will be performed next.

This was the case in the venue, and the Internet exploded directly.

Although there are currently only 10 million actual players in Starry Sky, there are far more cloud players who have been following the server since the server was launched. In the past, Yin Shi also used the two to hype them up and sucked in a wave of CP fans. .

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the two of them went out of the Starry Sky Forum, they are still very popular CPs.

After all, the two are paper people, the modeling of the two is so amazing, and their interaction is so sweet, just the material flowing out of the Starry Sky Forum is enough for CP fans to succumb to death!

With the materials that are widely circulated now, it is enough for wives to make up a bunch of fan stories, not to mention all kinds of high-quality fan pictures.

Although some old fans of Xu Sili have great opinions, there are not a few who are really fragrant later.

After all, Marshal Si Sheng is really powerful and suffocating in all aspects, especially when Roland defended the battle, the picture of him destroying the super battleship with one sword has become the work of countless people.

Probably only such excellent and perfect paper people are worthy of their Xu Tianwang, right?

Many people have said that as long as the dog\'s plan doesn\'t cause trouble, as long as Si Sheng keeps guarding the Roland Empire and His Majesty Ronaldinho, they will be able to fight forever!

However, I never imagined that they turned out to be real! Not only did he openly open up his relationship, but he also kissed in public!

The opening party is not over yet. This video material has been posted to the forum by countless people. In less than half an hour, someone has edited it into a high-sweet video, which has been quickly spread throughout the Internet.

On this day, countless people knew that the famous pair of NPCs in the Starry Era were really a couple!

Of course, while CP fans exploded and star fans were shocked, there were also unhappy people.

Although Si Sheng and Xu Sili have a huge number of CP fans, there is still no shortage of only fans who only like one person, and straight men who can\'t accept the sudden bending of their favorite characters.

Therefore, the forum was quickly divided into two groups, one group was screaming and sending blessings, and the other group accused the dog of planning to forcibly modify the NPC data and tying up the hype, which was shameful.

[Why not make it public sooner rather than later, but at this time? It must be the game company doing it! The dog plan, return my pure His Majesty Ronaldinho and Marshal Si Sheng! 】

[Is this too disrespectful to people? Although they are paper people, won\'t your conscience hurt when you do this? 】

Because of such a serious argument, some more rational CP fans are gradually being led astray.

【I can not accept! Although I like them very much and want to see them together, we won\'t disturb them if we knock ours. It\'s really not good for the game team to force people together! 】

[That is to say, in fact, thinking about this publicity is really sudden, I feel that His Majesty Ronaldinho\'s people are a little broken. In his opinion, Xu Lao and the others should be heroes, right? Why do you suddenly want their blessings? 】

[Yeah, they don\'t have a lot of interaction in the game, are they really in love? 】

After relocating his grandparents, Xu Yuheng began to pay attention to the trend on the Internet, and he was not surprised to find such doubts.

Because he, the organizer, also felt suddenly good?

So when he found that the public opinion was not quite right, he asked people to quickly issue a statement.

Nothing in the Starry Era can be forcibly intervened, let alone modify the NPC\'s data, so that two people who don\'t love each other can be together.

His Majesty Ronaldinho\'s behavior of publicizing his relationship before the live broadcast is completely spontaneous, and players who have the most contact with NPCs should know this.

Of course, such a statement cannot convince the general public.

Therefore, not only did the planner edit the night, and released a clarification video of "some little things you don\'t know about the emperor", but also released investigation tasks to some players, asking them to explore the clues that His Majesty Ronaldinho and Si Sheng had been together for a long time. .

In that video, the video material of Xu Sili and Si Sheng together was accidentally photographed by the game monitoring personnel. It was later discovered by Xu Yuheng and saved. I didn\'t expect it to come in handy now.

Because it is a monitoring material, the date is marked on the video screen, which can be traced back to the first internal test - at that time, due to some decisions made by Xu Sili, the game process was seriously disturbed, so the game team monitored them heavily. .

Although the surveillance personnel entered as players, they were subject to many restrictions and could only be photographed when they bumped into them, but because of the strong surveillance, they were still photographed.

For example, the two often ride the shadow leopard to go out to play together, for example, the two often use secret techniques, and then go shopping in the city hand in hand as if no one else is around - Si Sheng\'s passerby aura is not completely invisible, so people can only ignore them, so Monitors who keep an eye on them are not affected.

