The Tamed Heiress

Chapter 54

Come to think of it, it was strange. Why did she believe in Leon like a word set in stone? He also did not know his past self, and there was no factual link between the two.

How powerful would this heart without substance be? What if Leon didn’t feel the same as her? This feeling of doubt was all Dana had now.

I should’ve been a little more active.

She regretted that she had delayed the progression of the relationship and the justification to be next to him because she thought he would be burdened.

Lisa nodded at Dana, who answered without much confidence.

“If you decide so, there must be a reason. If I go into the castle, will you be there?”

“Maybe… But I don’t know what will happen.”

“I’ll probably leave here soon. If you think like that, then it’s better. It’s better than you being left here alone.”

“Are you really going to leave? Where are you going?”

Lisa bowed her head and took a moment before lifting it again, then she looked at Dana and said,

“I’ll probably go to the capital or the area of Hamilton.”

Dana glanced at Lisa. Her appearance was an ordinary woman who put a head towel on her apron and gained weight.

However, sometimes she could tell from her eyes and words that her life was never ordinary.

“Lisa, can I see you again?”

“Well, if it’s meant to be. Oh, okay. If you want to tell me something… There is a tomb called Felice where the ancestors of the lord and the family members are buried. Tell it to the graveyard manager there. I stop by there once a year.”


Dana did not know where Felice was, nor did she know why it had to be a graveyard, but she remembered the name of the place as she looked into Lisa’s sad eyes.

“Thank you, Lisa. Lately, I’ve been in a lot of trouble here and there. To you and him.”

Lisa woke up patting Dana’s shoulder, muttering helplessly.

“Wake up, let’s go clean up now.”

Dana felt lonely because she thought she would miss that rough touch and Lisa’s brave way of speaking.

* * *

“Choose the right amount of these and wear them. These are the clothes that Dana Deniz used to wear.”

In the afternoon, Harbert ordered his servants to bring some dresses to Dana’s room. Dana took a look at the dresses for a while and took one out.

“It’s really… amazing.”

It was not a colorful design as it was not a banquet dress. The dress had a narrow skirt, a particularly thin waistline, and a small bead decoration that sparkled and was closely embedded on the round chest.

Above all, she liked Dana’s dress such that it suited her taste as if someone had been in her head.

“That’s what I thought… Looking at it with my eyes…”

“I’m used to it.”

Dana took off all her work clothes to try on the dress. Her bare white and thin body was reflected in the mirror.

When she was in Leon’s castle, her body was always covered with reddish marks. Dana, who had been thinking that far, rubbed herself from her chest to her waist and swept down with her palm.

At that time, I thought I would die of dryness if I only had sex like that.

Days of being obsessed with pleasure continuously, and sometimes she thought about it on her day off. But she had never hated her relationship with him.

After hugging him until she passed out, his arms and comforting hands were so friendly that it felt like she was dreaming.

When her hand, which was going down smoothly, passed through her pelvis and touched her cl*toris, she hesitated for a while.

“Even now, I am.”

So it was questionable what exactly she missed about him.

Dana unknowingly put a middle finger between the cracks.


A tingling sensation leaked through her lips under her clumsy moving finger.

The first thing she wanted to do when she saw him at such a distance was hot sex, not conversations about what had happened or promises for any future.

Obviously, there were so many things more important than that, but honestly so. She just didn’t think of it because she was embarrassed.


Dana, who had been fiddling with her sensitive areas, soon quit and pulled out her hand. It wasn’t the feeling she wanted.

Beyond simple pleasure, his weight weighing on her shoulders, his hot crossing breath, mixed saliva, and sweat that wet her whole body were all things she missed together.

Dana tried on the dress she had chosen while calming herself. The size fit Dana as well as the design she liked. There was no extra space anywhere, and there was no excessive tightening.

It was perfect from head to toe as if Dana had measured herself and made it her size.

“Who could it be? The owner of this outfit.”

At this point, she was curious. What kind of person is Dana Deniz, who wants her to act?

Is she allowed to do this? Is it true that it hurts as they say?


A familiar headache penetrated Dana’s head sharply. The headaches that came from time to time made her not be able to think straight while in pain.

“I’m going to go now.”

Regardless of the character Dana Deniz, she couldn’t take her feet out now anyway. Dana looked at herself once more in the mirror and stepped out of the door.

Excitement, fear, expectations, and anxiety alternated in and out of her heart.

Before departing for the Grand Duchy, Harbert tested, again and again, to see if Dana remembered what he had told her.

After confirming that she answered without difficulty, he handed over a thick gold coin. Although it was one, the value of that one was equivalent to the monthly salary of a worker working at the top of the merchant group.

“After you’ve done it, I’ll give you the rest of the money when you’re back.”

Dana nodded silently and put the gold coin into the clutch. She vowed not to come back to them even if she could not return to the castle.

As she climbed onto the carriage of the Deniz Merchants, she soon started with the coachman’s command.

Dana looked back inadvertently. The building at Deniz Merchants gradually got further away from the carriage window.

At that moment, her vision turned blurry and her heart became dim. She felt like she was missing something important.

A faint afterimage overlapped her eyes, still looking behind her. The same building, the same road, but the scene, which seemed a little more in the past, made her convinced.

“Oh, okay.”

An image of herself that Dana did not recognize appeared.

I know this place. That too… Very well.

She couldn’t think of any specific memories, but this clear whirlpool of emotions told her that.

But now she had to put them back. She soon saw the castle, and as she approached the gate, the wagon began to slow down.