The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 403

Ran Yan was stunned for a moment, "what letter? Who sent the letter? "

"It\'s Liu Yicheng." The guard handed a letter sealed with fire paint.

Ran Yan opened it immediately. It was written in English! It must be an important thing, otherwise he would not be so cautious, not only sealed with fire paint, but also in English.

However, ran Yan looked down and directly wanted to scold. Liu Qingsong\'s English level was too poor. There were a lot of grammatical errors, and some of them were totally nonsense. In addition to some simple auxiliary words, ran Yan didn\'t spell a word correctly. Since English is not good, why not write pinyin!

Ran Yan looked at the letter for a long time, and even mengdai guessed. Finally, he found out the white matter.

The general content of the letter is that Xiao xuanzhi went to see the crown prince, and then the prince immediately met with the saint.

Xiao xuanzhi? Ran Yan is surprised. At this time, the son of Madame Dongyang goes to see Li Chengqian? According to Liu pinrang\'s words, it was Li Chengqian who made the outside so stormy that he went into the palace to meet the saint Do what?

Ran Yan read the letter again, and it really did not mention Xiao Song.

"Liu Yicheng also said that sun Shaoqing\'s son is missing, so you can help to find it." The guard said again.

This is a news that can make ran Yan feel a little relieved. Sun Zhen must have been forced to do such a thing because his son was in the hands of others, which shows that he has not been ruthless and cruel. But it is also said that Sun Zhen has not renewed his string for many years. He has only one son and loves him very much. Whether the son is important or the righteousness is important, everyone\'s measurement is different, and ran Yan does not dare to be too optimistic.

"I\'m still looking for someone as planned." Ran Yan said.

The later it was, the more worried ran Yan was. She then asked, "other people are not looking for someone else. Have you got any news yet?"

"Not yet." The guard replied.

Ran Yan did not believe that so many people would suddenly disappear!

"Search the yard first, and then follow the original plan!" Ran Yan said.

With the moon flowing in the sky, Qujiang at night is more beautiful than that in the daytime. Many scholars stay in Qujiang all night, so the business of restaurants at night is excellent.

Ran Yan first let several guards accompany her to climb the attic to check, the previous guard said that there was no one alive, that is to say, there was a body.

After the four guards went up to investigate and make sure that there was no danger, ran Yan led people to take torches.

The attic is not big, only two feet long and wide. There are five corpses on the ground. Ran Yan looks at them roughly. All of them are dressed in the same clothes. That is to say, the others are the guards around Xiao Song!

Ran Yan suppressed the confusion in her heart and looked around carefully. There were slight fighting traces in the house. It seemed that these people were led here and ambushed. They had only time to struggle.

"Is my medicine box still there?" Ran Yan said.

The team is asking the subordinates to bring the medicine box. Ran Yan went out from the box, put on a pair of gloves, squatted down to turn over the body, one by one, and found that all the people were broken neck, no trauma.

"Madame, this is our man." The team had already recognized the men.

Ran Yan nods. At least, she can confirm that Xiao Song has been here.

Ran Yan stood up and carefully observed the footprints in the house with the light of the torch. These people came from the forest behind, and their feet were more or less stained with soil. She recalled the stairs below, as if there were not many footprints.

"Let\'s go." Ran Yan\'s voice just fell, suddenly stopped the pace, looked around again, "no! Where did the man leave just now

Because the attic only has two sides with windows, which are facing the courtyard. The corridor leading to the staircase is also in the yard. Ran Yan and they are standing in the courtyard. No matter where the person is going, they should not escape their sight.

The team was responding immediately and ordered, "look for the secret door."


The crowd answered and began to grope on the wall and floor.

No matter what kind of secret door, there should be some cracks, and there is no cover on the wall of the house. Ran Yan looks down at the ground.

There are many gaps on the ground, which are bound to exist in the construction of wooden floors. It seems that there is no difference.

Ran Yan\'s eyes fell on a Persian carpet, "give me a torch."

Ran Yan took the torch from the guard and walked slowly along the edge of the carpet. After a turn, she found something different. It turned out that the carpet had a shallow crease near a few legs.

Ran Yan squatted on the ground and pulled it with her hand. The carpet did not move. She tapped twice and made an empty voice. She immediately said, "here it is."

Immediately the crowd gathered around.

Because there is only one person in the attic, if the secret road is hidden under the carpet, the carpet can\'t be so smooth. There are several cabinets in the room, and people don\'t immediately suspect this carpet.

