The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 72 - Unready

"I heard you made ruckus earlier afternoon," Said Henry, pulling his white gloves. Then looking at Emelia, he said, "I thought you didn\'t care how others treated you."

It\'s true she didn\'t care what others thought about her, but there is a line that they shouldn\'t have crossed. She had no power, and the only way to gain power without the title she had to show them who is the inferior one. Well, at least it worked because the rest of the servants stopped their bullying.

"I mean, what do I expect from you? You\'re not someone who\'ll easily die down in the dark," Henry laughed even if it is something to be laughed about. "That\'s right, one week from now. You\'ll be attending the grand celebration as my lover," He stood back up, fixing his necktie, and slowly walked towards her.

Emelia turned her head to the side, saying, "Don\'t go near me. If you go near me, I\'ll make sure you\'ll never be able to stand." Emelia glared at him, sending shivers down his spine. The corner of his lips rose, feeling thrilled by her gaze, cold like ice but as beautiful as a crystal.

"Hasn\'t anyone told you that your gaze thrills them?" Henry smacked his lips. "I don\'t mind living in your gaze forever," He grinned and places his hands on Emelia\'s shoulder.

"Hasn\'t anyone told you how disgusting you are?" Emelia pinches his hand, removing his hands off her shoulder, "If you wanted the world to know me as dead. Then why are you bringing me to a grand celebration? Didn\'t you want me all for yourself?"

The smile on his face disappeared. His eyes turned cold, and he answered, "That\'s true. I don\'t want anyone to see or touch you because you are my possession. But isn\'t that why all the more I should introduce the people you as my lover? The future Empress of the Redodel Empire?"

It\'s not alright to be forced to do something a person doesn\'t want to do. Emelia, from the beginning, had already decided not to because of the next ruler of the land. She wished to live a normal life. She didn\'t have the confidence to help and to save the people.

"Even if you force me. I will find a way out of here. Abuse me all you want, but I won\'t falter because of you," Emelia turned her head, giving him a smile. His eye twitched, clenching his fist.

Henry pointed his finger at her, laughing, "It\'s alright. The day will come where you would beg on your knees, asking for help."

Just like that, a week had passed. On the day of the celebration, early in the morning, maids barged into her room, waking her up and forced her to take a bath. When a maid touched her arms, Emelia pushed her away.

"I at least can walk by myself," Said Emelia, standing away from her bed. A maid pointed towards the bathroom, which she followed despite not wanting to follow.

During the week, she tried thinking of ways to escape from the palace, but then royal guards were all over the place. Her strength had recovered, but she was still physically weak. It isn\'t easy to recover her original strength.

After her bath, the maids didn\'t hesitate to push her to the dressing table and start massaging her shoulders. Another maid starts putting powder on her face but was stopped by Emelia. She didn\'t want her face to be caked up by someone and rather do it on her own. They slowly dressed her up until the night fell.

Emelia stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself while the maids stood proud of their work. Her platinum blonde hair was braided and tied with a purple ribbon. Her light blue dress sparkled like diamonds and the emerald necklace around her neck make her shine even more.

"With this, His Majesty will be stunned," Giggled the maid, admiring Emelia from afar.

Emelia averted her eyes away from the mirror. The more she looked at herself, the more she hated the person escorting her. The last person she ever wanted to be was going to be the first person she was going to be with.

"Get out of the room," Commaded Emelia feeling a bit tired. Usually, she would prepare herself if there was a celebration. It seems Henry is a bit persistent in showing the world about his so-called new lover. She would rather die than be with him.

"We cannot. It\'s His Majesty\'s orders that we stay in your room," Answered the maid while crossing her arms. "Shouldn\'t you at least praise us for our hard work? Without us, you wouldn\'t look this good," She raised her brow.

Emelia looked at her, answering, "And so? It\'s not like I wanted it. You were the ones who forced me. I don\'t need to thank you, someone, for forcing me to do something I didn\'t want."

The maid glared at Emelia and did not say anything else. She knew the argument wouldn\'t go anywhere if she continues to answer back. Not to mention she wasn\'t ready to lose her position in the palace.

"Milady, His Majesty is awaiting your presence," Said the information behind the door, but Emelia decided to stay seated.

"Bring me tea. I feel thirsty," Emelia said, opening the book, seated on the table. The maids looked at each other, whispering to one another. "What? Aren\'t you going to listen?" Asked Emelia, looking at them with the corner of her eye.

A maid took a step. Rubbing her hands in circles, she stuttered, "B-but H-His I-Imperial Ma-Majesty I-is w-waiting." She lowered her head.

Emelia looks at the maid and notices it was the child back then. She thought the child couldn\'t speak. It seems like she was wrong. Emelia stood up and walked towards the door. But before leaving her room, she removed the necklace and drops it onto the ground.

"I don\'t need this. The color doesn\'t match me."