The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 133 - 133 – A Lovely Dinner

Pax pulled out some toys from his pockets – he had gotten into the habit of keeping a collection of small toys for his godchildren at Sirocco, and whenever he came to visit Ren or Fang at home, he would simply stuff a few items in his pockets before he went down to his car.

Ren was not the only one who spoilt his four little babies all the time.

But then, Pax thought to himself, the babies were so very cute and adorable – how could any sane person not have the heart to pamper them? In fact, if Fang hadn\'t been able to steel his heart at times and take on the role of the stricter parent, between Ren and Pax and Wolf and all the adoring staff members of the household – the four babies would be pampered into insufferable little brats already. It was a small mercy that all four children were innately good creatures, and Sylvia was rather sensible and more similar to Fang despite being Ren\'s familiar from the previous world.

Sylvia\'s human appearance grew more and more like Fang every passing day, and other than Ren and Fang and Wolf and Pax who knew the truth, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone else\'s mind that Sylvia really was the biological daughter of Fang. They looked like they were cut from the same cloth, with matching eyes and similarly beautiful facial features – the only difference was that of scale and nothing else.

Sylvia would grow up into an earth shattering beauty, Pax thought. And there would be hordes of boys running after her trying to win her hand – and given that she was the daughter of the great Chairman Ren and the prodigious Fang (and Pax had no doubt that by that time, Fang would be CEO Fang or Chairman Fang himself – so there would be two super rich and super influential fathers behind Sylvia) – which would make her attractive to many people even without her gorgeous looks – and with her looking like Fang, there was no way that she wouldn\'t grow up into a stunning beauty. Wouldn\'t Ren and Fang and Pax and Wolf have to stave off unwanted suitors buzzing around Sylvia like annoying insects at the time?!

Pax was already setting up a bribing and warding off unwanted suitors fund in his head for each of the four babies. By now, he already knew that when Snow, Smoke and Shadow achieved their human forms, Snow would look like Fang, and be another supreme beauty like her older sister, while the twins – Smoke and Shadow, would take after Ren, and become exceptionally good looking young boys with golden eyes and a charming smile. And given how eager to learn combat skills these two pups were, Pax had no doubt that they would grow to be much taller and stronger than Ren, and thus look like male supermodels with proper sleek muscles in all the right places, just like Fang these days – and not like the tall, slim, figure that Ren presented. And even that slim figure seemed to be getting thinner these days, Pax thought with a frown, casting a glance at Ren, who was busy speaking with Fang at the moment.

Pax shook his head ruefully. The four babies would grow up to be very attractive, and there would be many, many annoying insects trying to lure them into their trap – and for all their intelligence, Ren and Fang were not the best judge of people. Ren trusted people too easily and Fang was too paranoid and forcibly suppressed his trust issues by blindly trusting whoever Ren chose to trust. It was quite problematic, Pax thought. What if some bad youngsters somehow managed to worm their way into the hearts of their precious babies seeking the profits that came from their rich fathers?

No, Pax decided – he would have to take up the mantle and keep an eye on his nieces and nephews and protect them from unscrupulous gold diggers in the future! No one should have the guts to dare to scheme against Pax\'s precious godchildren!

The four little ones, who were happily playing with the new toys that Pax had just given them in Pax\'s lap, had no idea that their Uncle Pax was already planning to wreck their love lives when they grew older, and that any unfortunate soul that wanted to date one of them would be passed through the wringer by their Uncle Pax before they would be allowed to come close to them.

"Dinner is served," Steward Paul announced.

The three adults and the four babies immediately made their way towards the dining hall. Chef Jules had really outdone himself this time, everyone thought, the moment they caught sight of the grand banquet style dinner laid out on the table – complete with the two promised cakes – the red velvet cake for Pax and the black forest cake for the babies!

"All right, then, let\'s dig in," Fang announced, and started putting food on Ren\'s plate immediately.

"Fang, that\'s enough, I won\'t be able to eat more than that," Ren said, holding out his hand to stop Fang.

Fang frowned at him. "You haven\'t been eating enough these days, and you keep losing weight," he told Ren sternly. "You need to eat more, love."

Ren smiled helplessly, unable to argue with Fang.

"Daddy, be good and eat more like Papa says!" Shadow the glutton lectured Ren sanctimoniously. "Delicious food is good for Daddy!"

Ren chuckled and patted the little pup affectionately. "Yes, little Shadow, Daddy will eat more. Now, what do my little ones want to eat?" he asked indulgently.

All four babies immediately clamoured for Ren\'s affection, and Ren was about to get up to scoop their favourites on to their plates, but a glare from Fang stopped him.

"You be good and eat," Fang said sternly. "I\'ll make sure that our babies get to eat what they want!"

"Yes, darling," Ren said obediently, but he waited until Fang dished out food to all the babies and then sat down next to Ren to eat.

Fang knew that it was useless to scold Ren for not starting his meal, and besides, Fang\'s heart felt sweet that Ren waited for him.

Pax observed the two of them with great satisfaction. He was sure that now that Fang was aware of the issues with Ren, he would be able to do something to help – and preferably, get Ren back to normal.

The meal lasted for a long time, and Pax was quite surprised by how much the four little ones actually ate – no wonder they were so round and fluffy, and their furs and scales were shining and smooth. They must be the most well fed babies in the world, he thought.

And, of course, Pax ended up with a bulging tummy as well, thanks to the amazing red velvet cake that he had requested. Pax rarely ate more than one or two slices of cake, even when it was his favourite red velvet – but Chef Jules\'s red velvet cake was something else altogether. Pax just couldn\'t stop eating, and before he knew it, he had eaten four whole slices!

"How do you remain so skinny when the meals at home are so delicious?" Pax demanded crossly, glaring at Ren. "You are an insult to Chef Jules\'s excellent cooking, Ren!"

"Ren\'s own cooking is even better," Fang said immediately, jumping to Ren\'s defence.

"Yes, yes," Pax said dismissively. "But compared to the food we normal people eat, this is absolutely heavenly. Chef Jules is absolutely outstanding – and other than Ren\'s cooking, I haven\'t had such delicious food anywhere in the world, not even in the most exquisite restaurants!" he announced.

"I will let Chef Jules know," Ren said with a smile. "He would be very happy to hear that."

"Or, better still, Pax can tell him himself," Fang said. "Wouldn\'t that be better?"

"You should also eat with us more often," Ren suggested. "You\'re coming over with Wolf on Saturday, right?"

Pax nodded.

"Actually, I was thinking, Pax and Wolf could come over or Friday evening itself," Fang said. "I have to go to Sirocco on Friday anyway, and Pax and I could come back together. And Wolf can also join us. They can stay over for the weekend with us?"

Ren had no objections. It was a family weekend for them, and Pax and Wolf were family for them, anyway!

"Yes, Uncle Pax, stay with us!" Snow spoke up happily.

"New treats, Uncle Pax!" Shadow said, making utterly adorable puppy eyes at Pax.

"New toys, too, Uncle Pax!" Smoke demanded, copying his twin.

Pax laughed and petted the three furballs. "All right, all right, Uncle Pax promises to come over with new treats and new toys!" he said in a cajoling voice.

Then he stroked the fine baby hair of the human baby Sylvia who was staring at him pitifully. "Yes, little Sylvia, Uncle Pax will get new treats and new toys for you, too," he promised.

Sylvia flashed him an almost toothless grin.