The Talented Doctor

Chapter 152

Hand is the side has been cold face, silent unintentional.

The door of the room in front of her, slamming closed, still with her how to knock, no one opened the door for her.

Hexi prepared all the medicinal materials and began to boil them in pottery pots. During this time, she hesitated for a moment and secretly added Jiuyou spring water in the pottery pot.

Even including the silver needle used for treatment, she also put it into the medicine juice to boil.

An hour later, the traditional Chinese medicine was boiled successfully, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of medicine.

This kind of medicine is different from other medicines in Miluo mainland. It has no spiritual power and has no smell of vegetation. On the contrary, it has a strong bitterness.

Looking at the thick soup like dark cuisine, Qinglong showed some fear.

White tiger could not help murmuring: "princess, this This pot of things is not for the master, is it

Can the master really survive after drinking this pot of things?

Hexi ignored him and poured all the decoction into the bath bucket. The bath bucket was already full of hot water. Hexi thought about it and secretly added a lot of Lingquan water. Then he ordered: "take off Nangong Yu's clothes and put him in."

Qinglong and others looked at each other with ambiguous looks on their faces.

Miss Nalan still doesn't admit that she is the princess. If she doesn't have a close relationship with her master, how can she be a maiden who has not married Yunying and look at her master without clothes.

But they don't know that once he enters the role of doctor, he will completely forget his identity and gender. Whether it's a man or a woman, whether it's a dress or a fruit, it's the same in her eyes.

Qinglong quickly put Nangong Yu into the potion, and the black potion overflowed to Nangong Yu's chest. At the moment of touching Nangong Yu's body, the potion began to boil slightly.

At this time, He Xi's face began to become dignified.

In fact, she took a certain risk in using Yinning grass, which is extremely cold. But the cold in Nangong Yu's body is too heavy. If all the positive herbs are used, the alternation of cold and heat will damage his body, just like the damage caused by Huoyan cave. Although temporarily cured his cold poison, it will make his meridian damage more and more serious.

Therefore, He Xi came up with Yinning herb as a drug guide, combined with other herbs, to temporarily alleviate his disease.

But Yinning grass is extremely cold after all. Once it enters Nangong Yu's body, it will directly aggravate Nangong Yu's disease and even die. The only way is that she uses silver needle to dredge the main acupoints before the medicine of Yinning grass enters Nangong Yu's heart, so that the efficacy of various drugs can act in advance and neutralize each other with Yinning grass.

No one is allowed to disturb this process.

Qinglong and others quietly left the room and guarded the door. They could not help frowning and said: "this miss Nalan, if I remember correctly, she was just a common girl abandoned by Nalan's family. She was cowardly, bullied and had no accomplishments. How could it be so different from the rumor? "

Before Qinglong had time to speak, Wuyu on one side said with a smile: "this little girl is also called cowardly, so there is no fierce woman in the world. At the beginning, she was sent to Taotie hall as an auction item. When she opened her eyes, she killed all the guests in my room. My master and I have seen it with our own eyes. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!