Only then did everyone know that it turned out that His Majesty Ronaldinho and Marshal Si Sheng had been together so early, and like ordinary couples, their private interaction was so sweet!

This clarification video quickly went viral, because many of the videos were on the streets and other players were also filmed, so it can be proved that the video was not fabricated by the game team.

Since then, those who questioned have nothing to say.

Although it was shocking, coming out of the closet or something was really not a big deal. Everyone silently offered their blessings and waited for the investigating players to dig out more candy!

Xu Sili was unaware of the commotion outside.

In the small utility room, it is obviously winter, but the room temperature is kept in a comfortable range under the scorching of the fire element.

The silver-haired youth was lying on the table, still covered with a layer of light elements, faintly exuding fluorescence, like the legendary light elf, dreamy and holy.

However, the bright colors covering his cheeks gave him another layer of glamour, making Si Shengguang look at him and his breathing became rapid.

He picked up the youth\'s long silver hair, held it in his hand and kissed it tenderly and reverently.

The hustle and bustle on the other side of the stage is still coming.

Si Sheng opened his eyes, and his gray-blue eyes became darker. He stared straight at the young man\'s clear and moving purple eyes, and said in a low voice, "Is that okay? Here..."

Xu Sili nodded, looking at him unguardedly and even with an invitation, a slight smile curved at the corners of his mouth, which, in Si Sheng\'s eyes, exuded a seductive charm.

The man couldn\'t help but bow his head and kiss him.

Then, the exquisite and heavy winter clothes were undone layer by layer, like opening a well-wrapped gift. Si Sheng moved cautiously and eagerly.

Soon, the front of his clothes was opened, and Xu Sili felt some coolness, but the man quickly leaned down and kissed him, bringing him a warm source of heat.

The heavy winter coat was only half-opened, and the rest was cushioned on the table, soft and warm, making him very comfortable to lie down, but the trousers were no exception.

Xu Sili looked at Si Sheng, his vision gradually blurred, and the red tide on his face became more and more intense. He finally closed his eyes and groaned unbearably.

"Ali, I\'m... really happy today."

Si Sheng kissed his earlobe, his voice low and hoarse, suppressing his strong feelings.

He had longed for this day for too long.

Originally, he only wanted the love of Lord God, even if it was just a lover, it didn\'t matter... Later Lord God admitted that they were lovers, he loved him, and even introduced him to his family.

He should have been satisfied, after all, he had already gotten too much, but later he found out that he was more greedy than he thought.

He wants to let the whole world know that Ali belongs to him, he wants to marry him, he wants to be his partner in every sense, and he wants to be truly tied to him.

And today...

Ali took another step for him, giving him a completely unexpected surprise.

How could he do this for him...

Si Sheng felt that his heart was filled with deep love, and he was slouching, just wanting to let Xu Sili know his mood.

Xu Sili had no intention of responding to him at all.

Because of the fetters of "binding", Si Sheng could not hurt him or bring him pain, so all he felt at this moment was only happiness...

The joy spread all over his limbs, and his brain fell into a blank.

Xu Sili was panting, and it took a while to regain his senses.

The voice on the other side of the stage was not so enthusiastic, and it seemed that the end was gradually approaching.

In the utility room, the gasping voice became clearer.

Si Sheng was still standing.

Xu Sili blinked and reached out to touch the man\'s face.

Seeing that he turned his head slightly, rubbed his palm fondly, and asked him if he would continue, he couldn\'t help laughing.

A bit of doting appeared in his smiling eyes, the young man propped up his body, wrapped his arms around Si Sheng\'s neck, and then gently tempted him in his ear: "Would you like to change your posture..."

What responded to him was a warmer kiss from Si Sheng.

On this day, the two revealed their love to the world at the Brave Gala. After the Brave Gala ended, the news was broadcast by major TV stations in the Roland Empire.

What surprised the players was that the NPCs of the Roland Empire did not seem to be surprised. When the players were digging for materials, there were still many enthusiastic people who actively cooperated.

Only then did the players realize that they had missed so many details before! Therefore, not only do NPCs like to secretly engage in plots behind the players\' backs, but do they also engage in basics behind the players\' backs on weekdays?

How many unknown things did these NPCs do when they didn\'t know it!