The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 70 - 70 - Babies In The Desert

Fang reluctantly returned to Cosmopolis after the weekend. Although his school was extraordinarily relaxed with his frequent absences given his top results, it would be too much for him to take time off again right now, so Ren sent him back, promising to visit soon.

As soon as Fang got home, the three furballs rushed to him and clamoured for news about their beloved Daddy. Fang pacified them and promised to take them to Sand Country next weekend so they could see Ren for themselves.

Snow, Smoke and Shadow were very excited at the prospect.

"Ask Pax to charter a flight," Ren told Fang. "It\'ll be very difficult for the babies to travel in an ordinary commercial flight. I don\'t want them falling ill."

Fang sighed. "At this rate, it might be cheaper for us to buy an aircraft," he murmured.

"Yes," Ren said. "If you\'re planning to visit at least twice a month with the babies, then it\'ll be cheaper to buy an aircraft and have Wolf or one of his people fly it."

Fang was surprised. "Wolf can fly?"

Ren chuckled. "He\'s one of the best." He carefully didn\'t mention anything about wanting to buy an aircraft, remembering their earlier fight on the subject.

Fang remembered, too, and wanted to go back to the past and smack himself. Ren and Fang may have diametrically opposite views on handling money - but Fang would never compromise on the safety of their little fur babies, either.

Also, he thought to himself, if there was an aircraft at his disposal, then he\'d be able to go to Ren any time he wanted...that was a nice thought.

And thus, on Friday evening, the new Sirocco employees of Sand Country saw their cold faced CEO Ren with three adorable furballs clinging to him as he gave them a tour of their office. Fang, Pax and Wolf followed behind.

Somehow, the minister got to hear of this, and turned up unannounced at Ren\'s apartment just in time for dinner, with a bottle of champagne and a basket of toys for the two puppies and a kitten. Fang had casually remarked last time that Ren was an unbelievably good cook, and the minister had been waiting for a chance to sample Ren\'s cooking ever since. Now that Ren had his family visiting, wasn\'t it the perfect occasion? And he was eager to see the furballs, too.

Fang was quite surprised to see the minister at the door, but he was a naturally polite person and he also knew that the goodwill of this minister was very important for Ren\'s business in Sand Country, so he invited him in.

Pax, who was familiar with the minister, was equally surprised to see him. Fang quickly introduced Wolf, Snow, Smoke and Shadow to the minister, and the basket of toys was received with great enthusiasm.

Ren, who was in the kitchen, stepped out at the commotion. "Fang? Who was at the door?" he asked absently.

The minister froze. He\'d only seen Ren in formal business suits or artfully casual clothes for the tourism photoshoots earlier. The current Ren, with his messy hair, old t-shirt and faded jeans and wearing an apron...was just too unfamiliar! If the minister didn\'t recognise Ren\'s face, he\'d have thought this was a college student rather than the formidable CEO Ren!

Ren spotted the minister and greeted him politely. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" he asked.

"If it isn\'t too much trouble, I\'d love to sample CEO Ren\'s cooking," the minister said.

"It\'s no trouble at all," Ren said. "Fang, why don\'t you bring out some of the appetizers while I finish preparing the main course?"

Fang and Ren went to the kitchen, and Pax led to the minister to a seat. Snow, Smoke and Shadow were on their best behaviour, and showed off their most adorable aspect as they frolicked around - a near fatal dose of cuteness that would render any human helpless within minutes.

The minister couldn\'t resist. On the spot, he came up with the idea of another series of photoshoots for the tourism department, this time featuring the three furballs in the foreground with Ren and Fang in the background. And as soon as Fang appeared with several plates of appetizers, he broached the subject.

To be honest, Fang thought that it might be a little too much to expect the three furballs to behave themselves all day for the photoshoots, and he was also afraid that the desert might be too hot for them.

But Snow, Smoke and Shadow clearly thought otherwise. They listened silently while the minister and Fang were chatting, and the moment Ren appeared, they leapt into his arms, acting spoilt.

Daddy! Desert tour! Photos with Daddy and Papa! Travel with Daddy!

Ren raised an eyebrow enquiringly as Fang sighed. The furballs knew all too well that Fang was the stricter parent and Ren would indulge them infinitely.

The minister couldn\'t hear the fur babies speak, of course. So he quickly explained to Ren about his new idea.

Ren rubbed the three little heads of the adorable creatures clinging to him. "So, my little ones, do you want to go and see the desert with Papa and Daddy?" he asked.

Yes, Daddy!

The three childish voices were unanimous.

"All right, then," Ren said happily.

The minister was very satisfied with the excited little ones. And the moment he started eating, he felt he was in heaven. He looked at Ren, who was setting down the food bowls for the three furballs, and realised even the food for the puppies and the kitten was especially cooked by Ren and looked and smelled pretty good, totally unlike the unappetizing pet food in the shops. No wonder the furballs looked so fluffy and their coats were so lustrous!

The minister shook his head ruefully.. If Ren wasn\'t so committed to Fang, he\'d have tried to get him to date one of his own children, for sure.