The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 200 - Innovation.

Yang Dao thought that he was hallucinating. He looked at his friends and they were all shocked. Suddenly he started having a bad premonition. Sasha was stunned then a fierce blush climbed up on her fair face. Kiya looked at her with a stinking glare.

The blonde gulped and calmed down, her best friend will certainly kill her for stealing her eye candy. She said, "Grandma, what are you talking about? Dao is two years younger than me and we are only friends."

The old lady said, "Age is just a number, also you can take charge since you are the older one. Feelings will cultivate as you spend time together. Also, you introduced him last, so I know that he is the best. To be able to deal with the bandits and make them flee is certainly good enough to show his strength and reliability."

Apparently, the old lady was dead set on getting Yang Dao as her grandson-in-law. Yang Dao asked, "Coach, I am going back to Jade City." he was scared, if not for the fact that he could not run that far he would have already vanished from the place. With these words, the boy rushed to the car in the back and was about to unload his bike.

Suddenly a charming voice sounded, "Young Master Feng, please wait. I apologize for my mother\'s behavior. She did not mean to offend you."

Yang Dao glanced at the speaker and found that it was a girl, as old as Feng Yun. She wore a similar white fur coat as the old lady and wore emerald earrings, her hair was blonde. She was walking toward him from inside the house.

The Dao Child said, "Madam, I am not offended but I am scared." he actually had sweat on his forehead.

The guys from the cycling club could not help but laugh. The lady came to his side and said, "Young Master Feng, my name is Mina Orlenko, your sister is waiting for a video call with you, inside the mansion. You can talk to her first, and then we will follow whatever you decide."

Yang Dao hesitated and thought, \'If they tried to take me, hostage for forced marriage, I will use my elemental skills and run away. Yes, then let Sister Yun deal with them.\' after nodding to his own idea the flustered boy walked inside the mansion with everyone.

The boy still kept a distance from the old lady. He kept looking at the floor as he walked behind the lady slowly. He noticed that the floor was made in a monotone chess pattern. Soon, the two people turned and parted ways from the rest. They came to a room, seemingly the conference room.

Mina Orlenko smiled and said, "Young Master Feng, please have a seat. I will call your sister." as she gestured him toward the chair. Yang Dao looked around before sitting down, the whole room was decorated with modern appliances.

Glass lamps hanging from the ceiling, a long table surrounded by 11 chairs. The boy placed his hand on the table and sighed, "Ceramite, the oldest the most long-lasting stone used for luxury furniture. Surely worthy of being called the descendants of the ancient empire."

Mina Orlenko on the side was surprised to hear the muttering coming from the boy. She did not expect him to be so knowledgeable at such a young age. She was calling Feng Yun. The call connected.

The speaker was not Feng Yun but her secretary. In the meantime, Mina connected the phone to the projector Feng Yun was on the call. Mina spoke a bit before she let Yang Dao talk. Feng Yun looked at Yang Dao\'s face and her eyes were filled with concern all of a sudden.

This was an expression reserved only for Yang Dao and Yang Dao only. She asked, "Are you hurt?"

The boy shook his head. Before he could say anything Feng Yun said, "I will send my guards to eradicate these people. HOW DARE THEY MOVE AGAINST YOU?" she did not yell but Yang Dao could sense the rage inside her from the emphasis on her words.

The boy smiled and said, "Calm down, they are people driven to do such things because of the circumstances. Also, it was me who broke the hand of one guy, probably suffered a concussion as well as I did not hold back on the kick. Then I shot their leader and took her hostage. So, do not move against them, please. For my sake? My sweet Sister Yun. The most beautiful in the world, the sweetest and the dearest, please."

He was trying to simmer down her flames with his sugary mouth and it seemed to be working. The furrowed brows of the beauty stretched and her frown turned upside down. She was brown-nosed by the kid. She said, "Well, okay if you say so. But the next time, they can vanish altogether."

The boy nodded and said, "I need your help to set up a Helping hand branch here in advance. Although Mary can do it as well, she may need some time to get the previous targetted locations dealt with first. Other than the helping hand branch, we would need to build a village from scratch."

The two people started to discuss and Mina Orlenko was also called to join the call. Earlier she had left after greeting Feng Yun to give the siblings some privacy. The more the people talked the more shocked Mina was.

She did not expect this kid to have so many ideas to change the face of the cold desert as it was known to the people. He came up with ideas such as animal raring, they had a lot of lands, it was enough to raise cattle and poultry, then they can also rare sheep and huskies.

He also proposed for them to create solar energy fields or wind turbine fields to meet the energy needs of the area. To make the place green he came up with the idea of planting trees in the region, based on their suitability. The land lacked nitrogen so he suggested making it fertile by feeding the land organic fertilizer.

Mina Orlenko was shocked by the business and innovation genius of this boy.