The Three Kingdoms - Conquer the World


The first day of December, the first day of the fourth year of Ju Ping, Ding Chou Day, Fu-shen is in the West, which is good for traveling.

In the morning, Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia stood on the Great Wall, which was forty to fifty miles north of Upper Valley County, and looked out of the city. Inside the city wall behind him, 3,500 elite cavalry were on standby, ready to step out of the Great Wall at any time.

Gongsun Xu looked at the Great Wall of snow in front of him, and couldn't help but think of Taizu's shocking poem, and the heroic spirit in his chest surged. In the future, there will definitely be a place for me, Gongsun Xu, in the history of the world!

Guo Jia was wearing a thick mink robe, looking at the vast snow scenery before him, he was extremely shocked, and gasped in admiration: "This is the first time that Jia De has ascended the Great Wall, and didn't want the snow scenery to be so majestic!"

"The snow in Saibei is indeed spectacular." Gongsun Xu casually brushed off a foot of thick snow off the Great Wall's battlements, and pointed towards the northwest direction with a smile, "If you go a few thousand li further north, the snow there would often cover four to five feet. With a single step, you would not even be able to see half a person."

When Guo Jia heard this, he was stunned. In his mind, he thought of a person walking towards the snow area with only his head left.

"How did the lord know about this?" Guo Jia quickly reacted and looked at Gongsun Xu suspiciously.

"Haha, I got it from a Xianbei People." Gongsun Xu laughed as he confused everything.

Guo Jia did not mind as he pointed ahead and asked: "My lord, how long are we going to the Wuhuan of Liaoxi's camp?"

"About two hundred li. It's hard to walk on the snowy road. I'm afraid we won't get there until the afternoon." Gongsun Xu caressed the green grey bricks, the place where he touched felt exceptionally cold, he sighed, then turned and walked down the city walls.

Guo Jia raised his head and looked at the few eagles that were flying back and quickly followed them.

A moment later, the group left the pass and headed north.

— —

On a snowy plain in the middle of the lake, a troop of over a thousand people was moving upstream along the riverbank. The amount of water was so great that, although the weather was cold and the river was not yet completely frozen, there was only a thin layer of ice near the shore.

This team was all dressed up as Wu Huan. They did not carry any banner. The one leading them was a teenager wearing a gorgeous robe. His face was a little pale, and the circles around his eyes were a little blue. Behind him followed a brawny man in a tiger-skin robe. He had a fierce appearance and his gaze was extremely sharp.

When he was walking up the hill by the river bank, the youth sneezed and turned his head to ask, "Uncle Na Li, how much longer until we arrive? "I'm so tired!"

Na Li frowned and said sternly: "Lou Ban, you are a prince of Wuhuan of Liaoxi, and the son of King Qiu Liju. Can't you even endure this little bit of hardship?"

These two people were precisely Qiu Liju's son Lou Ban and his brother-in-law, Na Li. Their goal on this trip was also Tanhan Shan, because they had also received the invitation from He Lian. That day, after the Liucheng was captured, Gongsun Xu and Solitary Passage had surrounded Jianping County on their way back, and had sent someone to ask Lou Ban to surrender. They said that as long as they could offer a horse and fur to the Youzhou every year, they would be allowed to camp and graze in Jianping County.

Although Na Li was like water and fire at the same time as the collapse, when he found out that the army of Youzhou was attacking them, he still hoped that the collapse could last them a year and a half. Because he knew very well that only by collapsing the Youzhou Army, would he and Lou Ban be able to gain enough time to recuperate in Jiuping County. Unfortunately, the heavens did not heed his wishes. In just a few short days, the news of the Liucheng being breached, their people fleeing into the distance, and Yue Bei Ping joining hands with Wu Yan spread all the way to Jianping County. Na Li was extremely shocked. Was the Liucheng the imperial city that the Wuhuan of Liaoxi had been running for so many years, yet it was conquered so quickly?

From the moment they received the news, Na Li and Lou Ban had lived as long as a year, afraid that when the Youzhou Army returned to their master's side, they would not say a word and attack the city. If it wasn't for Lou Ban's order to lock the city gates, who knows how many people would have escaped the city. Just because they did not dare to fight against Youzhou Army at all, once they received the joint letter from Gongsun Xu and Single Classic, Na Li and Lou Ban immediately surrendered.

Gongsun Xu did not break his promise and only asked for two thousand warhorses. Other than that, he did not have any other requests. Furthermore, before he left, he had also agreed to Na Li's request, publicly announcing to Wu Huan, who was in Jian Ping County, that unless Lou Ban rebelled, the Youzhou Army would definitely not attack them.

This time, when Lou Ban received the invitation card from He Lian, he did not dare make the decision on his own. Therefore, Gongsun Xu made an agreement in his letter with Lou Ban that after meeting with the camp in Wuhuan of Liaoxi, they would rest for the night and travel together the next day. If not for Gongsun Xu's letter, Na Li and Lou Ban would rather sleep in the snow than go to Wuhuan of Liaoxi's camp.

