The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 153 - One Moment In Time

Zemeth was standing on the sandy shore while staring at the calm blue ocean in front of him. He was in deep thoughts, thinking about his beloved Ivy inside the castle. He knows that after the opening was made, Ivy was just there standing nearby because her blood was used to open the blazing barrier. That should have been his chance to save her. Instead, he went away and kills monsters to save people than saving Ivy first!

He was agonizing over the lost opportunity. He was so consumed with regret that he didn\'t realize that Grandpa was coming his way.

"What are you thinking, lad?" Jegun asked.

Zemeth sighed heavily and looked at the old man. "Grandpa, I\'m thinking of Ivy. I should have rushed inside the opening and save her when the opportunity presented itself," he said with a voice full of regrets.

Jegun sighed and patted Zemeth\'s soldier. "Have you regretted saving the people and feels upset that you fail to save Ivy?"

Zemeth nodded his head. "Can you blame me if I feel like that right now?"

Jegun took a deep breath. "Honestly, no. I understand where you coming from, but I also admire you for rushing to defend and save people. During that time, it\'s more logical to save innocent people\'s lives the most... because we both know that Ivy is safe with the vampires since she is valuable to them. Don\'t worry, there will always be next time. The vampires will release more monsters in the coming days, you have plenty of time to snatch Ivy under the vampire\'s nose the moment the blazing barrier open up..."

Zemeth breathed deeply. "Don\'t worry, Grandpa, as long I\'ll get Ivy and secure her safety, then I will bestow quick death to the monsters. All I need is one moment in time to get Ivy out of the castle."

"When do you think the vampires are planning to release the monsters? I prefer that they will do it during day time, it\'s easier to see and hunt those monsters during broad daylight," Jegun said.

Zemeth shook his head. "The vampires won\'t do that. They want to give us a hard time, so nighttime is their preferred choice when unleashing the monsters," he answered.

Jegun smiled. "Yeah, I know. Just wishful and stupid thinking on my part," he said.

"No news from the boys yet?" asked Zemeth.

"Nothing so far, the castle is quiet today. But tonight we don\'t know what\'s going to happen. So...let\'s just stay alert and vigilant," Jegun said. He looked at his companion and saw the sadness in his eyes. He patted his shoulder again, trying to comfort him. "Look at the ocean, pretty cool, right? I want to go swimming right now. Why don\'t you go swimming with me to give your mind a break from overthinking too much," he suggested.

Zemeth saw Agran and Ramza rushing to the ocean to take a dip, he smiled. "Alright, I\'ll go swimming with you, Grandpa!" he finally agreed.

Jegun smiled and bolted towards the sea, followed by Zemeth.

A few minutes later, the men were having a funfilled swimming competition in the sea. They continue frolicking in the water for the next three hours.


Meanwhile, in the castle.

Maxwell visited Ivy in her room. "Get ready for tonight. We will release another batch of monsters from the pit, about five hundred this time. Next time, I will release one thousand monsters at the same time," he said, grinning.

Ivy\'s eyes widened in shock. "No! Please don\'t do that! Have mercy on the innocent people that will die if the monsters will get to their homes!" she pleaded in a horrified tone.

Maxwell released a deep throaty laugh. "Oh, don\'t be too sad, my beloved Ivy. It\'s my gift to people, as a celebration for being able to leave this castle freely, anytime," he said in amusement.

Ivy glared at him. "You have no conscience! You\'re evil!" she shouted disgustedly at him.

Maxwell guffawed even more. "Relax...don\'t be upset. Do you know what happened to the two hundred monsters that I released the other night? Ask me... I\'ll tell you what happened to them..." he said.

"What happened to the monsters?" she asked between gritted teeth.

"The monsters were all slaughtered by your friends. But before the monsters perished away, they were able to massacre several humans in their homes. It\'s just a small victory on my part. The damage they have done is little actually, not impressive based on my standard...but the horror they created in the minds of the survivors is life-changing. The rumors about the monsters will circulate all over the land, enough to create a nightmare in their hearts and minds. And tonight, I will unleash more terror in their midst!" Maxwell grinned.

Ivy was shaking her head in anger. "Why are you doing this? The people have done no wrong to you! Why you must have to do it? What will you get from it?" she said furiously.

