The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 193 - Forgotten!

Everyone gathered around Ivy\'s coffin.

Ivy\'s eyelids fluttered and opened wide. Her gaze sweeps the faces around her. She was deeply surprised being surrounded by strangers. She sits upright, a frown appeared on her forehead.

Tears of happiness rolled down from Kate and Ella\'s eyes.

Kate hugged her elder sister tightly. "Sis, I\'m so glad you\'re alive!" she said.

Ella followed suit and embraced Ivy as well.

Ivy was suffocated by the embrace of the two girls and tried to untangle herself from them. "Who are you, people? Stay away from me!" she screamed and pushed the girls away from her. She was overwhelmed surrounded by strangers, she has no idea who they are. Her mind was screaming for her husband, Maxwell.

"Sister, it\'s me, Kate and Ella! Have you forgotten about us? We are your siblings!" Kate insisted.

Ella tried to hug Ivy again but she was pushed away. She looked at Kate. "What\'s going on? Why she was trying to push us away?" she asked in bafflement.

It\'s now Zemeth\'s turn, he attempted to embrace Ivy... "I miss you, my love!"

...PAK!... Ivy slaps him hard across his face. "Stay away from me!"

Zemeth\'s act of affection was rewarded with a slap on his right cheek. He rubbed the area of his face that got hit by Ivy\'s hand. His brows knitted together. He looked at grandpa in confusion, looking for an answer due to the strange attitude that Ivy was showing to him right now. She doesn\'t even acknowledge her sisters\' presence.

Everyone was stunned and speechless by Ivy\'s new personality.

"Oh...oh...oh..." Jegun said gloomily. He signaled Zemeth to come to him.

Zemeth went to Jegun\'s side sporting astonishment on his face. "Grandpa, do you have any idea what happened to Ivy? C-could she be suffering from amnesia? You know...the crystal coffin might have bumped into hard objects when the castle burned down. We found the coffins inside a cave," he explained. The worried look on his face intensifies while looking at Ivy.

Jegun sighed. "I think it\'s not amnesia... let me talk to Ivy," he said. He went to the coffin and addressed the confused woman. " your name, right?" he asked.

Ivy smiled a bit after the old man knows her name. "Yes...that\'s my name."

"Do you know those two girls? They are your sisters!" Jegun pointed his fingers at Kate and Ella.

Ivy looked at the two girls, she shook her head. "No, I don\'t know any of them! It\'s my first time seeing them," she replied quickly.

Jegun pointed his finger at Zemeth. "How about that guy?" he asked. "He is your boyfriend and soon to be husband!"

Ivy shook her head. "I don\'t know him!" she responded vehemently.

Jegun pointed his finger at himself. "How about me? You don\'t remember me?" he asked.

Ivy shook her head. "I don\'t know who you are. I don\'t know any of you! I want to see my husband! Please take me to him!" she demanded.

Everyone raised their brows in confusion.

Jegun\'s brows furrowed. "Huh? Do you have a husband? What is the name of your husband?" he inquired.

"Maxwell, that is my husband\'s name," Ivy said casually.

Everyone gasped in shock and covered their mouth while glancing at Zemeth.

Zemeth\'s face contorted in pain. Damn! His beloved woman got married to Maxwell, one of the vampire brothers, while she was trapped in the castle! He groaned in dismay and extreme sadness. Their happy reunion turns out to be tragic. Ivy can no longer remember him, the one in her heart right now is another guy. He was devastated beyond words. The happiness he felt after learning that Ivy is alive, was replaced with profound sadness and pain.

Jegun draped his arms around Zemeth, comforting him. "Lad, I think Maxwell wiped away Ivy\'s memory. And after wiping her memory, he hypnotized the girl and planted a fake memory into her brain projecting him as her husband. Just my humble analysis on Ivy\'s strange behavior right now," he said.

Zemeth\'s eyes welled, tears were about to fall from his eyes. He looked at Jegun with sadness in his eyes. "What I\'m gonna do, Grandpa?" he asked feeling lost on what to do with Ivy.

Jegun looked at Ivy and breathed deeply. "She\'s lucky to be alive and thanks to Esmeralda. Unfortunately, she lost her memory. But if you love her you can\'t give up on her," he said.

Zemeth looked at his beloved. "I will always love her even if she no longer remembers me," he declared.

