The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 84 - To Stir The Enemies

Elliot looked startled after hearing what she had said and asked, "Then that means the unknown letter filled with information was coming from you?" Mrs. Gilda smiled as she nodded her head. It\'s thanks to the letters she had sent, Elliot knew that Emelia was safe and that her memories were gone.

"I\'ve been watching from afar. I also got caught by a little girl," laughed Mrs. Gilda, remorse the day she got caught by Tanya. "Princess, I assure you can trust His Imperial Majesty. I am your witness. The lost memory you have, I can assure that you were with His Imperial Majesty the whole time." Her chest felt heavy, and she knew why.

Every time she sees Elliot, her heart beats at a pace she understood as love. She knew herself more than anyone did. The pain she had to endure during her childhood and the sufferings her shoulders weighed.

But then everything disappears when he is there with her as if there is nothing to worry about. If it is him, then it\'s alright to trust him and stand by his side.

"I have always been confused where the gentle voice was calling to me. But it seems like I\'ve found the source," Said Emelia as she stood upon and walked to the bookshelves.

Elliot and Mrs. Gilda looked at each other, confused about what Emelia said, and watched her trace her fingers on the books.

"Mother died a dishonorable death. That is why once this is over, I wish to send her off in a peaceful land," slightly smiled Emelia and her eyes met with his. "It would be nice if my memories were to recover. It would also be nice if you were to tell me some," pointed towards Elliot, giving her a smile.

But that smile faded when Elliot asked, "And so what are your plans?" Just the question Emelia wanted to hear. She stood tall as she clenched her fist and her emerald eyes burned as if it is engulfed in fire.

"That is to expose Henry and kick him out of the throne he doesn\'t deserve. I know that he is the cause of my lost memories," Emelia answered with confidence that Elliot didn\'t expect.

"If that is your answer. Shall we make a plan that would stir him up?" Suggested Elliot, who smirked as he taught of one.

The following day rose to a new day, and a maid rushed into Emelia\'s room as if she had seen a ghost. Emelia looked at the maid from afar as she was by the balcony. It\'s about to happen the plan they had agreed to. At first, she didn\'t want to agree to it, but it would work, especially since it\'s Henry.

"Princess, have you heard of the rumors going around? Is it true? You slept with the Emperor of the Vivan Empire? Is this why you weren\'t in your room this morning? Did you fall in love with him at first sight?" The maid impatiently asked, and her eyes were begging for answers.

When the maid walked closer to Emelia, she sees kiss marks on her neck. The maid\'s face grew red as she confirmed the rumors to be true. The kiss marks on her neck were indeed made by Elliot this morning, and as much she wanted to hide it, she couldn\'t if they wanted their plans to work.

That night Elliot suggested, "Why won\'t we sleep together?" From the background, you could hear Mrs. Gilda saying \'oh my\' while Emelia stood in confusion, not knowing what to feel disgusted or embarrassed.

"You don\'t need to give me that \'ha?\' face. What I meant is should we make a rumor? I know you don\'t like rumors but then once in a while, using it to our advantage is useful, isn\'t it?" Elliot said, clearing the misunderstandings.

"Hm…I don\'t mind. But does that mean I have to stay with you all night? In your room?" Asked Emelia, pulling a book out of the shelf after seeing an interesting-looking book.

"Not only that but," Elliot points at his neck. "Kiss marks. If they want proof, a kiss mark will do and a bit of acting, which I\'m sure you can pull off."

Back to the present, Emelia watches the maid\'s face grew even red. As red as a red rose that had just bloomed. It\'s true the rumors were true, and the maid started to panic. She ran out of the room, which would be the start of their plan.

"It seems like you\'re having fun," Said Henry, shutting the door out loud for everyone by the hallways to hear.

"What brings you here this morning? Did I perhaps do something wrong?" Asked Emelia, pointing her index finger under her chin.

"Drop the act. Did you really sleep with him?" Henry grabbed her wrist and sneered when he sees the kiss marks on her neck. Henry sighed out loud, "Where else did he mark you?" He thinks Emelia is his property when Emelia is the owner of herself.

Emelia averted her eyes away, frowning shyly. As she traces her fingers all the way to her thighs. All the more, this angered Henry and pushed her onto the ground. His fist was clenched, raising it up high. While Emelia shuts her eyes, ready to take his hit.

"Your Majesty, It\'s Jason. The Emperor of the Vivan Empire wishes to meet you. He is currently in your office waiting for you." Just in time, Jason saved Emelia from getting another bruise on her face.

"Tch, you\'re in luck. Don\'t you think you\'re getting away with this," Pointed Henry, then he storms out of the room.

Emelia sighed out of relief and stayed lying on the ground. For a while there, she taught she would need to endure another bruise. Thanks to Jason, she was able to escape that pain. Jason enters Emelia\'s room, and once he saw her, he rushed towards her.

"Princess, are you alright?" Worriedly asked Jason, and Emelia nodded her head.

"I\'m a bit tired. It seems like I didn\'t get enough sleep," Answered Emelia, "And to clear that up, I didn\'t sleep with him. Well…the kiss marks were from him. But we did nothing more."