The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 119 - 116

"Give me back my big brother!" Reif said furiously. His voice was filled with endless fury the remaining paladins and priests felt as if death is tightening its grip on their hearts

Reif even raised his right hand that was filled with chaotic crimson energies, ready to attack any moment from now

His eyes dark shade deepened as he releases an intense and dangerous aura

The world itself seems to cry in fear for whatever thing Reif could do. He turned into the literal definition of a demon

His mind was clouded with negative emotions as he cannot believe he let his big brother get taken under his watch

Didn\'t he promise that he would not let anyone harm Rhash ever again? How could he be so stupid to let his light be captured by their greatest enemy

\'Tsk! What unbelievable pressure!\' Nath thought darkly. Although Reif still hasn\'t attacked him, he still felt threatened by the man\'s aura

He instinctively knows that if he were to battle Reif, he would be defeated in a few moves

How could such a disgustingly huge difference in power exist?

Isn\'t he the most blessed person in this world? The protagonist of this world if it was inside a novel

Why is the \'villain\' holding so much more power compared to him?

The feeling of being inferior to someone soured Nath\'s heart. The feel he has for Reif was pushed back as his eyes glowed with a cold light

"Lowly scum, don\'t be mistaken. You are not the one in control here" Nath said darkly as he controlled Rhash\'s cage and put it in his side

He even touches the cage as if he would break it and the person inside it if Reif were to show the slightest bit of resistance

"If you don\'t want anything bad to happen to your so-called big brother, I suggest you lower yourself to me and put away that disgusting pressure" Nath continue

He doesn\'t like the feeling of being suppressed by someone that is supposed to be a mere stepping stone for him

Despite the immense urge to attack Nath on sight with his full power to kill him, Reif still retracted his intense aura though it wasn\'t able to hide his fury

Rhash\'s well-being is still the most important thing for Reif and he could not let anything bad happen to him. If he has to lower himself and do even the most humiliating thing, Reif doesn\'t mind doing that

"What do you want?! If it\'s the shard of brilliance or even my life, I will give it to you!" Reif said desperately. He was too desperate for his mind to think logically

Well, how could he remain calm when the only important person in his life is in the hands of someone that could kill him any time from now?

Although Rhash cannot move, he is still conscious and he could hear Reif\'s words. His eyes constricted at hearing those words

No! Rhash would rather die if Reif has to sacrifice his life for him!

Rhash would never let Reif do that. Anyway, Rhash\'s greatest dream was to feel love and care from someone

His dream was already fulfilled by Reif and he doesn\'t need anything more. If his existence is the one thing holding Reif he would rather erase his existence

"Kneel!" Nath ordered and Reif instantly did that. He is too afraid that making one wrong move would bring harm to his big brother

In the next second, Nath appeared in front of Reif and he kicked the kneeling man in the face

It sent Reif flying away with blood in his nose but he doesn\'t care about that. Even if he has to endure beatings for thousands of years, he doesn\'t mind as long as it would keep Rhash safe

"You have always been arrogant but look at you now" Nath said with a sneer. This man has always been stronger than him but now, he was nothing

As long as Rhash\'s life is in his hands, he could toy Reif as long as he wants to

One kick was far from enough and Nath continued. One kick and punch after another was inflicted on Reif\'s body without end

It filled his body with bruises as he bled more and more blood the more time that passed

He was literally beaten too much that there was almost no part in his body that do not have wounds

"Give me the shard of brilliance!" Nath ordered after venting out some of his anger for his mere stepping stone

As if he could not feel his own injuries, Reif stood up and he threw the shard of death to Nath

Reif also extracted the shard of life and healing from his forehead. He literally pulled it out to the point that he injured his forehead

Nath caught the two shards but he frowned. The shard of life and death doesn\'t look like what it should be. Even its aura was completely different

Just what did this demon do to the shard? How could he affect such a godly item to this extent?

Not to mention, Nath couldn\'t use even a little bit of the shard of life\'s power. It was unrelenting and would not listen to him no matter how hard he tried to

The shard of death was completely different, it still listened to Nath to some extent

Although he could only use the shards to a large extent using the Holy Sword, he should still be able to use them even without the sword

What is with the shard of life completely ignoring Nath\'s influence?

How dare a mere item that is lawfully his not obey him?

This is all Reif\'s fault! He must have done something to the shard and since that is the case, shouldn\'t his death be able to return the shard back to normal?

"I don\'t know what you did to the shard but I guess if I kill you, it would go back to normal, right?" Nath said cruelly and Reif stared straight to his eyes

"As long as you release my big brother, I would give up my life" Reif replied with determination

"Oh? You think that you are in a position to negotiate with me?" Nath asked back angrily. How dare this demon act so high and mighty in front of him

"If you dare hurt my big brother, I would do everything in my power to bring you down to hell" Reif threatened while releasing a hint of his aura again

This was his ultimatum. Nath could take his life as long as he won\'t harm Rhash. If not, be prepared to be drag down to hell

Nath clicked his tongue angrily. As much as he don\'t want to admit it, if he really were to fight Reif, he is sure that he would lose

He might even die as a result and he cannot let that happen!

"Fine, you bastard. I\'ll set him free as long as you die" Nath relented but a verbal promise is not enough

"No, I need you to swear with your divine seed that you would set my big brother free and not harm him in any possible way as long as I let you kill me. You should also let no one harm him and he has to be free and have a good life!"

At first, Nath was taken aback as Reif actually knew about such a secret information that only himself and the God of Light knows but he then remembered something

After reading Khaknur and Agui\'s memories, Nath is aware that Rhash came from a different world and he also knew a lot of things

With him being Reif\'s informant, it wasn\'t a strange thing for him to know the existence of the Divine Seed

Divine Seed... as the Son of God, Nath also has the chance to become a God himself. However, God said that would only be possible if be became the Supreme Ruler of this world

That\'s the reason why he spread the church to every nook and cranny of the world. He has to dominate it and become the ruler to become a God himself

The Divine Seed is actually completely useless at this stage as long as he hasn\'t completely conquered the world

However, swearing using his Divine Seed would force him to keep his promise. If he goes back on his words, he would definitely die

Reif is not an idiot. He has to guarantee Rhash\'s safety. After all, when he died,  he could not protect Rhash anymore

The least he could do now was to negotiate to give his big brother a good life

No one would believe that after Reif dies, Rhash would be safe

If Nath is going to kill Rhash then why does Reif has to sacrifice himself?

Without taking an oath, there is a 99% percent chance that Nath would go back in his words and Reif would not be stupid enough to trust him