The Villain Saves The Male Lead

Chapter 116 - 116 – This Must Be True Love.

It was not for nothing that the members of the Blue Wolves were highly sought after by affluent people for various tasks – they were truly multi faceted.

Fang had driven around for a fairly long time – at least an hour – to get to the shady bar he\'d finally decided upon. And it was quite far from SIMS.

However, the two members of the Blue Wolves who were in charge of Fang\'s safety today – they brought him to SIMS in less than twenty minutes, and one of them accompanied him inside while the other one went to park the car.

Fang was in a dazed state of guilt and self blame by now, and he mechanically followed the member of the Blue Wolves who led him inside. He barely even registered it when his fallen phone was picked up and handed back to him.

Fang\'s bodyguard brought him to Pax, who was sitting outside a VIP room and speaking with Dr. Gordon. Wolf was there, too, with a murderous expression on his face.

The moment Fang appeared, Wolf rushed to him and slapped him hard.

Fang didn\'t even resist.

"What were you even thinking?!" Wolf hissed angrily.

Fang didn\'t reply.

Dr. Gordon hurriedly pulled Wolf back. "Now, now, let\'s not get violent, all right? How would young Fang know that Ren would collapse like this all of a sudden?" the middle aged doctor asked Wolf reasonably. "And he came back as soon as he found out, right?"

Wolf grit his teeth and pulled back silently. Dr. Gordon was a normal human and he didn\'t know about magic. If he knew exactly what had happened, he would probably have been quite angry with Fang, too.

So, Wolf settled for glaring at Fang instead.

Fang was too distracted to notice. He simply looked at Dr. Gordon in a daze and asked, "How is he? How is Ren?" His voice shook and the dried tears on his beautiful face, together with the hand print from Wolf\'s slap just now made him look like protagonist of a tragic movie.

"We don\'t know," Dr. Gordon replied honestly. "He shows all the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, but he hasn\'t ingested any alcohol, and we can\'t find any in his bloodstream either. We are still running tests."

Fang wobbled. "Can I – can I see him?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Gordon fell silent for a moment, and then, looking at Fang\'s pitiful face, sighed and relented. "All right, go on in," he said.

"I\'ll go with him," Pax said immediately.

Wolf and Pax shared a meaningful glance.

Then Pax led Fang into the VIP room where Ren lay surrounded by all sorts of medical devices, and with a number of tubes and needles and things attached to his body.

Ren colour was alarmingly close to the colourless grey unique to the dead, and his breathing was frighteningly shallow. Fang\'s eyes flicked to the monitor showing Ren\'s vitals, and what he saw made his knees buckle. If it hadn\'t been for Pax catching him and supporting him, Fang would have fallen to the floor.

Ren was barely alive.

Pax wanted to scold Fang, but given the current state of the young man, Pax couldn\'t bear to. He knew that Fang hadn\'t realised what was happening at all – and, besides, Pax was equally annoyed with Ren for setting up such strange parameters for the reflection magic. It seemed to be getting triggered with even the slightest hint of harmful intent towards himself that Fang had. Didn\'t that mean that every time Ren and Fang fought, and Fang indulged in some mild but generally acceptable self destructive behaviour as an outlet – all the harm would be redirected to Ren instead?

It was problematic. Very much so.

The parameter for measuring intent needed to be modified. Ideally, Pax would be in complete agreement with Fang and advocate the full removal of the reflection magic – but now that Pax knew that it was already linked to Ren\'s soul, he could only try and convince the latter to loosen the parameters a little – otherwise, Fang would be permanently burdened with guilt – and that wasn\'t a good thing for his psyche, either.

Every human needed to indulge themselves and relieve themselves of anger. If Fang couldn\'t even punch a wall or get drunk when he was angry or upset because Ren\'s reflection magic would perceive it as "intent to cause self harm" and get triggered – there would be a huge problem.

