The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 130 - 126

The Poison Lady soon succumb to Reif\'s power and fainted. Reif was \'merciful\' enough not to kill her but she received terrible injuries that would surely take a lot of time to heal

She might even be unconscious for a long time. Reif deliberately put her in that kind of condition because of her impudent actions

She tried to seduce Reif which was disgusting. There is no one in this world or any other world that would enter Reif\'s eyes except for his big brother. Trying to seduce him would just earn his disgust and anger

With the Poison Lady fainting, the match naturally couldn\'t continue as there is already a clear winner

The barrier protecting the audience was turned off along with the announcement of the winner

"The winner of this match is none other than Mr. Nameless!" The announcer announced and most people clapped their hands

Those are the ones that either bet for Reif, cheered for him, or the ones that were glad to see such a match

With the barrier down, many people tried to use this chance to approach Reif and talk to him

"Mr. Nameless, I am from Evergold Chamber of Commence! We would like to extend our desire to have a meeting with you!"

"Mr. Nameless, my Master, Marquis Glen wishes to speak with you!"

"Mr. Nameless, my Master is Duke Pendragon, he wants to have a word with you!"

As usual, everyone flocked to the strong. This is a common occurrence

Most of the S rank fighters in and outside of the Imperial City already has a family or organization that they are affiliated with

A person like Reif that doesn\'t have any known affiliation yet was extremely rare. As such, many people want to meet him in hopes that he would be on their side

Reif has no interest in political power or whatever and he was about to go out of this place when he stops

His mind thought of something and he decided to change his decision

"You, you, you, you" Reif pointed on several people that were instantly overjoyed that they receive his attention steps out

The others look at them in an envious way and they tried to get Reif\'s attention too but they all failed

"Come with me" Reif simply said and he didn\'t even wait for their reply

He repelled the other people he wasn\'t interested in using wind magic and pulled the ones he called out towards him

After that, Reif opened a spatial portal and pulled around 10 or so people with him, leaving the others that felt regretful


When Reif exited the spatial portal, he along with the ten people with different affiliations arrived at a random roof that was still inside the Imperial City

"I want to have a word with your masters, tell them to meet me tomorrow at the same time. If they don\'t arrive in time, I wouldn\'t bother with them. You understood?" Reif said and the ten people immediately nodded their heads

Although Reif\'s words sound too arrogant, the others still thought that it was within a reasonable range

After all, the S rank fighters hold too much power and power is almost always equal to arrogance

It was not rare for an S rank fighter to be arrogant

The addition or subtraction of an S rank could even determine the rise and fall of families or organizations

The ten people that Reif drags with him all thought the same thing. They thought that Reif would choose one from the ten that he would join

As such, all of these ten people were looking at each other with fire in their eyes. They want to be the one to win over Reif and they were treating the others are their competition

After all, if they became the key to win over an S rank fighter, their affiliations would treat them much better than before

"We understood, Mr. Nameless!" The ten answered and Reif dismisses all of them

The ten can feel that Reif doesn\'t have any intention of talking or giving them a face and they tacitly excuse themselves

What a joke! If they were to be the reason why they lose a prospective S rank fighter that could join their affiliations, even death might be too light of a punishment for them

As such, they didn\'t dare bother Reif and head out to inform their masters

After seeing that they are gone, Reif laid his body on top of the roof while staring at the skies again

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" Reif muttered to himself as an additional plan was being formulated inside his head

After encountering those people that tried to win him, Reif realizes how ridiculous he was

He only set his eyes on the Emperor that seems to be just letting the church\'s influence grow as if he was merely a character written in the boom

Reif forgot that it was not only the Emperor and the Church that this world has

There are much more things in this world that his previous selves haven\'t done or observe

Just blindly fighting against the church is not enough. After all, isn\'t the reason why Reif failed the fight against the church is because he was always alone?

Nath always have many people under his command and the world hates Reif. As for Reif, although he was the strongest in a one on one battle, he still always fall due to the number of enemies

If he wants to win this war, he must change his plans. He must not repeat what his previous selves were always doing

Fortunately, the presence of Rhash mad him change from the original trajectory of history. Reif is smarter at planning now

"I must make more moves" Reif said to himself before he teleported into the Mesha City


Mesha City

It was still the same as before. Almost no one inside it knows what happened to Salamander that is residing inside

The destruction of a church is already a talk of the past as it was already in the process of being rebuilt

"If Nath can use the world against me, I could also do that, right?" Reif muttered before his senses scanned the area

A masterless city as big as Mesha City surely has a lot of clerics and Reif don\'t find it hard to find a perfect target

Inside a priests\' house, a thing that a priest should never do is currently happening

The priest is already an old man with wrinkles allover his body. He looks so old yet his expression was completely devoid of what you would expect from a priest

"S-sir Priest, p-please s-stop!" A young boy pleaded as he cried hard. Droplets of tears falling from his eyes but it was aa if those years only serve as the fuel of the priest\'s desire

The young boy was currently being taken advantage of by the old priest. He begged and begged but that perverted priests seems to find pleasure from the boy\'s heartbreaking plea

"Is this the kind of people that this world think are holy and pure?" Reif muttered in disgusts before his eyes targeted a random passerby

Reif is best at destructive magic but it doesn\'t mean he cannot use other types of magic

Even from this distance, Reif could control a normal person\'s mind and that random stranger was his target

The man was just walking normally when his body stiffened. He loses consciousness but his body was still moving

The passive expression in his face instantly changes to that of a desperate one

"Help! Help! Please help!" The man shouted desperately, every action and words from him are all in Reif\'s control

That man\'s loud shout instantly attracted the attention of the people around and they flocked at him

"What happened?"

"Is there a thief?"

"What kind of help do you need?"

The people questioned and the man immediately cried

"A-a kid! A y-young kid is inside that priest\'s house! H-he is b-being... raped. I feel bad for him, p-please help him!" The man explained the situation and the others were taken aback

"Huh? How could that be possible?!"

"The priests and paladins are all kind hearted people!"

"They even give out food for the beggars. How could a priest do such a horrible thing?"

As expected, the people are in disbelief but Reif\'s actions doesn\'t end there

He controlled another random stranger and made him speak. "No, I think it\'s true! I know of someone that a priest extorted money from saying that it was to feed the poor but that priest just went to buy bottles of alcohol!"

After that, Reif controlled another man

"A-actually, I have a friend that was also taken advantage off by a priest. She was drag by the priest saying they would pray to God but who would have thought that the priest would sexually harass her!"

Reif did this multiple times until many more people were convinced