The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 182 - The Fall!

The forest below was burning...everywhere they looked around them is burning... everything is burning! The whole place is like a raging inferno!

The vampire brothers looked at each other\'s faces in horror.

"Oh, no! We\'re going to die!" Lothaire said.

"Yes, this is our end," Maxwell said sadly, as tears shimmed in his eyes.

Xenon\'s tears streamed in his face.

Maxwell embraced his brothers in a fierce hug. If they\'re going to die, at least they will die together.

He can\'t believe that they will die today!

With one last attempt, he wielded his power and teleports, bringing himself and his brothers inside the room where his father\'s coffin was located.

Maxwell prefers to die together in the room with his father and siblings.

The moment they landed inside the room where his father\'s coffin was located. He looked at the three vacant coffins lining up nearby. He barked his command to his brothers. "Get inside the coffin now while we still have time!" he ordered.

Xenon and Lothaire wasted no time and went inside the coffin. Maxwell put the lids over the coffins and picked up the black plastic gallon filled with black liquid that he created five months ago. He poured the black liquid over the coffin, including that of his father.

A few minutes later, he finished with his task.

Right now, he can already feel the heat of the flame coming towards the room. He was correct with his assumption that the last thing to burn is the castle itself.

He immediately poured the black liquid in the body of the coffin and also on the cover, then he threw the empty gallon in the corner and entered the coffin, pulling the cover over him. Then he calmed his ragged breathing, ready to welcome death. He now regretted releasing the monsters and dark shadows. He should have fled from the castle while he still can, and brought his brothers and Ivy into a faraway land and live in peace. They should have a much better chance of surviving than meeting such a cruel death like this.

But it\'s too late now! He can no longer turn back the time.

"Brother! Where are you?" Xenon\'s muffled voice rang in the air.

"I\'m lying inside the coffin beside you," Maxwell answered loudly.

"It\'s so dammed hot!" Lothaire protested.

"Are we going to die?" Xenon asked in a terrified voice.

Maxwell no longer replies because he can feel the flames engulfing the coffin, and it\'s getting hotter inside the coffin, sweats broke on his forehead.

He knows he\'s going to die, so he closed his eyes and surrenders to his fate.


Outside the castle.

The dark armies gathered around the men.

Zemeth, Ramza, Jegun, Agran, and Aspen were trapped underneath a powerful net that\'s made up of a vine. No matter how they struck the vine with their swords and used their power it keeps repairing itself at a faster speed, the powerful vine is simply indestructible!

And the worst thing, the vine emitted a foul-smelling odor, entering their nostrils and making them weak and nauseous. They\'re getting weaker as minutes passed by, they can\'t even open their eyelids.

The dark armies were about to bring their captives back to the castle on the top of the hill when they got the biggest shocker of their life...the castle was crumbling...burning...creating a fiery spectacle of flames in the air...servants can be seen fleeing...running down the hill...screaming in horror.

The castle was like a raging inferno producing a big ball of flames in the air.

The dark armies were preoccupied with the spectacle happening at the top of the hill, they didn\'t see the multitude of colorful butterflies approaching their location.

Before the dark armies notice what\'s going on... the butterflies released dust particles in the air, raining upon the dark armies, burning them on the spot.

A few minutes later, all the dark armies were annihilated.

A powerful green laser-like light emitted from the body of the leader of the butterfly, blasting the foul-smelling vine into pieces.

The foul-smelling vine which is Maxwell\'s latest creation was destroyed into smithereens.

The trapped men were free at last and able to breathe easier after the vine was annihilated, but they were still weak due to the poison that they inhaled in their lungs.

There\'s a movement near the trees... the king of elves and ten of his men can be seen aboard the magic carpet floating towards the men lying on the ground...the magic carpet landed on the ground. The elves scrambled towards the men and immediately administered the magical healing potion in the men\'s mouth.

A few minutes later.

The king of elves stared in awe at the crumbling castle engulfed in flames at the top of the hill. He never expected that this day will come that the end of the castle is finally happening right now, he and his family were lucky to be spared from the doom. Thanks to these people lying in the ground, they were his saviors!

