The Trembling World

Chapter 22

But Liu Qian still felt hungry, so he opened two more packets of biscuits and stuffed them into his mouth.

To be honest, these biscuits don\'t taste very good. Now LiuQian wants to sit by the stove and eat a whole roast chicken or a bowl of simple shredded pork noodles with pickled mustard is better than these biscuits.

But now in this situation, it\'s good to have cookies, otherwise there will be problems if you keep hungry. Using the light of the lighter, he studied the production date of food and beverage in the supermarket. He recalled his conversation with the female staff of Sanyu company when he was on the billboard shelf. Liu Qian estimated that the world in the game had not changed from the normal world to the zombie world for a long time.

This suddenly killed hundreds of thousands of players. In addition, some indigenous people who did not become zombies in the original world must be frantically looking for food and water. In this case, it will be more and more difficult for Liu Qian to find enough food and clean water in the future.

So, just cookies. Don\'t think of roast chicken or shredded meat noodles.

The red haired boy couldn\'t find anything to eat. He saw Liu Qian eating biscuits there. After smelling the smell of biscuits, he looked at Liu Qian eagerly. However, Liu Qian didn\'t pay attention to him at all and only cared about his own food and drink.

Pan Hua, a fat man outside the small supermarket, couldn\'t help it. He saw the light of Liu Qian\'s lighter before. Later, the light of the lighter went out. I don\'t know what happened inside. Pan Hua looked around the small supermarket and smelled the smell of biscuits. He estimated that Liu Qian and the red haired boy had eaten in it, so he hurriedly asked Wang Changshun and Lulu to follow in.

Lulu was answering the phone when she entered the game, and her mobile phone was brought into the game world. Although she couldn\'t make a call without a signal, the flashlight function could be used, so she took it out and followed pan Hua and Wang Changshun into the small supermarket.

Liu Qian has finished eating. He found a flashlight in the small supermarket, turned on the flashlight and continued to search for various materials in it. Of course, it is something useful for eschatological survival. Food, drinks, scissors and batteries are not heavy, but they have their own uses. There is no need to take too heavy things.

"He packed all the food in the small supermarket." The red haired boy whispered to pan Hua who came in.

"Oh..." Pan Hua glanced at Liu Gan and dared not go to Liu Gan to ask for food. After seeing several boxes of mineral water placed on the ground near Liu Gan, he hurried over and wanted to get some water to drink to solve the problem of thirst.

"Don\'t move the water. I\'ll distribute it later!" Liu Qian had eyes behind him and said coldly to pan Hua.

"OK, boss." Pan Hua licked his dry lips and didn\'t dare to reach out for water.

"Water belongs to everyone. We are all thirsty now. Isn\'t that good for you?" Wang Changshun, a college student with glasses, came over and said a few words to Liu Gan.

Lulu and the red haired boy also came over and looked eagerly at the mineral water tank on the ground. Now they are hungry and thirsty. It\'s good to have a mouthful of clean water first when they can\'t get food.

"Just because water belongs to everyone, it\'s up to me to distribute it. Do you have any opinion?" Liu Qian turned around and cut the axe on the shelf beside Wang Changshun. Wang Changshun trembled and swallowed everything he wanted to say.

What democracy is there in the last stage? The rule is who has the final say.

"Let\'s find something else first. We\'ll distribute food and water to us at the old meeting." Pan Hua hurriedly pushed Wang Changshun aside.

Lulu and the red haired boy didn\'t dare to say anything. They walked away unhappily and tried to find something else to eat in the small supermarket.

Now they regret following Liu Qian, but they have come to this step. If they are separated from Liu Qian, their situation will be more difficult. Moreover, Liu Qiangang seems to have said that he will distribute food and water, so it would be better to bear hunger and thirst now. It really annoys him. It\'s troublesome to be cut off by him.


"There\'s a lot of money in the cash register. Do you think it\'s of any use here?" Wang Changshun went to the cashier and found several hundred yuan bills. He turned back and asked fat pan Hua.

"Who knows? Take it first! Maybe you can buy something." Pan Hua was busy looking for something else. Without looking back, he replied to Wang Changshun.

Wang Changshun found several hundred yuan bills in the cash register and leaned over to look for more money from the drawer of the cash register. As soon as he looked over, he felt something wrong, but it was too late.

A zombie with a completely rotten lower body was lying under the table at the cashier. When Wang Changshun stretched out his arm, the zombie suddenly reached out and grabbed Wang Changshun\'s hand, and then bit it down, "click!" He snapped off several of his fingers.

Wang Changshun immediately screamed with pain. The pain of the phalange being bitten off was unbearable, and big beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

When Liu Qian heard the sound, he rushed over with the hatchet in his hand. He went down and cut off the back of the Zombie\'s head. Then the zombie lay on the ground and didn\'t move.

"It hurts! It hurts me! It hurts too much, isn\'t it? Is it really necessary to play the game?" Wang Changshun looked at his hand that had bitten off several fingers and continued to scream loudly. Tears poured out of his eyes. He looked very frightened and frightened.

Pan Hua, Lu Lu and the red haired boy also came over and saw Wang Changshun\'s bloody hand after being bitten off. Looking at the broken finger, they were all scared to white. Lulu covered her mouth and forcibly covered the scream that almost came out.

"The cry will attract more zombies! Stop yelling!" Liu Qian immediately scolded Wang Changshun.

"Didn\'t you come to clean up the scene first? Why are there zombies in here?" Wang Changshun held back the pain and questioned Liu Qian with great dissatisfaction. In his opinion, if Liu Qian had just cleaned up all the zombies in the small supermarket, he would not be bitten now. It is obvious that Liu Qian\'s work is not in place.

"I told you to stop yelling! I\'ll cut off your head!" Liu Qian bullied him, put the axe blade on Wang Changshun\'s neck and threatened him. He did clear the market before entering the small supermarket, but he didn\'t prevent that there would be a zombie with only half of his body under the cashier. In addition... He had no obligation to do any clearing work for these people.

PS: at zero o\'clock on the third watch tomorrow, the first watch, the new book will rush the list and ask for recommendation tickets from brothers and sisters. Thank you!