The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 160 - Good News!

Maxwell and his siblings were discussing their next plan of attack in the living room. He was disappointed after learning that out of the five hundred monsters that they released yesterday... not a single one was alive.

"I can\'t believe that not even one of the monsters was able to hurt the villagers, such a shame and waste of time!" Xenon said, fuming in anger.

"Exactly! And even Zonora, the vampire woman that you sent to disguise as Ivy, failed with her task to bring the girls back here in the castle!" Lothaire interjected. "It looks like the enemies are pretty much ready to counter our attacks!" he added.

Maxwell was listening to his brothers\' ramblings and whining. All they said was true. "You are right, guys, the enemies we are facing outside the castle are powerful Nephilim beings. But as you can see, although they are powerful, they still need to rest, eat, and sleep to regain their strengths after a very tiring battle. I wonder how far can they last if we keep releasing monsters every night?" he grinned in amusement.

"That\'s right! Why don\'t we release the monsters during day time and then also night time? Twice in a single day? This way, our enemies will get tired, and they won\'t be able to kill all the monsters. Imagine the possibility... they have to fight the monsters day and night every single day. They would start dropping dead due to tiredness, which is a big advantage for us because our monsters from the pit don\'t know the meaning of the word tired!" Xenon beamed excitedly.

Lothaire agreed to his brother\'s remarks. "Fantastic idea! Let\'s release monsters daily! Then we can also add several dark armies to add spice to the battle. I volunteer myself to exit the castle and fight the enemies head-on," he said bravely.

"Nah! That would be a stupid move! Which is not required right now. We can still send monsters and dark armies to face the enemies. Right now, the safest place to hide is here inside the castle. We shouldn\'t expose ourselves to our enemies. Not while we can still help it!" Maxwell turns down his brother\'s suggestion.

Lothaire shrugged his shoulders. "Okay fine, I\'m just suggesting," he relented.

"Let\'s release another batch of monsters tonight, then let\'s add some dark armies into the mix to scare those bastards! Let\'s give more headache to the enemies until they dropped on the ground, dead of exhaustion!" Maxwell said, smirking.

"How about the wedding ceremony?" Xenon asked.

"I\'ve postponed it next week," Maxwell replied.

Lothaire sighed. "Why are you rushing it? We need Ivy\'s blood to resurrect our father. I don\'t understand the rush of marrying Ivy, to think that we already have her under our control. She\'s not going anywhere, she will stay with us forever, no need to hurry," he reminded him.

Xenon nodded his head in agreement. "That\'s what I\'m also thinking right now, bro!" he spoke, siding with Lothaire.

Maxwell throws his hands in the air. "Okay, fine! I\'ll postpone the wedding until we are done with the ritual of resurrecting our father," he finally said. He admitted to himself that claiming Ivy\'s body isn\'t a pressing issue for him right now. Besides, there are more pressing issues that needed his attention the most, concerning the current situation that he and his brothers were facing when it comes to their enemies outside the castle. He needs to think of a better plan to punish their enemies in the worst possible ways that they can ever imagine.

He rose to his feet.

"We are done with our discussion for today. We will release the same numbers of monsters tonight along with three hundred dark shadows to scare and intimidate the enemies," Maxwell concluded their discussion.

"Good! I\'m looking forward to watching a good show tonight!" Xenon roared in delight.

"Me too! It would be fun to watch how the enemies will defeat the five hundred monsters with three hundred dark shadows hovering in the air coming to them in all directions!" Lothaire said.

"Brother, can I watch outside? I won\'t take part in the fight... I just want to spy on how powerful the enemies are," Xenon said.

"Count me in! I also want to see how good the Nephilim assassins are when it comes to fighting and what are the weapons they used in killing the monsters," Lothaire said curiously.

"Okay, I will allow you to go out early tonight, but make no mistake, the enemies are powerful, and they kill monsters without mercy. If they discover your existence, I\'m sure they will not spare your lives! So, move, think, and act wisely, my dear brothers! You can only watch, observe, and learn how our enemies fight the monsters. Return to the castle immediately if they already notice your presence. During times like this... it\'s better to be safe than sorry," Maxwell reminded them.

