The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 74 - Stupid Woman!

Suddenly...two big branches of the tree come to the rescue of the falling women. The tree wrapped its branches on the sister\'s waist.

"You girls are so stupid!" the tree reprimanded them.

Ivy saw the two birds floating nearby, hesitating to come to their side after seeing the tree already done rescuing them. Damn tree! She cursed the tree for rescuing them!

A few minutes later they were back safely in the ground of the floating land.

"Stay away from the edge! Dumb stupid human!" the tree scolded them and went back to its original form.

Ivy was furious that her plan failed, she just can\'t give up! She glanced at her sister, Kate was still trying to calm her nerves. She immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her with all her might and once again they tumble below...

"TREE HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!" Kate screamed again.

"What the heck!" The tree was shocked to see the sisters falling again! It acted quickly and able to save the girls in time.

Kate nearly fainted with shock and disbelief. Her sister did it two times already! "Sister, why are you doing this!?" she asked with tears running down her face.

"You have to come with me to the vampire\'s place, Kate!" Ivy declared in a hard voice laced with authority.

"B-but I don\'t want to go back there!" Kate protested.

The tree was mad that Ivy did it twice. It did the unthinkable, it released Ivy from its grasp.

Kate was shocked to see her sister falling fast into the forest below. "Tree, act quickly, please save my sister!" she cried.

But the tree refused to hear Kate\'s pleas. They went back to the surface of the floating land and the tree didn\'t let go of Kate, its branches were still wrapped around her waist holding her firmly in place.

Kate was trashing wildly trying to free herself from the grasp of the tree, she needs to save her sister, ASAP! But no matter how hard she tries, the tree won\'t release her. "Let me go!" she kept punching the branches of the tree that was securing her in place with her free hands, trying to kick it as well with her feet.

"Stop moving, child! or else I will throw you into the forest!" the tree threatened her.

"Then do it! Released me now!" Kate shouted angrily while fat tears rolled down her face imagining the horrific sight of her sister\'s body crashing into the tree below.

Suddenly, Esmeralda appeared in front of them, holding Ivy\'s unconscious body in her arms. "What\'s the commotion here!?"

Kate was feeling overjoyed after seeing her sister, safe in granny\'s arms. "Granny, thank you so much for saving my sister! I thought she had fallen below and died!" she was hysterical feeling overwhelmed by happiness, as huge relief washed over her.

Esmeralda looked at the tree after noticing that it was still holding the girl. "Tree, please release, Kate!" she ordered.

The branches of the tree let go of Kate and returned to its original form.

Esmeralda walked towards the door, Kate ran after the old woman and opened the door for them to enter.

Kate then hurriedly rolled down the mattress on the floor and Esmeralda gently lowered down Ivy\'s unconscious body in the mattress. "Is she alright, Granny?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, she just passed out due to dizziness. Don\'t worry about her. She will regain her consciousness later. Just watch over your sister," replied Esmeralda in a calm voice, then she stood up. "I\'m just going to relax on the wooden bench. Find me there if Ivy already wakes up," she said and exited the house.

Kate released a deep sigh while staring at her sister\'s pretty face. At first, she can\'t understand why her sister grabbed her and they fall below, she only understood Ivy\'s reason after the second time around. Her sister wants her to come with her to the vampires\' territory by jumping together!

That was kind of absurd and stupid thinking on her sister\'s part. She fails to see the logic in her actions!

She sat on the corner watching over her sister. She was relieved to see that she wasn\'t hurt physically in any way. She was getting furious as well after recalling that the tree intentionally released her sister from its grasp! Damn that stupid tree! She will punish that tree later!


Outside the house, Esmeralda and the tree were having a deep conversation.

"Why did you let go of Ivy? I have seen everything," Esmeralda asked the tree.

"Ivy is evil! I have seen it twice, she was trying to grab Kate along with her making it like they were jumping together!" the tree defended its actions. "At first, it\'s my honest intention to save them but I got furious and released Ivy to her death the second time around she pulls the same trick. Such a stupid woman!" the tree mumbled in outrage.

Esmeralda sighed. "You shouldn\'t let them annoyed you!" she responded.

"Whatever, it\'s already done and I\'m not gonna ask forgiveness for doing such a thing. After all, I already did my best in saving them the first time around. But the second time is too much! They didn\'t value my effort in saving them! Such a waste of time!" the tree continue airing his grievances.

"I understand your side, friend," Esmeralda said softly.

"Why don\'t you just return that crazy woman Ivy to the vampires? If you don\'t have the heart to do it, I will return her to the vampires myself! I find her infuriating. I can tolerate Kate\'s childish behavior, but Ivy is something else!" the tree whined.

Esmeralda erupted into peals of laughter. She\'d never seen the tree bursting with emotions for centuries, the tree was idle most of the time. They were so bored out of their that Kate and Ivy arrived on their doorsteps, their lives suddenly bustling with activity.

"W-why are you laughing at?" the tree asked in confusion.

"You are acting funny! You let two children annoyed you. Where is your maturity? Between the are the oldest, you should exercise more patience in dealing with them," she reprimanded the tree.

"Alright, as you say so!" the tree continues sulking in the corner. "I guess I\'m getting older," the tree murmured.

"Hey, my friend, stop sulking and whining! You\'re not even human!" Esmeralda said with a smiling face, amusement was plastered in her face.

"What is your plan about that crazy girl, Ivy? I\'m sure she will try to escape again with her sister. Our plan of escaping this castle will no longer materialize if Kate will disappear together with Ivy," the tree reminded her.

Esmeralda took a deep breath while staring at the door of her home. "I\'ll talk to Ivy after she wakes up," she responded gloomily.