The Three Kingdoms - Conquer the World


Dong, dong, dong! Dong, dong, dong!

Every half an incense stick of time, the Gathered General Drum would beat the drum once. Three incense sticks of time later, all the soldiers of White Horse Camp were standing orderly on the main arena, staring intently at the stage. In the process of assembling, there was a small disturbance in the middle of the first infantry phalanx on the left, and one of the soldiers stumbled and fell, then quickly stood up.

"Please give me your instructions, General!" Gongsun Yi, who was standing behind the stage, quickly stepped forward.

"Over there" Gongsun Xu pointed at the place where the small disturbance happened, "Go and ask Yan Rou, what happened there just now!"

"Here!" Gongsun Yi quickly went down the stage and ran towards the square formation led by Yan Rou.

"Is Zi Minxiong being too strict?" Gongsun Kang suppressed the shock in his heart and could not help but ask.

Gongsun Xu sighed: "Brother Heming doesn't know this, but we are all in the same line. If we go on the battlefield, the moment someone makes a mistake, it might cause the entire formation to collapse, so we must be strict!"

"So that's how it is." Gongsun Kang suddenly had a flash of understanding, but he was even more shocked in his heart, to request for such a strict army, how much combat power did they have?

As they spoke, Gongsun Yi rushed over and shouted, "General, one of the soldiers slowed down a little just now and was stepped on by someone behind him. That's why he fell to the ground!"

Gongsun Xu said coldly: "Those who fall will be punished ten times, those who step on the staff will be punished five times, to make an example for others!"

"Here!" Gongsun Yi ran over to pass the order, and the two unlucky fellows were quickly pulled out and pressed onto the ground as they started fighting.

Gongsun Kang was confused: "May I ask Zi Minxiong, since the one who fell was a step too slow, why did you scold him along with your staff?"

Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "My son and my brother, as I said just now, White Horse Camp is in the very end, so how can we arrange it? There was no other reason but to take good care of your own footsteps and pay attention to the footsteps of your fellow disciples! Just now, the one who stepped on the target only needed to stay a little longer to be unable to step on the person in front of him, but he didn't do so.

Gongsun Kang was silent, a strong sense of danger involuntarily arose. The father and son pair had already succeeded in ceding the Liaodong, and were constantly thinking of ways to advance eastward, and with such a powerful army present, wouldn't advancing eastward be useless? The west side of the Liaodong had the Wuhuan of Liaoxi and Gongsun Zan, the east side had the Korea, the north side had the support, and the south side had the vast ocean. Once the road to the east was completely blocked off, the best outcome would be to stay in Liaodong for a few more decades. Once the Central Plains Court stabilized, how could they tolerate the Liaodong continuing to stay in one direction? I can't just take over Korea and make myself into a king, hmm? Thinking about it, Gongsun Kang's heart jumped, and his face changed.

Gongsun Xu asked with concern: "Is Brother Heming not feeling well?"

"It's nothing, I just accidentally inhaled a breath of the cold wind."

"This place is close to the sea, the winter sea breeze is very strong, it is very different from Liaodong, Brother Heming should pay more attention to this." Although Gongsun Xu seemed to be concerned, he was actually hinting at Gongsun Kang's weak body using the sea breeze. His deeper meaning was that the Youzhou Army's strength was stronger than the Liaodong's military strength.

"Hehe," Gongsun Kang laughed: "Thank you for Zi Minxiong's concern, my body has always been strong, no matter how strong Sea Breeze is, I won't be afraid!"

Unknowingly, the two of them had once again exchanged blows in secret, and couldn't help but laugh out loud at each other.

Just then, Zhao Yun galloped his horse to the bottom of the stage, cupped his fists and said: "Reporting to General, White Horse Camp has already finished forming the team, General, please give the order!"

Gongsun Xu waved his hand: "Carry out a daily drill!"

"Here!" Zhao Yun accepted his orders and left.

Gongsun Kang asked curiously: "May I ask Zi Minxiong, what do I get for my daily training in White Horse Camp?"

Gongsun Xu said indifferently: "Rushing in formation for thirty miles, for the riders to practice slashing wooden stakes three hundred times, for the archers to shoot arrows sixty times out of the distance of eighty steps, hitting a target fifty-five times would pass."

"What!" Gongsun Kang was extremely shocked. This kind of drills intensity was beyond his imagination. If he could pull out any random army from the Liaodong, doing a little less than half of it would already be very good!

In truth, Gongsun Kang did not know that Gongsun Xu had not told him the truth. According to the training rules of White Horse Camp, other than running for 40 miles, he also had to practice killing 500 soldiers a day. Apart from practicing hacking and riding, the cavalry troops also had to practice shooting on their horses. The days of leisurely watching the infantry practice in the square formation were long gone.

Gongsun Kang suddenly thought of a problem. "Training Zi Minxiong like this doesn't mean that they aren't afraid of their soldiers rebelling?"

"Haha, later, Brother Heming will find someone to ask." Gongsun Xu did not reply, but laughed and kept everyone in suspense.

At this time, the drum sounded out again, and the White Horse Camp began his training. Gongsun Kang did not question him any further, and stared at the arena with his bright and clear eyes.

