The Trembling World

Chapter 6

"Help! Help me!" The man with glasses shouted for help to Liu Gan, who had climbed to a height of seven or eight meters.

Liu Qian took the iron pillar and looked down. In this case, he certainly couldn\'t go down to save people, and even if he wanted to save people, he couldn\'t save them.

Several more zombies rushed over and threw the glasses man under the billboard to the ground. Some gnawed their heads, some gnawed their feet, and some reached out to break his stomach and pulled out his intestines. The glasses man didn\'t die immediately. He was still struggling and screaming. Looking at his skin and internal organs bitten and torn, we can imagine how painful he was at the moment.

When Liu Qian saw this scene, he smelled the smell of the man\'s intestines being pulled. Hearing his extremely sad scream, his body trembled inexplicably, and a sense of fear of death invaded his whole body. Not to mention whether death in the game will die in the real world, this very real and cruel way of death in the game alone has been very frightening.

The pain is so real that it can be imagined how much mental and physical pain the players who are experiencing all this bear. Even if there is no death after returning to the real world in the game, I\'m afraid it will leave a very strong psychological shadow.

Fortunately, these zombies can\'t climb the iron pillar, otherwise Liu Qian\'s ending will be no different from the man with glasses below.

Liu Qian\'s situation is not very good now. The iron pillar supported by the billboard is very smooth, and the height has reached at least 14 or 5 meters. Now he has only climbed half the height. On the one hand, he wants to climb up, on the other hand, he has to clamp the iron pillar with his body to prevent himself from sliding down. All this is very exhausting.

Liu Qian hugged the iron pillar to catch his breath and looked around the square

The mutant zombies have been blasted by the players, and their mobility is seriously limited. They can\'t catch up with the players for the time being, but the scattered zombies in the surrounding streets have blocked all their paths. Two of the surviving players are still trying to run to the open space, but they are soon surrounded by zombies, pulled and fell to the ground. Although they struggle hard, But it is still difficult to escape the fate of being torn apart by zombies.

Three players gathered around the green man, all of whom chose melee weapons. I don\'t know what the green man said. The three players scattered and kicked, slashed and smashed the approaching zombies, temporarily clearing a small empty space for the green player. The green player squatted on the ground and pried a cellar cover on the ground of the square with his iron bar.

Before a large number of zombies were about to be surrounded, the green man was lucky to pry open the cellar well cover with the iron bar in his hand. He quickly opened the cellar well cover and drilled in. Seeing this, the three players who helped him clear the field kicked away the zombies around him and rushed over, ready to follow the green man down to the cellar well. This should be the escape plan they had just discussed with the green man.

Unexpectedly, when the three players came, the green man who had gone down to the cellar well grabbed the handle under the cellar well cover and covered the cellar well cover again!

The three players did not open the cellar cover again for a long time. Maybe the cellar cover was pulled by the green man from the bottom. Soon, a large number of zombies surrounded them, surrounded them in the middle and fell to the ground.

In such a big square, soon there were no players left. Except for the green man who got into the cellar and the Liu Qian who still climbed on the iron column of the billboard, all the other eight players died in this wave of zombies!

Liu Qian held the iron pillar tightly, and his whole body trembled slightly. He didn\'t know how the green man in the cellar was now. Anyway, his current situation was not very good. If he can\'t continue to climb on the iron frame at the top of the billboard, Liu Qian will sooner or later run out of strength and slip off the iron column, and then be torn to pieces by the more and more zombies gathered in the square below.

Even if he climbed up, Liu Qian was a little desperate. Although he could live on the iron frame of the billboard, he couldn\'t stay on it all the time, could he? From the attribute value of the watch, the game is set with hunger value and thirst value. If he has been trapped on the billboard, he will starve or die of thirst sooner or later.

Just like now, Liu GaN has begun to feel thirsty because of the fierce running and climbing in the series. People can last more than ten days without food, but they can only survive for about three days without water.

Although climbing up the top of the billboard may not survive, there must be only a dead end if you don\'t climb up. If he kept holding the iron pillar, the power consumption was still great, so Liu Qian immediately climbed up after a short rest.

The muscles of the arms and legs used for climbing have reached the limit. Liu Qian can only persist with willpower at this time. He gritted his teeth and insisted. Five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters, he was getting closer and closer to the iron frame above the billboard, but Liu Qian was getting more and more difficult every half meter. He felt that he might run out of strength and slide down the iron pillar at any time, and then be torn to pieces by the zombies yelling up below.

"The last meter! I want to live!"

Liu Qian roared, hugged the iron pillar, wiped the sweat in his hands on his clothes again, and then climbed up again.

Finally, before his strength was about to run out, Liu Qian reached out and grabbed the iron frame of the billboard. He exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, pulled his body onto the iron frame of the billboard, smashed a big hole in the billboard with his fist, and reluctantly sat down on the iron frame.

It\'s safe for now.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. They keep rolling above the billboard, giving people a great sense of oppression. There are some lightning and thunder at the end of the sky from time to time, and there is a tendency to shift here. The rainstorm may fall on this square at any time.

Thousands of zombies have gathered in the square, which is densely packed with all the open spaces. All the zombies near the billboard column look up at the Liu Gan sitting on the billboard iron frame, and their eyes show an extremely blood eating desire. Some zombies even tried to climb up the iron pole to hunt for dried willows. Fortunately, the iron pole was smooth enough for them to climb up at all.

Some zombies tried to climb onto the advertising rack by stepping on the bodies of other zombies. Unfortunately, the ladder they built was not solid and collapsed after less than three layers, but they still did so unremittingly. Perhaps in addition, their big brain that lost the ability to think did not know what else to do.

PS: tomorrow\'s third watch, the first watch is at 0:00. Tomorrow is a new week. The new book rushes to the list and asks for recommendation tickets from brothers and sisters. Thank you!