The Trembling World

Chapter 27

The ground around the five zombies is still scattered with some gnawed bones and broken meat, which should be left by the woman. From the blood on the ground, it seems very fresh.

Thinking of the woman\'s inner ~ clothes on the balcony on the third floor, Liu Qian deeply suspected that the woman who was eaten by five zombies was probably the landlady of the shop. Liu Qian subconsciously looked up. Sure enough, the window behind the room on the third floor was open, and a rope hung down from there.

Needless to say, something urgent must have happened to the landlady. She tried to climb the rope downstairs from the window on the third floor. As a result, she was ambushed by the five zombies and buried in their mouths.

I don\'t know why she didn\'t open the rolling gate on the first floor and go out from the front door of the store. Instead, she chose to slip along the rope from the back of the small building at the window on the third floor. But now is obviously not the time to consider these things, and the answer to this matter is meaningless to Liu Qian, so Liu Qian just thought about it casually, didn\'t delve into anything, but focused all his attention on the five zombies.

At dark, the big explosion on the other side of the square attracted a lot of zombies in the streets here, but there are always some zombies or stuck on the way forward and did not gather with other zombies to form a wave of corpses in the square, just like the five zombies now.

Although these things have no human consciousness, they seem to be much more sensitive than people in sight, hearing and smell. Fortunately, Liu Qian is standing at the lower tuyere. In addition, he has been light handed, so the five zombies did not find Liu Qian, but continued to eat their food there.

Looking at the five zombies, Liu Qian frowned slightly. He must decide whether to give up this foothold and choose another foothold as soon as possible.

If you want to choose this small building as a foothold, you must clean up the five zombies first, otherwise they will disturb them if they make a move. Once they sneak attack, they will inevitably be in a hurry, and even attract other zombies to surround the small building when they want to leave. This kind of small building is not comparable to the billboard. If a large number of zombies gather below, they can climb upstairs in a way of overlapping.

If Liu Qian gives up this foothold, he can\'t guarantee that he will soon find a better and safer foothold than this small building.

Now it\'s getting late, the night wind is getting stronger and stronger, and thunderstorms may fall on this street at any time. Once the rainstorm falls, Liu Qian\'s vision will be further limited, and the thunder may cause the nearby zombies to go crazy. Under the cover of the rain curtain, their sneak attack is even more difficult to prevent.

Now he must find a suitable foothold and settle down as soon as possible. After comprehensive consideration, Liu Qian quickly decided to clean up the five zombies and settle down in this three story building tonight.

If there were only three zombies, Liu Qian would not hesitate. Now he knows that three zombies do not pose a great threat to him, but if there are five, he has no bottom in his heart. It\'s not that he doesn\'t have confidence in himself, mainly because he hasn\'t tried to deal with five zombies at one time before, and now it\'s dark all around, and it will be very inconvenient to fight.

In the struggle between normal people and zombies, zombies are reckless because they are not afraid of injury and death. They will attack and attack again and again in the whole process, and use their strength to tear and bite the target. But normal people can\'t. when fighting with zombies, on the one hand, normal people want to kill zombies more effectively, on the other hand, they must try their best to avoid being scratched and bitten by zombies, otherwise once injured, they may be infected, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, even if Liu Qian has now been promoted to level 4, his ability has been comprehensively improved, and it should not be a big problem to deal with five zombies under normal circumstances. He still did not take the risk to fight face to face with five zombies, but took the way of wisdom.

With one enemy and many, the best way to fight is to distract the enemy\'s attention, draw them away and break them one by one. After Liu Qian decided the tactics, he bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it at the back of one of the zombies closest to him.

After the Zombie\'s back was hit by a small stone, he looked back at Liu Qian. When he saw Liu Qian, he immediately roared, gave up the body he was eating, got up and rushed at Liu Qian. Before other zombies did not react, Liu Qian quickly hid behind the corner, retreated a few meters, and waited for the zombie to come around the corner.

At the same time, he was ready to lead the five zombies together. In this case, he was ready to fight or escape.

Liu Qian\'s tactics were very successful. Only one zombie was led over. Liu Qian stepped back a few steps and led it away a little. After that, an old fist hit the Zombie\'s face door. When it swayed and retreated, he cheated his body and cut off its neck with an axe. He easily solved it on the spot without making too much noise.

After solving the first one, the latter one was simple. Liu Qian took almost the same method and soon led two of the other four zombies one by one. When there were only two zombies left behind the small building, he had no scruples. He rushed over directly and threw them on the ground.

After finishing the five zombies, Liu Qian went back to the street in front of the shop and roughly told pan Hua and Lulu what had just happened and his plan. They hid in a hidden place for the time being, and then returned to the back of the small building. He is going to climb the window alone and enter the small building for exploration. After confirming the safety, he will try to open the rolling gate on the first floor from the inside and pick him in from the outside.

Looking at the rope hanging from the window on the third floor, Liu Qian suspected that zombies also appeared in the small building, forcing the landlady who originally lived in the small building to escape from the window on the third floor. She fled in a hurry and probably fell directly to the ground, or she was attacked by several Zombies hiding nearby and was divided.

Therefore, you must be more careful in the process of climbing up.

Liu Gan pulled the rope and felt that it was firmly tied, so he climbed up through the rope. Of course, he did not completely rely on the rope, but took the way of holding the rope with one hand and climbing on the wall with the other hand to prevent the rope from breaking or other accidents.

PS: the new week has begun. It\'s a critical moment for new books to rush the list. Ask your brothers and sisters for recommended tickets. Thank you!