"No problem, brother. We will keep your reminders in our minds when we are already outside the castle," Xenon said.

"Good! I\'m going to my room and brainstorm better plans. Guys, if you have a good suggestion, don\'t hesitate to inform me, we will discuss it thoroughly," Maxwell said and left the room.

Maxwell appeared inside his room. He wants to soak in the cool water in the waterfall surrounded by the flowers. He will bring Ivy to that place today!

He disappeared from his room.

A few minutes later, he appeared inside Ivy\'s room.

Ivy was startled to see him. "W-why are you here?" she asked defensively.

Maxwell smiled. "Relax, Ivy. I\'m not here to molest you. I\'m here to tell you about the three good news...especially for you...which I\'m sure you will like very much," he said.

Ivy\'s brows knitted together. What could be the good news that he was talking about? It would be rare for him to bring good news to her. She readied herself, for all she knows, he might just be taunting her. "Okay, let me hear your good news..." she said.

"Let\'s start with the first and second good news, the vampire woman, Zonora, is gone. I presented her as your impostor, and your dear boyfriend that was still alive have rescued Zonora and brought her out of the castle, thinking that she was you. Her mission is to kidnap your two sisters and bring them back here in the castle..."

Oh, no! Ivy\'s eyes widened in fright. "W-what happened to my sisters? Where are they? What did you do to them? Where did you hide them!? I want to see them!" she demanded in a hysterical voice.

Maxwell erupted into peals of laughter, amused by the horror leaping from her eyes. "Relax...Zonora failed... and she died without completing her mission. Your sisters were still safe somewhere out there..." he said.

"Thank God!" Ivy said as huge relief washed over her.

"Happy-?" he asked her. "The second good news is... I will postpone our wedding because my brothers opposed it. They want the wedding to take place after we\'re done resurrecting my father with your blood. Which means you are safe from me for now. Such a lot of reasons to rejoice, right? I are not looking forward to marrying me. So, my good news must be a huge relief of your current mental state, am I right?" he said, grinning.

A faint smile appeared on Ivy\'s lips. She was happy that Zemeth is indeed alive! Her intuition was right! Then she was relieved that Zonora didn\'t succeed in abducting her sisters, the possibility nearly killed her! She was more than happy that Maxwell postponed their wedding. There\'s still enough time for her to plan her escape, and maybe Zemeth can find a way to rescue her, hopefully, soon!

Maxwell studied Ivy\'s face. Based on her reaction, she was very much pleased with his good news. "Happy now-? From the look on your face, you looked relieved. Now, since I brought you the good news, how will you reward me?" he asked her.

Ivy sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I don\'t know what you are talking about. What rewards can I possibly give you that can make you happy?" she asked him. She has no idea how she can reward him.

Maxwell smiled. "Don\'t worry...I\'m not asking much from you. All I need is to spend some quality time with you. Let\'s bond in the waterfall! I know you like that place very much because there are flowers everywhere. I will soak my body in the soothing water while you admire the flowers. You can also join me in the water if you like. Do whatever that suits you..." he said.

Ivy looked at him, frowning. "A-are you sure that\'s the only reward you want from me?" she asked him, feeling doubtful of his good intention. When it comes to Maxwell, it\'s hard for her to let her guard down. He can\'t be trusted!

"Don\'t worry...I have no intention to molest you. If I do, I already have you under me in the bedsheet, naked right now," he reminded her of their previous struggle when he was still strongly lusting after her body. "See...I didn\'t do anything to you right now. Besides, you have to remain a virgin so that your blood can still be useful in resurrecting my father back to life," he said.

Ivy was satisfied with his explanation. "Okay, I\'ll accompany you to the waterfall. Besides, I don\'t have any choice, right? You will still bring me there whether I like it or not?"

Maxwell laughed. "Smart woman! Let\'s go!" he said.

Ivy sighed. Honestly, she doesn\'t want to go there if Maxwell was her companion, but she has no choice. He will still insist, and he will use force to bring her to that place.

Maxwell reached for her right hand, and they disappeared from the room.