Pax sighed. What a troublesome couple, he thought to himself.

"Pax…" Fang whispered. "What – what do I do…?"

Pax sighed again. Fang looked utterly broken.

Pax patted Fang\'s shoulder. "Wolf and I used our magic earlier to stabilise Ren," he murmured. "Our magic is not as powerful as Ren\'s or yours, though."

A bit of colour returned to Fang\'s face. "I – I can use healing magic on Ren?" he asked.

Pax nodded. "It should work," he said. "But, before that, I need you to stabilise yourself, Fang. What do you need? Do you want to go home, take a shower and cuddle with the babies for a bit and then come back to Ren? The healing can\'t be done all at once. You will have to do it bit by bit otherwise Ren\'s body might go into shock again."

Fang shook his head. "I can do it right now," he said stubbornly. He stood up straight and wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve.

Pax caught his arm. "Don\'t overdo it, kid," he warned. "Overdoing it might trigger that stupid reflection magic again, too."

Fang froze. Then he nodded. "I understand," he said. "I\'ll be careful."

"All right, then," Pax said, releasing Fang\'s arm. "Be careful, kid. We can\'t have both of you down at the same time."

Fang strode forward to the bed and pulled up a chair next to it. He sat down and put his hands on Ren\'s unmoving one.

Then Fang focussed his magic to coalesce into a strand of healing magic and sent it into Ren\'s body.

Slowly, colour began to return to Ren\'s face, and his vitals began to improve.

The change in the figures must have alerted the doctors on duty – because, almost immediately, the Director, Dr. Gordon and two more doctors appeared in room, with Wolf in tow.

"Ah, this again," Dr. Gordon said. "Ren does seem to show miraculous improvement when Fang is around."

"It must be the power of love," Wolf said dryly.

Dr. Gordon shrugged, but didn\'t say anything. Even though he didn\'t know about magic, he had known Ren and Fang enough by now to understand that strange phenomena seemed to happen around these two young men all the time, and all of it couldn\'t be explained within the normal parameters of knowledge.

The Director and the other two doctors stared at the monitors, flabbergasted. Then they looked towards the patient bed and saw Fang holding Ren\'s hand gingerly, without disturbing any of the machines at all. And then they looked at the monitors again.

This continued for a while (and the effect was rather comical).

Unbothered by the presence of other people in the room, Fang continued to push strands of healing magic into Ren. The good thing was that this was the kind of magic that didn\'t have any visible glowing or any traces that could be seen by the normal human eyes. So, to everyone else, it looked like Fang was simply holding Ren\'s hand, and that Ren\'s vitals were improving rapidly with this action.

Pax and Wolf, however, knew exactly what Fang was doing, and the twin brothers were able to see a slight hint of golden light around the joined hands of Ren and Fang.

After a few minutes, Wolf stepped forward and lay a hand on Fang\'s shoulder, indicating that he should stop pouring any more healing magic into for the time being.

Fang looked up at Wolf, his purple eyes glazed with tears.

"Don\'t worry, kid," Wolf said softly. "Ren loves you too much to leave you alone."

Fang bit his lip. To him, it wasn\'t a question of whether Ren loved him or not – it was more a question of whether Fang\'s own stupidity and Fang\'s own insecurity and Fang\'s own incompetence would end up being fatal to Ren.

Fang was racked with guilt. How could he have been so selfish, so blind to not even realise what was going on? Ren always praised him for being so smart and so quick – but didn\'t this incident prove how utterly useless and brainless Fang was? How could he fail to have realised the true reason for the alcohol having no effect on himself, otherwise?

Wolf glanced at Pax worriedly. Fang didn\'t look too good.

Fortunately for them, at that very moment, Ren\'s eyelashes fluttered, and his fingers moved.

Fang immediately focussed all his attention back to Ren.

Ren\'s eyes snapped open and he looked around wildly.. It was only when his eyes found Fang that he seemed to calm down.