The team is on the right path. "Madam, please step back and open it."Ran Yan, um, stood up and stepped back a few steps.

The team was just looking at it. It inserted the sword into the edge of the carpet, forced it to pry, and made a slight click, but it didn\'t open.

The team knocked again and said, "madam, there is an entrance here, but it seems that it is locked from inside."

"If you can\'t pry, you\'ll smash it." Ran Yan did not hesitate.

The team is using the sword to pry a few times, pry can\'t open, then simply lift a few to hit on the floor.

But the floor seems to be very hard, hit more than ten times, several began to fall apart, the floor still did not break open.

Ran Yan frowned slightly and took out the hammer and saw from the medicine box. It was made by a blacksmith. It was originally used for brain anatomy.

"Get out of the way." Ran Yan\'s voice is flat.

The guard retreated after hearing the speech. Ran Yan finds out the biggest scalpel, inserts it into the bonding of the carpet and the floor, and quickly removes the carpet, revealing a hole in the floor.

Ran Yan inserts a scalpel into the pit, smashes it deeper with a hammer, and then hits it sideways. Ran Yan\'s scalpels are specially made by blacksmiths. They are extremely sharp and hard. After repeated several times, they pry a gap in the floor, put the saw in, and start sawing.

People lenglengleng looking at her this series of actions, can not help but look at each other. I don\'t know why, some scalp numbness.

"Madame, let the subordinates come down." The team is taking the lead.

Ran Yan doesn\'t insist, and immediately gives the saw to him. After all, the man\'s strength is much greater and the speed will be faster.

The team didn\'t know how to use the saw at first, but it seemed to find the knack after using it twice.

After about a cup of tea, the whole board was sawn open, revealing the dark entrance.

The guard immediately approached the lighting with a torch.

"Go down and have a look." Ran Yan said.

But the crowd was quiet, and no one answered. The company was hesitant.

The unknown is always the most terrible.

Originally, these guards thought that they were just looking for people near Chang\'an, and there should be no big problem. But just now they saw the death of several companions and Liu pinrang, which made them cautious. Facing such a dark hole, they could not see the entrance of anything. For a time, no one dared to go down first.

Ran Yan also respected other people\'s lives, so he did not force him. Since he took a few bottles of medicine from the medicine box and put them into his pocket, he wanted to go down first.

"Madame The team was startled and stopped her.

Ran Yan looked up at him and said coldly, "my husband\'s life or death is uncertain. You can wait, I can\'t wait. You can follow me. "

Ran Yan\'s behavior and language immediately inspired many people\'s self-esteem. They are so handsome that they only dare to hide behind women when they are in danger? Joke, if this spread out, they would not even have the face to see their ancestors.

What\'s more, just now ran Yan\'s compensation for the dead is very rich, 500 Guan! The death of a centurion in battle is no more than a hundred years. Where can we find such a good thing.

"I\'ll take the lead!"

"I\'ll make my way!"

Suddenly, there are several people will be eager to try.

Ran Yan jaw head, "good, you are all heroes. When I confirm that my husband is out of danger, I must thank you again."

"Madame Xie!"

They all said thanks in unison. The team has assigned 20 people to lead the way with torches in front of them.

Ran Yan then went down, followed by two people. The rest of them were guarding outside, waiting for the government to come.

This tunnel is no different from the ordinary cellar. It is only on the second floor, so it goes down a lot. A group of people passed through it smoothly. After walking about ten feet, they could clearly hear the sound of bamboo and laughter above their heads.

At the end, people see the same structure as the other end.

Ran Yan gestures, let people go up to listen to what\'s going on.

A guard was ordered to go up, close to the exit, listened for a long time, and shook his head.

Ran Yan felt that there was a little hypoxia below, just ready to make people open the exit, suddenly heard the clear footsteps from above.

"Is Xiao Yue dead?" Asked a gloomy voice.

The response is silence.

The gloomy voice sneered, "you don\'t have to look at me like this. Don\'t forget that your baby son is still in someone\'s hand. If you don\'t kill Xiao Yuezhi and Mrs. ran, you don\'t mind your son\'s life in your hand."

"Don\'t threaten me! I didn\'t help you! But have you succeeded in mobilizing people, ambush and fake servants? " It was Sun Zhen who answered.

The man hated and said, "that mother-in-law is too vigilant, such a careful plan, even let her expose it!"

Sun Zhen said coldly, "you can\'t even kill a woman. Xiao Yuezhi is ten times smarter than that woman. I\'m just a miss! Don\'t think I don\'t know what you\'re doing. What about the prince? If this matter is uncovered, he won\'t die. You dogs are the only ones who have been torn to pieces! I warn you, don\'t force me to kill meBang!

