The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 114 - 111

With a click of his tongue, Rhash gathered an enormous amount of power into his fist

His flying path changed as he charged towards that giant sword while putting strength into his arms

Seeing that they succeeded, number 2 and number 1\'s clones became more frenzied. Their attack speed increases in hopes of completely obliterating Rhash

These people are not stupid. It was only Rhash that is fighting them right now. There was still someone at the back that has a stronger aura compared to him

If they want to prevent these people from disturbing their master, they must defeat Rhash as soon as possible so that they could focus on fighting Reif

Rhash continue charging towards that giant sword but an unexpected thing happened

Just as he was about to punch the giant sword, Rhash abruptly changes his flying direction again. His body barely passes by the sword as he somersaults in the air

If he was even a few centimeters off from his calculations, he would surely get injured thanks to that sword

Rhash\'s unexpected action caught both number 1 and 2 off guard. After all, he acted as if he planned on destroying the giant sword by condensing power into his fist

He does that yet he actually dodges in the last second, who wouldn\'t be shocked?

Without the desire to relish in his foe\'s shocked face, Rhash flew towards the clones, and the power he gathered into his fist was finally used by him

Rhash releases an apocalyptic punch and a straight red line instantly appeared. Every clone that was inside the range of that red ray died from the power that it has

What a joke! Rhash knew that if he were to destroy the giant sword, it would cause a delay in his movements

It might not be a long delay but in battles at this level, even a split second can decide the matter of life and death

If Rhash really did meet the sword head-on, he would undoubtedly be attacked by number 2. If that happens that number 2 would have bought the clones some time to attack Rhash and the cycle would continue until Rhash entered a passive state

Rhash also seized a chance to kill a large number of the clones. As the clones were focused in controlling the swords, they wouldn\'t be able to completely focus on defending themselves against Rhash

If Rhash don\'t take that chance then he would be a huge fool

"Bastard!" Number 2 raged after seeing what happened to the clones

If number 1 is completely cold and only showed killing intent, number 2 was completely raging now

As such, he waved his staff and more changes happened at the body of the zombies

Their size grew bigger and bigger, the muscles in their body looks as if someone overdosed them with steroids

Just their biceps alone were already as thick as a human. Their size also reached a whopping ten meters

If that wasn\'t enough, number 2 even cast magic on them so that despite their large build, they could fly

Around a thousand giant zombies flew in the air. Their fists were ready to launch an attack towards Rhash

Aside from that, the giant sword from earlier also resumed moving to take Rhash\'s life

The man\'s eyes flashed with a cold light and soon, the first zombie reached him

Despite Rhash\'s small build, his physical prowess was simply top-notch

The zombie threw a punch at him that causes the air to violently vibrate. However, Rhash wasn\'t harmed in the slightest

Instead, he moved to the side until he reached the zombie\'s shoulder. As soob as Rhash grabbed the zombie, he immediately threw him towards the giant sword

Despite the large build and heavy size of that giant zombie, he was still effortlessly flung towards the sword that impaled him

Although it wasn\'t enough to completely destroy the giant sword, the zombie\'s body still lowered its power by a bit

If Rhash continue to do what he was doing then it might be possible to take care of the giant sword and zombies without wasting too much power

Rhash\'s eyes flashed and as he skillfully maneuvered in the air, ropes made from blood came out from his hands and they wrapped around the body of the giant zombies

With a forceful wave of Rhash\'s hand, two zombies were thrown directly to the sword, further using up its power

Rhash continue to use that kind of tactic when number 2 transformed the zombies again

The zombies opened their mouth and various elemental attacks were thrown in his direction

It really looks like fireworks of various colors were flying in the sky

In return, Rhash sneered. He controlled the blood ropes to continue sending the giant zombies to the sword to delay it while also defending himself from the elemental attacks

Rhash grabbed on one of the giant zombie and injected some of his blood towards the wound he made in the zombie\'s body

The zombie\'s connection to number 2 was cut off and it lay motionless in the air

Without the slightest bit of mercy, Rhash uses the zombie\'s body to block the elemental attacks flying towards him

Since the zombie has a large body, it was a perfect meatshield

Soon, pieces and pieces of the zombie\'s flesh got mangled and fell into the ground. The scent it emits off was extremely horrible, it was just so foul that people would feel disgusted towards it

When one zombie\'s body got too destroyed to be use as a meatshield, Rhash would change his shield

His own enemies were literally used to fight against other enemies

When Rhash judged that the giant sword was weakened enough, he flew towards it

Instead of charging towards the blade, he went for the hilt. His body was smaller by even just the hilt but Rhash was completely fearless

Rhash grabbed the sword\'s hilt with his hands tightly. It comes to the point that the sword\'s hilt cracked from the pressure he was giving to it

"Haaa!!!" With a shout, Rhash forcefully wield the sword and he swang it to where the clones controlling it was located

Due to its massive size, the sword cuts the majority of the clones in half. Only around a hundred remained now

Since the clones are not busy controlling the giant sword anymore, they all formed swords into their hands coated with various elements to attack Rhash

They engaged Rhash in a close combat with their swords aiming for his life

Rhash fought the clones with his bare body. He was literally surrounded by the clones and zombies yet he destroyed them all one by one

He was like a god of battlefield that could massacre every rnemy at will no matter how powerful or how numerous they were

Mercy is not in his vocabulary as more and more blood was shed by his enemies

It dyed the ground wet, forming patches and patches of either rotten or fresh blood

When Rhash judged that the bloodshed was enough, his body instantly transformed into a red shooting star as he landed on the ground

His foot heavily kicked the ground and the blood puddles were instantly controlled by him

The blood turned into sharp long spikes that impaled the zombies in the ground. Not only that, the spikes also pierce through number 2\'a body

Since his attack was completely unexpected, his enemies does not have the time to defend against it

As such, number 2 was completely impaled from all direction by blood spikes

He was severely injured but was not dead and Rhash immediately went towards him to finish him off

The clones of number 1 tried to stop Rhash but with their current numbers, they couldn\'t do that

There were only a few tens of them and Rhash\'s grew tails made from blood behind him

The blood tails acted as if they have eyes if their own as they defended Rhash from the clones\' attack

With hiw low the number of clones were, they were no match for Rhash

Not to mention, the blood spikes has killed the majority of the zombies around Rhash and number 2

It would take more time before the nearest zombie managed to arrive

All of these factors let Rhash kill one of the main enemies

He reached number 2 that cannot move because of the blood spikes and finished him off

Rhash clenches his fist as he threw a powerful punch straight to number 2\'s head

The man was too injured to do anything especially with the blood spikes preventing from moving to successfully defend himself

In the end, number 2 suffered the same fate as a lot of his zombies does. His head exploded like watermelon and they splattered around

Number 2 doesn\'t have much flesh in his body but the sight was still gross. It was not every day that people could see headless bodies but Rhash was already used to it