The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 92 - 92 - Coming Of Age

After the debacle with the King of the Dune Country, no one bothered Ren and Fang for several months. Fang was able to take his exams in peace and got the top national rank, which resulted in a another ruckus caused by the universities clamouring to woo him.

However, Ren\'s security was watertight. Except for emails, he\'d left no ways for anyone to contact Fang! So, while people on the outside were biting off their fingernails in anxiety, Ren and Fang were in a nice, relaxed world of their own, not doing much except playing with the babies! Ren had managed to beg for some time off from Pax and the little family was off vacationing in Dragon Nation in the nice villa Ren had bought.

Ren wanted to advance everyone\'s magic before they got busy again, the air of their villa in Dragon Nation was just perfect for this.

Thus, Ren and Fang advanced rapidly, and Ren\'s physique improved as well.

The babies grew bigger, too - except Sylvia, who could change her size at will right from the start (as long as she had enough magic).

And the best thing was, no one in Dragon Nation disturbed their holiday, nor did they let anyone else do so! Ren and his family were much beloved VVIPs in Dragon Nation by now, after all the work they\'d done for the people.

All in all, it was a happy family that returned to Cosmopolis for Fang\'s eighteenth birthday. Ren had thrown a large party, naturally, for they would also be announcing their official engagement as well as their plan to go to medical school together. And not just any medical school, but the one they had built with their own hands!

Fang was looking forward to being a legal adult more than anything else. Heaven knew how much frustration he\'d had to live with in the past year! He was eager to be of age!

Papa seems unusually excited today. Snow said, eyeing Fang curiously.

Papa said he\'s a proper grown up now. Smoke replied.

Papa is a little taller than Daddy now. Shadow remarked.

Sylvia rolled her eyes. Her siblings were still babies, but she herself knew exactly why Fang was so eager to be an adult! How many times during their recent stay in the Dragon Nation did she have to herd off the three furballs from disturbing Ren and Fang in the night?! While she was very satisfied with Fang as her Papa...she did wish occasionally that he would be a little more... restrained. And now that he was legally of age in Cosmopolis...any restrictions that Ren had placed on Fang would be gone now. Sylvia shook her head ruefully. She\'d have to keep the furballs away from Papa and Daddy for a bit, lest her little siblings see or hear something unfit for children!

Papa, don\'t go overboard with Daddy today. Sylvia warned.

Fang, who had been listening absently to the babies talking, froze at Sylvia\'s words. Then he flushed as red as a tomato!

What do you mean, Big Sister? Smoke asked curiously.

Sylvia shook her head. I\'ll tell you when you\'re older. She told him.

Ren appeared at the door before any of the furballs could protest.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked with a big smile.

Ren was dressed in a tuxedo and looked like he\'d walked off the cover of a fashion magazine.

Fang stared at him in a daze, his purple eyes heated and his face flushed.

"Come on, we don\'t have much time. We need to reach the hotel before our guests arrive!" Ren said, walking over to Fang. He quickly helped Fang put on his tuxedo properly and even styled his hair.

"Master Ren, Young Master Fang, the car is ready...oh!" Steward Paul, who had just arrived at the open door, froze halfway through his sentence, and then burst into tears.

Ren and Fang were taken aback.

"Steward Paul? Are you all right?" Ren asked worriedly.

"Both of you look so perfect today..." Steward Paul sobbed. "If only Master and Madam could have seen you like this..."

Ren looked helplessly at Fang and the latter came over and patted Steward Paul\'s shoulder gently.

"Don\'t cry. Isn\'t it a happy occasion today?" he told the elderly man.

"True," Pax said, appearing behind Steward Paul. He blinked when he saw Ren and Fang. "My, you two really are a sight for sore eyes, aren\'t you?"

Steward Paul wiped his face quickly and reminded the couple that their car was waiting.

A few minutes later, Ren and Fang entered the banquet hall of the hotel they\'d booked for the occasion, causing many jaws to drop.

Sylvia, in her human baby form and accompanied by the three furballs, was brought in by Steward Paul and Jules right behind the couple in double strollers.

Cameras started flashing immediately as Ren and Fang walked to the stage hand in hand.

"Good evening, everyone, and we thank you for joining us in our happy celebrations today," Ren said politely when he was handed the microphone. "Fang and I have three announcements today."

He turned to Fang and lifted the latter\'s hand to his lips, pressing a reverent kiss on the back of his hand.

"First of all, for my little darling, Fang, happy eighteenth birthday," Ren said.

Fang flushed adorably, his handsome face made even more appealing by the light blush that stained his cheeks. He was taller than Ren by now, but he still loved it when Ren called him his little darling.

The guests clapped enthusiastically.

"Second, we officially announce our engagement today," Ren continued holding up their joined hands with matching engagement rings on their fingers.

There were whistles and catcalls and shouts of \'congratulations\' from the crowd.

Ren handed the mic to Fang, who took it and kissed Ren on the cheek.

"And last but not the least, Ren and I have decided to go to medical school together, right here in Cosmopolis," Fang announced.. "We will be attending the new Sirocco Institute of Medical Sciences from next month."