It seems that Sun Zhen slammed the door.

The crowd held their breath.

Ran Yan heard that Xiao Song had nothing to do. He felt as if he had taken off all his strength. Although he was still in danger, he felt much more relaxed.

"Son of a bitch! Pull something! Come on The man cried.

"Chief!" Someone came in.

"Is there any news in the city?" Asked the leader.

"Yes, it is said that a husband of the Xiao family went to see the prince, and then the prince went to see the saint. After hearing the secret news, it was the Xiao Lang Jun who gave the prince a secret document, and the rest did not know."

"The husband of the Xiao family?" "But the son of our mistress? But Shilang xuanzhi

Ran Yan is surprised, suddenly a lot of things want to understand, it turns out that these people are the hands of Madame Dongyang!

After a quiet rest, the visitor replied, "the messenger didn\'t say that."

"Straw bag!" The leader said angrily. He sighed hard for two times and then said, "go and call Erlang."

After staying for a while, ran Yan felt that the oxygen was not enough, but he didn\'t dare to retreat for fear of making some noise.

The cellar is well sealed for people. It doesn\'t leak light and the air doesn\'t circulate well. But since they can hear the sound clearly below, the people on the top should also be able to hear the bottom. Especially the man who was still on the stairs. The stairs were wooden, and although they were not decayed, he was still like a statue and did not dare to move.

After a moment, there was another conversation.

"Brother." The visitor called.

The leader asked, "second brother, have you ever sent those golden hydrangeas to Lanling?"

"I have already sent the things that the lady ordered, when I have neglected them." Erlang Dao.

After a pause, he said, "brother, why do you have to kill Mrs. Xiangwu? Isn\'t it Li Tai who killed the lady?"

The leader said, "Damn it! I didn\'t want to kill her for revenge, but later I heard that ran seventeen Niang was a member of Hua Tuo\'s family. After Mr. Sang was shot, she could use Hua Tuo\'s magic power to save her life. But she watched our girl die. Do you think that woman should be killed? "

"Kill it!" Erlang\'s voice was also grim.

After a moment\'s silence, Erlang said again, "but brother, we never take this kind of work when the lady is here. It\'s a capital crime to assassinate the imperial court\'s life officer! "

"What a capital crime! We are all wanted criminals without registered permanent residence. In the past, it was always the lady who brought us the living. If the girl master went, we would have been cut off for a long time. It would be nice if there was blood licking on the edge of the knife. Do you still think blood is not sweet? " The leader scolded.

Then the leader sighed, "it\'s the prince who killed the girl. Li Ke holds the military power and is surrounded by experts, and he himself is not weak. Li Tai is also full of experts. Last time, we finally got an opportunity to assassinate him. There was only one person around him, but we lost more than ten brothers and brothers! To kill them, we hit the stone with an egg.

So I made a deal with the prince, and the prince promised that as long as we helped him get rid of dissidents and put him to death, we would remove Li Ke and Li Tai as soon as he ascended the throne. We\'re right, too

However, Erlang was not too surprised. He seemed to take his own life for granted. Instead, he asked, "brother ah, that\'s his brother. If he repents, we will die in vain?"

The Lord suddenly sneered, "I\'ve been with the lady for so long, and I don\'t have a long brain at all! Now the hands of the Lord are clean? There are so many princes Li Ke and Li taiqiang. The government and the public have their own power. As long as the crown prince is guaranteed to take the throne, he can not think about how to get rid of those people? "

Erlang hesitated, "why can\'t you recognize Xiaolang master I think the girl Lord\'s son is not bad... "

The leader yelled, "nonsense! You forgot what the lady said? Don\'t give me the idea! Now, we can\'t be defeated by the government Are you afraid to die? "

"Not afraid! I\'m afraid the lady never dies! My brothers are willing to be loyal to the lady Lord Erlang is ambitious and dry.

Ran Yan\'s heart is slightly shaken. Madame Dongyang has such a means to subdue a group of outlaws who are willing to work for her. Coupled with her plot, it is no wonder that she can kill Xiao Song\'s wife many times. To her, it is nothing at all.

"Go to the yard next door to collect the corpse. Don\'t be intruded by anyone who doesn\'t have long eyes. I will kill ran and die again!" The leader\'s murderous spirit is scattered.

Ran Yan\'s heart is not good, immediately motioned for people to return. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!