The Trembling World

Chapter 1413

The temperature around him was getting colder and colder. Liu Qian casually lost eight figures and went in. He opened the door. A heat wave and sulfur gas came to his face. He quickly closed the door again.

Another eight figures were lost. This time, the situation seemed better. There were many big trees in the world in the door, and the air could breathe. Just when Liu Qian stood by the door and was hesitating, a fishy smell came to his nostrils, and a monster with a body size of two meters, which had never been seen on earth, sprang out of the trees.

Liu Qian hurriedly took Liu Ruyan and returned to the door. Then eight random numbers were re entered.

At this time, two men in black climbed out of the snow pit, took out their guns and aimed at Liu Gan who was inputting the password.

"Dad!" Liu Ruyan patted Liu Gan on the shoulder with his small hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two men in Black shot several shots at Liu Qian.

Liu Qian only felt that his body had been hit hard several times, and then his whole body became weak.

"Dad!" Liu Ruyan cried with fear.

"Run like smoke!" Liu Qian struggled to open the door, put Liu Ruyan in, and threw the key in. As for what was going on there, he had no way to know or choose.

"Bang bang!"

The two men in black continued to shoot at Liu Gan, and then ran here quickly.

Liu Qian used his last strength to close the door of the space-time cabin. His body slid slowly against the door and sat down. His eyes gradually became dazed.

Liu Qian\'s soul drifted out of the corpse slowly, because it was too weak to resist the tear of natural forces after leaving the body, and soon turned into a black fog and dispersed around.


"How\'s it going? Did you find them?" Zhang Mengdi asked Liu Qian.

"My soul is dead. Fortunately, your rune technology has helped me send back some memories." Liu Qian is studying those memories.

Dozens of minutes later, Liu qiancai sighed and stopped the study of soul separation memory. According to these memories, he can only roughly judge that sunina should have made many of his clones and wanted to live a family life with him.

Both of them are biochemical clones, which may be the reason why they are unable to bear children. In order to make the family complete and look more like a family, sunina did not know where to find a little girl to act as their daughter, and named her Liu Ruyan.

I don\'t know if the Liu Ruyan he met in Qingyuan community is the Liu Ruyan he sent out from the space-time cabin. If so, time seems to have gone through a cycle here.

"Is your soul also there? Otherwise, how can you send my soul there?" Liu Qian asked Zhang Mengdi.

"I just checked carefully. At that time point, my soul should be in the polar experimental field in permafrost city... The place you go to, ice and snow, may be within the scope of the polar experimental field. Because it has a high degree of fit with the clone, it entered the clone." Zhang Mengdi analyzed it.

"I never found the polar experimental site in permafrost city. I didn\'t expect to go there in this way. Unfortunately, I didn\'t meet them." Liu Qian\'s mood seemed a little depressed,

"No, that time and space is closed." Zhang Mengdi said after some kind of exploration.

"What\'s going on?"

"I don\'t know. It seems that I caused some cause and effect, or you went to that time and space and completed the final cause and effect of that time and space, resulting in the complete closure of that time and space, that is to say... Everything in that time and space will become real history and can\'t be rewritten again." Zhang Mengdi answered Liu Qian.

"This means that I can\'t go back to permafrost city hundreds of years ago to find them?"


Liu Qian said nothing after being silent for a while. Since history can\'t be changed, let it pass. People can\'t live in the past all the time. Everything still needs to look forward.

"What are your plans next?" Zhang Mengdi asked Liu Qian.

"Explore the origin of the universe and find ways to continue her life." Liu Qian herself has become an omnipotent energy family. Now she has no other wishes, but the Milky way has become weaker and weaker. In order to maintain the last life energy, she hardly speaks.

"Continue her life? I have a way to make her never die." Zhang Mengdi asked Liu Qian.

"Oh?" Liu Qian looked at Zhang Mengdi in surprise.

"The principle is very simple! I can use Rune technology to create a small time bubble in my body. The time in it is stagnant. I don\'t need to consume too much energy to keep the time in it unchanged. If I put her in that time bubble, her time will not move forward and will never die." Zhang Mengdi said to Liu Qian.

"Why didn\'t you say it earlier?" Liu Qian was surprised.

"You didn\'t ask." Zhang Mengdi\'s helpless tone.

"But... When time is still, isn\'t it the same as dead that she can\'t move in it?" Liu Qian quickly thought of a problem.

"No! It\'s just that the time in the time bubble is static, and then her noumenon spirit is always in static time, but I can create a rune body for her outside the time bubble and map her soul... Or think into this Rune body, so that she can get along with you forever in the outside world without worrying about the decline of the noumenon spirit in the time bubble Die of old age. " Zhang Mengdi obviously didn\'t think Liu Qian was asking any big questions.

"Then try it quickly." Liu Qian didn\'t expect that a difficult problem that had plagued him for so long was solved so easily by Zhang Mengdi.

A large number of runes in Zhang Mengdi\'s body rotated, and the most central place was a huge metal block, on which the Milky way lay. With this metal block as the core, a mass of dark things that could not be penetrated by any light gradually formed around, which was called time bubble by Zhang Mengdi, completely enveloping the body of the Milky way.

"The time in the time bubble is slowing down..."

"Infinity approaches stillness..."

"It\'s completely still..."


"Curing succeeded."

Then Zhang Mengdi manipulated some runes to make a rune body, and mapped the soul thought of the Milky way in the solidified time bubble into this Rune body.

"Brother Liu!" Yinhe shouted to Liu Qian and manipulated her new body to move around. She felt very satisfied.

"Eternal life is nothing in the rune world. Runes will never die." Zhang Mengdi was very proud. (to be continued.)