"Well...I want to rule the world. By creating fear in people\'s hearts, I can finally command their attention. They will obey everything I\'ll say to them... that... if they want to be safe from the monsters\' attack. That is one way of creating an empire from scratch. The empire that you and I will role. We are the King and Queen of Darkness! We will rule the world, and our offspring will inherit our thrones for generations. We are going to be the only powerful race in the entire world!" Maxwell explained.

"You are crazy! You won\'t succeed with your evil intentions! Someone out there will stop you!" she told him defiantly.

Maxwell sneered. "Pft! Who else can stop me from conquering the world? Esmeralda? Your dead boyfriend? Who else is powerful enough to defy me and stop the monsters and my dark armies from slaughtering the people? Tell me, dear Ivy!" he humored her.

Ivy sighed and ignored his mocking. She prefers not to answer him this time. She\'s mad at him and wants him to leave the room. She can\'t stomach his evil presence that suffocated her.

"What -? Did you suddenly become mute? Why are you not answering my questions, dear Ivy?" he said.

She maintains her silence. She doesn\'t want to have a conversation with him anymore.

"Answer me, dammit!" Maxwell scowled at her, daring her to answer.

Ivy sighed. She doesn\'t want to annoy him right now because the more she keeps talking to him, the longer he will stay in the room to continue bragging his plans on her face. But if answering his question can rub his ego in a good way, then she might as well try. "Esmeralda will stop you!" she said without looking into his eyes.

Maxwell erupted into peals of laughter. "Huh? Esmeralda? What can she do? Tell me, my dear Ivy! What your Granny Esmeralda can do to me? Do you know why she left this castle? Because she no longer wants to be imprisoned inside this forsaken place for so long! She wants freedom! She will never come back here!"

Ivy sighed. "Whatever..." she sat on the bed and avoided his gaze, wanting to scream at his face to scram! But she holds her tongue. She doesn\'t want to provoke him in hurting her physically. Keeping her mouth shut will save her ass from being spanked by this arrogant vampire in front of her.

"Esmeralda will never come back here!" Maxwell said confidently.

Ivy took a deep breath. "I guess you are right. Esmeralda will never return here because she already left. It would be a stupid decision on her part if she will come back again," she said sadly.

Maxwell smiled. "Don\'t be sad...even if no one will come back to you because your boyfriend is already dead. I will try my best to get your sisters back here so that they will keep you company. We will become a big happy family. You will no longer feel sad and lonely anymore," he said.

Tears sprang in Ivy\'s eyes. "Noooooo! Please... leave my sisters alone! You already have me. Am I not enough for you?"

Maxwell looked at her, confused by her outburst. "Oh, why are you looking like that? Aren\'t you happy that I\'m going to find a way so that you and your sisters can be reunited and live together forever? Is that what you always wanted from the very start? To be reunited with your sisters?"

"Yes! But not here inside the castle! I don\'t want my sisters imprisoned here with me. I want them to live in freedom outside, not here!" she insisted.

"Ah...I got it! I know what you mean! Of course, we won\'t live here inside the castle forever. Your sisters can join us outside. Once I\'m done releasing all the monsters and other creatures here that can help me build my empire, we will leave this castle and built a majestic palace nearby that is well suited for you and me, the King and Queen of Darkness!" Maxwell erupted into another bout of maniacal laughter.

Ivy released a deep sigh while staring at Maxwell with anger and sadness in her eyes.

Maxwell was determined to create havoc and misery in the people\'s lives if not apprehended by the authorities. She only has high hopes with Esmeralda, Zemeth, and his men to stop Maxwell\'s evil intention to rule the world.

Deep inside her heart, she believes that Zemeth is still alive! She knows that he was just outside the castle looking for the perfect opportunity to save her. Tonight, if the opportunity presented itself, she will escape the castle. She will flee outside together with the monsters!

All she needs is one moment in time to escape and run towards freedom once the opening already presented itself.

Tonight she will plan her escape! Once she\'s already outside the castle, Maxwell can no longer open the blazing barrier just using the golden dagger alone!

"Get ready for tonight. I\'ll come back for you before midnight," Maxwell said and finally left the room.

Ivy breathed in relief after Maxwell was gone.