"Thrust!" The three foot soldiers roared out together, their hands holding onto their pikes, they thrusted forward, the cold light flickering off of their pikes, causing Gongsun Kang's eyes to dazzle. Their speed was not that fast, but their steps were very stable. Every two steps they took, they would fiercely stab their spear. If there really was an enemy in front of them, then their hearts would have been pierced by that spear long ago.

A phrase suddenly emerged in Gongsun Kang's mind: Xu Ruo Lin, invading like fire.

"Shoot!" Archers fired arrows at the front of the infantry phalanx.

"Charge!" After five rounds of arrows, the cavalrymen began to circle around the two wings and attack the front of the infantry phalanx.

'This is simply a hedgehog array! Based on the strength of our Liaodong Army, I'm afraid we'll need at least forty to fifty thousand people to defeat this hedgehog formation! ' Gongsun Kang compared the strength of the Liaodong's army and could not help but sigh inwardly.

"Stop!" The gong sounded and the order to stop was given. After all, the drill ground was only this big. If he were to continue walking forward, he would encounter a wall.

The infantry formation came to an abrupt halt, and the archers quickly drew their bows and returned to their two wings.

It took the cavalry a moment to stop and run back to their original position.

"Moving like thunder, moving like a mountain!" Gongsun Kang praised in his heart once again.

Gongsun Xu turned his head, looked at Gongsun Kang and laughed: "I have long heard that the troops under Uncle Gongsun's command are powerful, and I wonder if my White Horse Camp would be grateful?"

"Zi Minxiong is being too modest!" Gongsun Kang sighed, "It's not that I'm looking down on myself, it's that my Liaodong's military is not as strong as Zi Minxiong's! Not only is our Liaodong's army inferior, I am afraid it will be very difficult to find an army in this world that can compare to our White Horse Camp's army! "

"Brother Heming is too kind!" Gongsun Xu cupped his hands humbly, turned his head and looked to the southwest, and said solemnly: "Cao Cao Cao has a troop of tiger leopard riding, it is said that they have strict military discipline, and every one of them is extremely brave. The xianzhen camp led by Lv Bu, is also one of the best among the best, many people compare the xianzhen camp and Wei Wu to each other, my White Horse Camp has not even finished training, and I am afraid that compared to the other two armies, it is not that good!"

"What?" Gongsun Kang was shocked once again, "Such a strong soldier, and he still hasn't finished training? Although the tiger leopard riding and the xianzhen camp are famous, I can see that the White Horse Camp is not inferior in any way! "

Gongsun Xu said in a serious tone: "That's right, not only have they not completed their training, their soldiers have not even changed into new equipment, and they can only unleash 50% of their strength right now!"

Gongsun Kang was extremely shocked, she stared at Gongsun Xu and asked seriously: "Zi Minxiong, are you serious?"

Gongsun Xu said indifferently: "If you don't believe me, why don't you come and see for yourself in the spring of next year! "To be honest, Brother Heming and Yuan Shao will definitely have a battle in the coming spring. If Brother Heming finds out that I have lied and deceived you, I am willing to let Brother Heming punish me!"

"It's a deal!" Gongsun Kang took a deep breath, and suddenly asked: "I wonder what Zi Minxiong thinks of the Korea?"

"Ambition of the wolves, arrogance of the night!" Gongsun Xu gave his evaluation of them.

"Good!" Gongsun Kang clapped his hands and applauded, then said angrily, "Korea has been invading the ever since High Palace (Korea's Great Ancestor King, the first king to unify the Korean peninsula in the history of Korea, and also the first king to expand outwards). Thirty years ago, the Korea was defeated by the Han army and was forced to move his capital to the Pill Capital. In these past few years, my father had already fought seven or eight battles with the people of Korea. Although most of them won, the people of Korea did not sustain any injuries.

"What the Brother Heming said is extremely true. The people of the Korea are similar to the Hu people, they are all afraid of might and not of virtue.

"Zi Minxiong is right!" Gongsun Kang cheered again, he stared at Gongsun Xu and asked: "May I ask Zi Minxiong, if my Liaodong were to attack Korea, how would Marquis Jin and Zi Minxiong respond?"

Gongsun Xu answered without even thinking, "This is a national war, my Youzhou will definitely support Duke Liaodong fully!" While speaking, he lowered his voice and whispered into Gongsun Kang's ears, "Even if the Liaodong King and Brother Heming want to replace him, I, the Youzhou, will fully support him!"

"Why is Zi Minxiong so generous?" Gongsun Kang looked at Gongsun Xu suspiciously, "I wonder what kind of price my Liaodong will have to pay?"

"I would rather see the Han people become the rulers of the Korea! As for the second question, I do not have the qualifications to answer it for the time being.

"It's a deal!" Gongsun Kang extended his right palm.

"It's a deal!" Gongsun Xu also extended out his right palm and heavily smashed it against Gongsun Kang three times.

Gongsun Kang retracted his hand and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The pressure the White Horse Camp gave him just now was just too great. It was a good thing that his father Gongsun Du had a fierce gaze towards the Korea for a long time, and was even a bit afraid of him. Of course, the condition was that Gongsun Xu would succeed in chasing the deer out in the future, and if Gongsun Zanfuzi lost, Gongsun Kang would definitely lead his troops to seize the Youzhou at the first possible moment!