The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 109 - 106

Neither Khaknur nor Agui has the power to break free from their cells. No matter how hard they try to destroy the cell and make a path outside, none of their powers were working

Both of them are extremely anxious and the only thing they want right now is to be able to run away

However, that is simply a luxury that they cannot afford no matter how much they wanted it

In the end, days passed with the two not being able to do anything in their current situation

The two only got out after Paladin Hugo has opened their cell door. As soon as that happened, the two monsters immediately sprang out

Agui created a large arm from lava and he madly swung it towards the paladin

Khaknur on the other hand spat out spider threads from his mouth

Both of the monsters only have one target but as one of the strongest Paladin in the entire church, Paladin Hugo is far stronger than these two

With a flash, the lava fist and spider threads got cut off in half. They didn\'t even cause that much of a ripple as Hugo\'s power is beyond these two

Only someone at Rhash\'s level could defeat this Paladin and certainly not people at Khaknur and Agui\'s level

"Have you still not learned anything? Resistance is futile" the Paladin said in a cold manner. A divine circle appeared in his palm and before the two monsters could react, there were already light ropes binding their bodies

The two continue to madly resist. Spending time with Rhash made their IQ much better compared to normal monsters

Just passively letting the enemy do whatever they want to them is not good. If there is almost a hundred percent chance that they would die then might as well die fighting in hopes that a miracle would occur

As such, as soon as their cell door was opened, they immediately took action. Too bad that intelligence alone cannot close the gap between a rock and a mountain

The light rope on Khaknur and Agui\'s body got connected into a single rope that the Paladin drag with his hand

The two monsters want to continue resisting but the divine power from the ropes have suppressed their magic

Not to mention, their agitated bodies even start to calm down on their own. This was one of the things that made it hard to fight the church

The divine power the clergy has would weaken their enemies\' resolve to fight them and it would be harder to focus in battle and use their magic

The more time that passed, the weaker the resistance that the two monsters become. Even their mind starts to calm down as if there was a gentle stream of water washing their negative emotions away

The two are aware that they are being influenced by Paladin Hugo\'s power but so what? Just because they know it doesn\'t mean they could actually do something about it

In the end, the two could only let themselves drag for a long time before they were thrown into a certain room

The room has a large space. On the sides, there were statues of beautiful angels that seems so lifelike as if they would move any second from now

The floor was painted with some sort of divine formation that mortals could not decipher

In the other end of the room, a certain man can be seen. This man was wearing white and gold light armor inside with a robe on the outside

His face seems to be the holiest thing in this world. Just looking at him would make people feel very calm as if everything negative in this world would vanish with his presence

This person is someone very familiar with Agui and Khaknur. It was a face that they could not recognize

After all, this person has always chased them for years and there are a lot of times when they almost died at the hands of this man

Nath Lumine, the Son of God himself is here

After seeing him, Khaknur and Agui simply despaired. They are considered monsters in this world but Nath is the real monster

He has such a monstrous strength and it was even constantly improving at a terribly fast rate

His growth rate is simply monstrous. His rise in power was proportional to how much the church\'s faith was spread

With him present, the two pitiful monsters simply have no possible way they could flee

Behind Nath was an altar glowing with divine light. It was as if God himself is here in this place

It makes people feel how little they are compared to a supreme being. But it also has the effect of making people want to worship God even more

"Your Holiness, I brought the demons\' lackeys here" Paladin Hugo said respectfully while kneeling

He placed the lackeys in front of Nath that looked down on them

At normal times, Nath has that aura that makes people extremely comfortable around him as if he would never do anything wrong in this world

However, the two monsters could only feel fear, extreme fear. It feels as if their heads would be served in a silver platter any time soon

"Good job, Hugo" Nath praised and the cold Paladin was instantly overjoyed as he looked at the Son of God in a fanatical way

"All is for the Supreme God and his son!" Paladin Hugo replied and Nath didn\'t give him that much attention anymore

"Seeing the two of you here, I would surely get pretty huge benefits" Nath commented before raising his hand on top of the two monsters

His palm glowed with white light and soon, the body of the two monsters also glowed with a light that was connected with Nath\'s palm

The Son of God\'s eyes turned white and glowed brightly, seemingly turning into a much holier person than he already is

With that, Nath started to do something and that something is reading the memories of these two lackeys

Although their masters are not present, Nath would still learn a lot of things if he were to read their memories

It would make his understanding of the \'demons\' much deeper than before. Understanding those two means that he would be able to think of a much better plan to get rid of the people that could threaten him

Streams and streams of memories flooded Nath\'s mind but with how sturdy his soul was, this was simply nothing to him

Countless scenes played in his head at the same time as he absorb the memories from these two, especially the ones that show Rhash and Reif

After some time, Nath finishes reading their memories and the two monsters instantly become unconscious

"Take them and lock them. It doesn\'t seem feasible but we might still use them as hostages" Nath ordered and Hugo immediately dragged the unconscious monsters away

He starts to sort out the memories he had absorbed and there was a particular thing that surprises him and that was Rhash\'s origin

That person was actually originally not from this world! That\'s a big surprise!

No wonder that Nath felt something from Rhash and he wants to possess him. Turns out that person is more special than he had thought

Aside from that, Nath also learned that Rhash knows the future or more like the future that would have happened if Rhash didn\'t influence Reif

After learning that, Nath seeth with anger. Turns out that his journey would have actually been smooth sailing if not for that bastard from another world

All of these hardships were because of Rhash. If not for him, Reif would simply become a stepping stone for Nath

Even without Nath doing anything, this world would still persecute that man. However, the future has been altered all thanks to that foreigner

Nath took a deep breath before further analyzing all the things that he knows

"If they want to stop me from raising my strength while being able to raise theirs, there is only one thing that they could do to achieve that..." Nath muttered and he turned his head in a certain direction

There is only one thing in this world that could raise both Nath and Reif\'s power to a large extent easily and that is the Shard of Brilliance!

The shard is in the hands of someone that Nath knows and that someone might have been trembling by now already

Salamander... the person that holds one of the shards in his hand

In the past, Nath and Salamander already had multiple clashes together. Unfortunately for the Salamander, he cannot use all of his powers nor could he move from where he was

The only thing he could do was to send his underlings. However, compared to Nath\'s underlings that were blessed with divine power, Salamander\'s underlings could not compare at all

Nath still hasn\'t dealt with that man since he was focused on Reif and Rhash. But now.... Nath has to change some of his plans