Fifteen minutes later.

Jegun and the rest of the men were finally able to move their body parts. Little by little, the weakness was fading away from their bones.

Jegun looked at the king of elves. "Thank you, my friend, for saving us!" he conveyed his heartfelt gratitude.

The king of elves smiled. "You have to thank the butterflies above, they have annihilated the dark shadows and the foul-smelling vines. Or else, we won\'t be able to come here and administered the magical healing potion into your mouths to counter the poison that you guys inhaled into your lungs," he explained.

The four men looked up at the butterflies floating in the air.

"Thank you Immortal Vearah for helping us, although, you are no longer with us in physical form, your spirit still lingers around to help us when we needed it most," Jegun said, feeling grateful.

The butterflies began departing away from the area...going to the nearby places to find the monsters and dark shadows and finish them all. But the leader of the butterflies didn\'t leave, it chose to land in the leaves of the trees nearby, observing the surroundings.

Agran was looking at the butterfly the whole time in awe.

"Grandpa, was that really... the late Immortal Vearah?" he asked curiously looking at the butterfly that landed on the leaves nearby.

"Yeah, her spirit is still alive!" Jegun nodded his head in confirmation.

"Look...guys...the castle is finally burning!" The king of elves pointed his right hand at the top of the hill.

The men looked at the castle in horror!

Zemeth looked at the top of the hill, his eyes widened in shock, he was horrified to see the castle burning. "Oh, no! IVYYYYYYYY!" he bolted from the ground and hovered in the air at lightning speed, zooming towards the castle.

"Esmeralda is gone!" Jegun released a deep sigh, his heart was enveloped with deep sadness and sorrow. "We also lose Ivy!" he lamented thinking of Zemeth\'s grief.

Ramza rose in the air and flew towards the burning castle to comfort Zemeth. He knew that his friend was experiencing great anguish and unbearable loss right now after losing Ivy.

Aspen was silent the whole time while staring at the blazing castle. Torrents of tears were falling from his eyes. His heart was grieving for Esmeralda, she finally did it! He felt so sad. He was not able to save her friend and Ivy! He feels like he was a complete failure!

Meanwhile, at the top of the castle.

Ramza finally caught up with Zemeth as they both floated in the air. "It\'s over, my friend," he said sadly.

"No! I want to save Ivy! I need to save her!" Zemeth said, his eyes were shimmering with determination.

"It\'s too late, the castle is burning! Everything in it already perished, nothing can be saved anymore!" Ramza said.

Refusing to give up, Zemeth rose higher in the air and raised his right hand heavenward. Thunder and lightning appeared on the horizon, droplets of rain began falling from the sky in torrents, dropping into the burning castle that still burning brightly.

Ramza rose in the air after his friend. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I\'m letting the rain extinguish the fire, I\'m sure Ivy still out there safe, somewhere! I have to locate her and save her!" Zemeth answered frantically.

Ramza sighed. "No! You already had seen the flames engulfing the castle, an ordinary human like Ivy can\'t withstand the flame. I hate to say this to you... but with the way the castle was burning right now, nothing and no one can escape it!" he spoke the truth bitterly.

Zemeth shook his head, ignoring his friend\'s statement. He refused to accept that Ivy perished along with the rest of the inhabitants of the castle. His heart was breaking into tiny pieces. The pain he felt right now is too much to bear!

"Bro, Esmeralda, and Ivy are both gone now. There\'s nothing we can do to save them," Ramza said sadly.

Zemeth\'s tears fell from his eyes. He stared at the flaming debris of the castle. I\'m so sorry, Ivy. I\'m so sorry - I failed to protect you. It\'s all my fault!" he lamented, his whole being submerged in misery.

Ramza was shaking his head feeling sorry for his friend. The rain that fell in torrents from the sky towards the burning castle failed to extinguish the flame - as if the blazing barrier was determined to burn every tiny piece and inch of the castle and all its inhabitants. His friend\'s effort to bring the rain failed in vain. "The rain is not working, bro," he said sadly.