"It's not like I came here," Lou Ban disapproved of Na Li's accusation. If it wasn't for him being greedy and lustful, and his personality being a little timid, Qiu Liju would not have agreed to let Collapse become his successor even before he died.

Na Li shook his head and did not try to persuade her anymore. After all, the more useless Lou Ban was, the stronger the power in his hands would be.

Lou Ban rubbed his slightly red nose, and muttered: "I wonder where that thief Gongsun Xu is?"

"Lou Ban!" Na Li shouted in a low voice, "Now that our situation is extremely dire, we must remain respectful when facing Gongsun Xu, and definitely must not be disrespectful!"

Lou Ban frowned, and still nodded and agreed, "Uncle Na Li, I'll remember."

Na Li sighed, his tone becoming gentle, and advised: "Lou Ban ah, that Gongsun Xu is shrewd and clever, he has tens of thousands of strong soldiers, such a person's future is limitless! You can take your revenge for killing your father in your heart, but when Gongsun Zanfuzi doesn't show any signs of losing, not only can you not show it, you must be even more respectful towards him! Think of your father, the great King Qiu Liju. Back then, he was just like a wolf, enduring patiently, and only then was he able to defeat the strong opponent of the tribe and become the strongest king in the Wuhuan of Liaoxi! "

"What's the use of the strongest king?" Lou Ban also sighed, and shook his head: "Uncle Na Li, actually, you don't need to persuade me. Even though I deeply hate Gongsun Zanfuzi, I would never be stupid enough to show it in front of him. In the future, if Gongsun Xu has any requests, I will also wholeheartedly support him! "

"That's right!" Na Li nodded his head in relief and said helplessly: "Gongsun Zanfuzi cannot trust us, but if they want to balance out the other races and tribes in the north of the city, they need obedient people. Kurna is the best dog that Gongsun Zanfuzi is capable of, which is why his power can quickly increase. If we want to recover our tribe's strength, we can only learn from Kurna! "

Lou Ban nodded: "Uncle Na Li is right, Chinese people cannot trust us! It's a pity that officials like Liu Yu are too few. Otherwise, we wouldn't have ended up like this! "

"Liu Yu indeed possesses outstanding reputation, but he wasn't ruthless enough, and wasn't black-hearted enough. That's why he was defeated so easily by Gongsun Zan! That being said, if it wasn't for Liu Yu's kind heart, that time when your father colluded with Zhang Zhen to plot a rebellion and caused such a huge uproar, how could he admit his guilt in the end and be fine? If it was Gongsun Zan, he would have already attacked with all his might! It is said that Liu Yu has already resigned, and from then on, no one in the Youzhou can stop Gongsun Zan! "

"Actually …" Lou Ban hesitated for a moment, then said with a bitter smile: "In my eyes, Gongsun Zan is the hero. Liu Yu is only an easily deceived gentleman."

"That makes sense." Na Li nodded again and again, and for once, agreed with Lou Ban's request.

Lou Ban rolled his eyes and asked: "Uncle Na Li, this time Gongsun Xu is actually going to the Tanhan Shan himself, could it be that he has already made a secret alliance with Lian Lian in advance?"

"Huh?" Na Li was startled for a moment, then nodded and sighed: "Your guess is very possible ah! If it was not so, how could Gongsun Zan be at ease to allow the lone child of his family to go to the Tanhan Shan? If that's the case, could it be that Company is preparing to make a move against Kebineng and the others? "

Lou Ban's eyes widened as he asked in shock: "Even He Lian has such charisma?"

Na Li smiled and did not answer. He thought in his heart, "Do you think you have no future like Lian and me?" and the son of the great King Tan Shihuai after all. The alliance between Kebineng, Su Li and Bu Dugen was growing stronger and stronger, so why would He Lian sit idly by and wait for them to snatch his inferior throne?

At this time, the man in front reported, "Reporting to the Prince, Master Na Li, someone is coming over!"

Na Li and Lou Ban hurriedly rushed to the top and looked ahead, only to see a group of twenty to thirty cavalry soldiers flying towards them. The rider's attire was almost exactly the same as theirs, except there were some minute differences. Na Li recognized them with a glance.

"It's the people from the Wuhuan of Liaodong!"

The group of riders stopped a hundred steps away, and one of them shouted loudly: "Are you Prince Lou Ban and Master Na Li in front of you?"

"Yes, you are all warriors under the King's command?"

"Exactly! I am the centurion Wu Shan from Academy Officer, and am here under the orders of General Gongsun Xu to welcome the two of you. "

"We have troubled centurion Wu Shan. Please lead the way, we need to hurry up."

"Please come with me!"

The horse's hooves kicked up a large amount of snow. Suddenly, an eye-catching ink appeared on top of a piece of paper and quickly spread along the bank of the river.