The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 178 - Useless Thing!

The vampire brothers arrived in the location of the ritual room and entered the door.

Maxwell showed his brothers his latest creations, lying on the floor. "There they are!" he said.

Xenon and Lothaire looked at each other in confusion. They looked at the things on the floor, confused about their uses.

"How are we going to use them to defeat the enemies?" asked Xenon curiously.

"Ahm, they looked useless to me!" seconded Lothaire.

Maxwell chortled. "Yeah, they looked useless to you, but wait \'till I explained to you my dear brothers what are their uses. You will be mind blown for sure! Now that you have seen my latest creations, let\'s leave the room and continue our discussion outside," he said and walked towards the door.

Xenon and Lothaire followed their older brother outside, shaking their heads. They were a bit disappointed, expecting something amazing inside the ritual room. They never expected that their brother will spend two days inside the ritual room creating something... useless!

After his siblings exited the room, Maxwell closed the door of the ritual room. They proceed to their meeting room, the place where they usually discuss plans and strategies on how to defeat and punish the enemies.

They arrived in the meeting room and lowered themselves to the couch.

Maxwell watched his brother\'s disappointed faces. "Disappointed, eh? I will discuss the important role of those things you see on the floor of the ritual room later. But first, we will discuss what we\'re going to do later." He paused for a moment. He looked at them with a serious expression on his face. "Okay, guys, listen up! This is what we\'re going to do..."


Back in the mountain.

Esmeralda, Jegun, and Aspen were putting the uprooted roots of Drilizir Trees on the specialized sack that Esmeralda had created. They wore a protective mask on their faces as well as protective gloves on their hands to void being fatally harmed by the poisonous roots.

Esmeralda looked at the sack filled to the brim. "I think that\'s enough for now," she told the men. "Let\'s go back to the mountain and I will start pounding these roots," she said.

"Okay, let\'s go!" Aspen replied and grabbed the sack with his right hand.

The trio hovered in the air, floating above the trees, going back to the top of the mountain.

When they landed on the mountain top, they proceed directly towards the back of the house.

Esmeralda looked at her companion. "Guys, come inside with me. Because today, I\'m going to teach you how to prepare the poisonous powder so that you can do it on your own when I\'m away," she said.

She opened the door and took three overalls from the wall and gave them to the men. "Wear them so that your body will be protected by the poison," she instructed.

The men accepted the overalls and wore them over their clothes. The garment covered their head down to their toes.

"Let\'s get inside!" Esmeralda said.

They entered the prohibited room and Esmeralda began gathering the ingredient on the table, explaining to the men their uses.

A few minutes later. The trio began pounding the roots into powder form using a special hammer that was specifically created for the sole purpose of powder making.

Two hours later.

The trio exited the prohibited room for a short break. Two more hours to go and they will finish their task inside the prohibited room.


On the island.

Zemeth and Ramza returned to the island for a quick visit. They prepared their food while leaving Agran alone in the castle. After eating they will go back to the castle so that Agran can return to the island to eat his meal.

The men decided that they will have to sleep under the shade of the tree close to the blazing barrier and take each turn patrolling the castle\'s surroundings. One of them can sleep while others stay vigilant. They can only stay on the island for a very short time to take care of their needs and then go back to the castle right away.

They agreed that it is the best approach since they are short of manpower.

After taking their baths, cooking, and eating their meal, the men waste no time and returned to the castle, bringing with them one jug of water and three glasses made of clay.

It\'s now Agran\'s turn to return to the island. He teleports and gone in seconds.

Ramza began patrolling the surroundings of the castle while Zemeth gathered some branches of the tree and banana leaves nearby to make a small hut so that they can sleep properly in peace. It\'s their temporary shelter while they\'re guarding the castle.

Suddenly, Aspen appeared in the clearing. "Bro, what you\'re doing?" he asked.

"I\'m going to erect a small hut here on the ground so that we can sleep and rest properly," Zemeth answered.

