The Ultimate Heel Heals Everything! ~ Repairing Trash Into Rare Items!

CH 2

Chapter Two: Departure into the Unknown

A sunny, spring morning.

At the age of 17, I stood at the entrance of the village with my worldly possessions on my back. I had grown up to be a man with black hair, black eyes, medium height and build, and no distinguishing characteristics. I was dressed in simple traveler’s garb. This was my departure.

A few of the villagers came to see me off, all of them were people who’d been seriously injured in the past whom I’d then healed.

“Be careful!”

“This isn’t much, but it’s for you,” an auntie said, giving me a package. I received it with a grateful bow.

“Thank you, auntie.”

The elderly hunter then gave me a fur coat and a pouch. “Take this pouch, it’s the one I used long ago. There’s a little silver inside. Be sure to keep warm as well.”

“Thank you very much. I appreciate it.”

“Your [Heal] always work quickly, I wish you would stay here with us forever.”

“I know, but it can’t be helped. Now that there’s an apothecary, I’m just a waste of resources.”

I have no talent other than casting [Heal], and as I grew up, I became more of a burden on the village. Even so, the people were grateful for my healing so everyone treated me kindly. But their kindness became a burden on my heart.

The final straw was when the apothecary returned to the village. She was able to use intermediate healing magic, so she could cure illnesses as well as injuries. The value of my existence, healing injuries, was diminished into nothing. Moreover, the apothecary’s shop also handles medicinal herbs, potions, tea and herbs. Therefore, it was natural for the villagers to patronize her over me.

Because I was useless, I was a waste of food in a village without any to spare. Since I didn’t want to be a burden on the village anymore, I decided to leave the village and make my own way in the world. I would take care of myself!

“Thank you for everything. I’ll be leaving now.”

“See you again!” “Come back and visit!”

With the surprisingly warm words of farewell from the villagers, I waved goodbye.

Wait! Come visit isn’t come home! I was keenly aware that there was no place for me in the village anymore. It can’t be helped, let’s do our best.

I will survive no matter what!

From my old village at the foot of the mountain, I headed through the woods to a nearby town. Along the way, I counted the money while walking down the pleasant forest path.

From the auntie, three gold and twenty silver.

From the hunter— when I put my hand into the leather pouch, I realized it was bottomless.

“Eh?” I checked the shabby exterior for a hole but the bag itself was solidly constructed. But I didn’t have any more money – hadn’t the hunter said there was silver inside?

“Ohhhhh, this is a [Magic Wallet]! Amazing!”

There were several types of magical bags common among adventurers. There are [Magic Wallets] which can hold a lot of coins, and [Bags of Holding] which can hold other items. These items could only be found in dungeons and had a high resale value.

The old hunter must have been an adventurer in his youth! This was quite the expensive gift to give to me, who couldn’t work in the fields or hunt. Why was everyone in the village so kind?

With tears in my eyes, I counted the money inside the [Magic Wallet]. In all, it contained 10 gold, 5 silver, and 24 copper. Combined with my own savings, I had in total 18 gold, 43 silver, and 65 copper.

Since even a copper coin weighed a kalus, I was carrying about 18, 925 kali. It’s a lot to deal with, but thanks to the [Magic Wallet], I was saved.


I started thinking after counting the money. It was a lot of money to a villager, but if I didn’t make more, it would be gone in two or three months. I must make some money to survive. However, my only skill was casting [Heal]. I tried to learn swordsmanship and archery from the adults around me, but I was hopeless. I couldn’t even swing an axe and split wood properly. It was only natural to be kicked out of the village and reduce the number of hungry mouths.

I had even tried some magic other than [Heal] but it didn’t work at all. I couldn’t cast anything else. Moreover, my [Heal] only worked if I was touching the person. Clerics and Priests have to cast [Heal] from a distance in adventuring parties. Not being able to do that made me completely useless in combat situations. I couldn’t be an adventurer because I only had the basic [Heal]. Or rather, no party would ever have use for someone like me.

Besides, I don’t want to die again. I want to be a healer and live far away from danger.

…Actually, maybe I should live in an adventurer town near a dungeon since I’m accustomed to dealing with sudden injuries. But would I have any patients?

I asked the locals and adventurers who were also traveling towards the town, but they didn’t have any advice. I had no choice but to go scout out the situation myself. Worst case, I would work a job that didn’t involve healing. …No, worst case, I would go live alone in the mountains. Haha.

Anyways, there didn’t seem to be any jobs for newcomers in this town. I had to go to a bigger city.