The Trembling World

Chapter 2

Liu Qian appeared in a square surrounded by nine other men.

"Is virtual reality technology powerful enough to make people feel the same in the game as in the real world?" Liu Qian sat up and make complaints about him.

It\'s just a game with an inductive hood in front of a computer. How can it be so real? Are you dreaming? Liu Qian subconsciously bit his lips, and a feeling of pain came, so he immediately convinced that he was not dreaming.

So, now I\'m in the game? Otherwise... How to explain all this?

Liu Qian looked up at the sky. The sun could not be seen in the gloomy sky. The dark clouds were rolling, as if it was going to rain at any time. Not far away, there is a huge billboard pointing directly at the sky, which reads four bright red characters "trembling world", as if dripping blood. There is even the official opening date of the game, and that date is today.

All the ads are in the game?

At this time, as surprised as Liu Qian, there were nine men around him. Like Liu Qian, they were sitting in front of the computer the moment before. As soon as the three domain company\'s thriller world server was turned on, they immediately confirmed to enter the game and chose the initial weapon. Soon after they appeared here like Liu Qian... A square that looked a little big.

Most people looked confused and surprised. Like Liu Qian, they stood up and looked at the sky and around, with an incredible expression on their face.

The ten of them are not alone. There are some abnormal looking humans wandering near them. For the otaku who often play various games, they can recognize at a glance that those wandering are not ordinary humans, but zombies!

At this time, the nearest to them is a beautiful zombie. Its long hair doesn\'t seem too dirty. It has a towering chest, a slender waist, a white shirt on the upper body and a beautiful red skirt below. It\'s a good figure, but it\'s a pity that its face is a little ferocious.

When the beautiful zombie was wandering around unconsciously, he suddenly saw ten people appearing here out of thin air. It was like smelling the smell of fresh food. He rushed here immediately. The speed was amazing. He rushed to a green man in a few seconds.

"Shit! Beauty, haven\'t you seen a handsome man? Are you so excited?" The green man put the iron bar in his hand against the bulging chest of the female zombie.

If it weren\'t for the blood red eyes, blue cheeks and salivating corners of the mouth, it should be a very good beauty with chest and hips, good figure and high turning back rate on the road.

After the beautiful Zombie\'s chest was held by an iron bar, she stretched out her hands and tried to catch the green man. Her mouth kept opening and closing, and sent out bursts of beast like roars. It seemed that she was very interested in the fresh blood and flesh on the green man.

"The modeling, rendering and Mapping... Are the effects too lifelike? Hair and haifeisi effect are different from dx11.3! Sanyu company has done a good job in this game!" Another bald man staggered over as if drunk and looked closely at the beautiful zombie.

Other people\'s eyes were also attracted by this scene, and their confusion was put aside for the time being.

After looking at the beauty\'s zombie, the bald man held out his hand to lift her short skirt and exposed her pants. From the cartoon pattern above, the beauty was still very cute before she became a zombie.

"Ha ha... Pick it up and have a look. See how the map inside is done." The other onlookers began to coax.

Encouraged by a crowd of onlookers, the bald man really stretched out his other hand to take off the beautiful Zombie\'s mengmengda and study the map inside. But just as he grabbed mengmengda and wanted to pull it off, he had been trying to tear the beautiful zombie of the green man, suddenly changed his target, rushed at the bald man and bit him on his neck.

When the bald man felt wrong, he instinctively moved aside, but it was still late. The beautiful zombie bit him on the shoulder. The bald man immediately shot blood and screamed loudly, and then a strong smell of blood drifted around.

"Shit! The effect of blood racing is really realistic! How much did your blood line drop?" The green man widened his eyes and looked at what was happening in front of him in surprise.

"The blood line is a ball! It hurts me!" The bald man pushed away the beautiful zombie, kicked her and kicked her away. But the beautiful zombie was obviously not ready to give up after tasting fresh blood and meat. After being kicked away, he immediately rushed at the bald man again.

"Who asked you to pick the beautiful woman\'s pants? Did you annoy the beautiful woman?" The green man smiled obscene.

Other people\'s expressions are different. Some people seem to be a little panic, some people stare at the bald injured and bloody shoulder, and others seem to be trying to find something in front of themselves

Liu Qian didn\'t say anything. He always felt something was wrong. Is all this too true? If it\'s a game, what a powerful processor and graphics card it takes to render such a realistic picture! The computer screen can never show this effect. It is clear that he has directly entered the game world!

A moment later, Liu Qian came back to his senses. He remembered that when he logged in the game, he chose a machete as his initial weapon. Now he really had a machete in his hand. Moreover, Liu Qian was very close to the bald man, so he immediately cut the neck of the beautiful zombie with a knife. The machete was very sharp. In addition, Liu Qian used enough strength in a nervous situation, so he cut off the head of the zombie with a knife.

A thin black fog floated out of the fallen corpse of the zombie and quietly penetrated into Liu Qian\'s body.

Liu Qian breathed heavily, and his hands clenched the machete trembled slightly. Is this a game? Is this a special game? The smell, the vision and the feel are no different from the real world!

Liu Qian subconsciously looked at his hands and feet. He was a disabled person whose hands and feet had been amputated. He was fitted with a prosthetic limb, but the arms waving a machete just now were very flexible and didn\'t look like a prosthetic limb at all. If it is a prosthetic limb, it can\'t grasp the machete at all, let alone make the precise action of cutting and killing zombies.

But at this time, he can clearly feel the real touch of holding the machete and waving the machete freely, so it can\'t be in the real world.