"That\'s cool! Let me help you," he volunteered. He picked up one limb of the tree and began tying it with the rope following Zemeth\'s lead.

"Where are the old folks?" Zemeth asked.

"Ah, we\'re currently on a short break, we have been making poison powder the whole day in the mountain," Aspen answered. "But we will be finished in two hours," he said.

"You can go back now," Zemeth told him.

"Later, after I\'m done helping you," Aspen replied.

The men continue their task.

"Bro, what do you think is the reason why they didn\'t release the monster almost three days now?" asked Aspen.

Zemeth sighed. "I wish I know! Although. It\'s a welcome relief...but we can\'t let our guard down," he replied.

"Why do I have this nagging feeling that the vampires\' next move will be deadlier than the previous ones? Some kind of prediction of mine, It\'s hard to explain it," Aspen said.

Zemeth stared at Aspen. "You might be correct. I am also wondering what are they planning right now? It\'s so quiet here. More" he scratches his head, having a hard time finding the right words to say.

"More like calm... before the storm? Is that what you\'re trying to say?" Aspen finished the sentence for him.

"Yeah! That\'s what I\'m trying to say!" Zemeth released a gloomy sigh.

Aspen studied Zemeth\'s face for a few minutes. He remembered the conversation he had with Esmeralda and Jegun. Esmeralda warned him not to inform Zemeth about her plan. He might insist on entering the castle to save Ivy. That would destroy Esmeralda\'s plan. He kept his mouth shut and resumed with the task at hand.

One hour later, the skeleton of the hut was finally erected on the ground.

Zemeth looked at Aspen. "Thanks for your help bro. You may go back now to the mountain and help the folks in finishing the poison powder."

"Okay," Aspen replied. He disappeared from the area a few seconds later.

Zemeth continues putting finishing touches to the hut with roofs and walls using banana leaves and other indigenous materials found in the forest.

Half an hour later.

Agran returned and smiled brightly upon seeing the small hut in the middle of the clearing. "Wow, what a nice hut!" he raved. He went inside and inspected the area.

"This hut can accommodate two people at a time. We can take our turn in sleeping and resting need to rest and sleep on the island. This way, if the monsters are being released, our response time is quick," Zemeth explained.

Agran gave him a thumbs up. "Brilliant idea, bro!" he said, looking at the floor made with banana and palm leaves. "This is comfy!" he said. "Wait...can I go back to the island and bring some blanket and pillows here?" he said.

Zemeth smiled. "Sure!"

Agran wastes no time and teleported back to the island to get some pillows and a blanket.

Zemeth was left alone again, gazing at his creation. Then Ivy\'s face suddenly materialized in his mind. Oh, how he misses Ivy so much! Each day, he\'s getting frustrated that he failed to rescue her from the vampire\'s clutches. He feels bad inside.

He needs to do something about it!


Inside the castle.

The vampire brothers were still discussing their plans in the meeting room.

"Brothers, ready the five hundred monsters and three hundred dark shadows in front of the blazing barrier. We will be releasing them a few hours from now!" Maxwell gave his command.

"Are we going to open the barrier on the same spot? The enemies are already waiting there!" Xenon said.

"How about - we find another spot?" Lothaire suggested.

Maxwell shook his head. "Nah, the other spot will lead directly to mountains and rivers. The monsters have no IQ. You expect them to run into mountain forests and rivers? Our main purpose is to make them create fear and terror in the hearts and minds of the masses, not to do mountain climbing and camping in the forest!"

Xenon cackled in amusement at his older brother\'s amusing remark. Lothaire joined in the laughter.

"Go now! Get everything ready on the same spot. I\'ll make some preparations in my room," he said and rose to his feet.

"Okay, brother, we\'re leaving now to organize the party!" Xenon replied.

Maxwell watched his brothers exited the door of the meeting room. He went back to his room. He plans to spend some quality time with Ivy before he will put her to sleep, \'coz the poor woman\'s arms will be cut repeatedly with the dagger in the next twenty-four hours.