Jegun smiled pleased with his answer. "That\'s good, lad. Don\'t give up! We will try to find a healer that might be able to restore Ivy\'s memory in the Nephilim Kingdom. If worst comes to worst and we can no longer restore her memory, the only thing you can do is make her fall in love with you every day, little by little. Shower her your love and devotion daily. As long you stay by her side and show her your love, I\'m sure, she will forget Maxwell one day. Maxwell is already dead but you are alive, that means you win!" he explained trying to cheer him up.

Ramza rubbed his friend\'s back. "Grandpa is right, bro. What matters to us right now is that Ivy is alive! That\'s a good start already, the rest is up to you," he said, trying to uplift his wounded heart.

Zemeth smiled, a renewal of hope surge in his heart. "I think I already know how to win her over. I already had a plan," he said.

Jegun grinned. "I\'m glad that you are a quick thinker. So, tell us about your plan," he said eagerly.

"I\'m also curious about your plan, bro. Let me hear it as well," Ramza said.

"Okay, let\'s go over there, I don\'t want Ivy to hear my brilliant plan," Zemeth grinned.

The trio went to the trees a few meters away from the coffin where Ivy was still sitting, sporting a bewildered look on her face.

"So, spill the beans, lad!" Jegun asked excitedly.

"Here\'s my plan. We will promise Ivy to help her find her husband. Let\'s try to run a fake search for a few hours. Then we will stage a fake corpse of Maxwell bearing his image that we found dead somewhere around here so that Ivy can see with her own eyes that her husband is already dead. Then we will bury the dead body here in this area. This will give Ivy closure and one day she will come to terms with her husband\'s death. That will be the time I will start wooing her again and I will do anything in my power to make her fall in love with me despite her current personality. But if we can find an excellent healer that can restore her memory, that would be great!" Zemeth gave a lengthy explanation.

Jegun and Ramza smiled brightly, pleased with Zemeth\'s plan.

"I agree with your plan bro, instead of forcing Ivy to remember things that she already had forgotten, we should just give her heart closure so that she can learn to love again in a clean slate," Ramza agreed.

"I\'m glad you approve of my plan," Zemeth said.

Ramza gathered the boys in the corner and explained to them Zemeth\'s plan.

"Ah, let\'s call the girls over here and we will explain to them how to deal with Ivy\'s predicament," Jegun said. He beckoned Kate and Ella to come to their side.

The girls obeyed.

Jegun addressed them "Girls, let\'s get to the point. Your sister Ivy\'s memory has been deleted by Maxwell. In her current frame of mind, she no longer remembers that she has two sisters and she has a boyfriend. No matter how hard you try to insist on her, she won\'t remember anyone of you. Just be patient with her, don\'t pester the poor girl. Treat her just like the way you treat your elder sister, but don\'t insist each time. It will confuse Ivy even more. Zemeth will find a healer in the Nephilim Kingdom that might be able to restore her memory. So for now, don\'t harass the poor girl, okay?"

Kate and Ella nodded their heads. "Okay, grandpa!"

"Good," Jegun smiled. He looked at Zemeth. "Go on, lad. Show us your charm!" he challenged him.

Zemeth grinned and walked towards his beloved woman. "Hello Ivy, you are looking for your husband, right?" he asked.

Ivy looked at Zemeth and nodded her head. "Yes..." she responded.

"Don\'t worry, I and my friends will help you find your husband," he said looking at his friends. "Guys, are you willing to help Ivy find her husband?" Zemeth asked them.

There was a few seconds of silence then the boys replied in unison. "Yes, we are willing to help Ivy find her husband!" the men said in chorus.

Ivy looked at them and smiled a bit. "Thank you..." she said feeling grateful for their willingness to help her find her husband, Maxwell.

"You stay here with the girls and we will find your husband in the neighboring areas, okay?" Zemeth said.

Ivy nodded her head. "Okay..." she replied.

Kate and Ella went to the coffin to keep their sister company.

"Ivy, leave that coffin. We will sit under the shade of the tree over there," Kate said.

Ivy complied and stepped into the ground. The girls went to sit under the shade of the tree.

Jegun approached the girls. He will try to fill Ivy\'s head with the details on what happened to the castle, while Zemeth and the boys pretended to find Maxwell\'s body nearby.