The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 149 - Slaughter!

The blazing barrier opened up... and the monsters rushed outside like excited children arriving in Disneyland.

They scattered in all directions trying to find something to eat along the way.

The group was hiding above the branches of the biggest tree in that area watching the monsters below them.

Vearah wielded her power and hid their scent so that the monsters won\'t be alerted by their presence.

Esmeralda was shocked to see the monsters marching out from the opening. If the situation continues like this, the rest of the inhabitants of the castle will finally attain freedom just like her.

Unfortunately, humans will suffer the worst because the monsters are voracious beings, they will consume both humans and animals. It can\'t continue like this! It has to end at the soonest possible time.

"These monsters will slaughter anyone they will meet on the road. We might as well start hunting them one by one while they have not gone too far yet. I\'m sure they will bring chaos to neighboring areas," Zemeth told the ladies.

"Okay, let\'s hunt the monsters!" Vearah responded.

Zemeth took his leave and hovered in the air looking for the monsters in the ground, his wings spread wide in his back, his silver sword glistening in the blackness of the night. He was already in his assassin mode, ready to kill the beast one by one.

While the women were still up in the branches in the trees contemplating on what to do.

"If they released more or less 100 monsters every night...what\'s going to happen then?" Vearah asked her companion even if she already knew what\'s the answer to her question.

Esmeralda sighed. "Mass slaughter will happen and blood will be spilled in the ground. These monsters will slaughter village people and animals!" she answered, gritting her teeth in anger. "I have to do something about it. I have to prevent Maxwell from creating more harm to the people!" she added grimly.

"What you\'re going to do now?" asked Vearah.

"I will get inside the castle now!" Esmeralda replied about to fly towards the opening.

"Wait! The opening is closing in! It\'s too late to get inside!" Vearah shouted.

Esmeralda watched as the opening finally shut off completely. "Never mind, I can always walk my way towards the entrance of the castle," she uttered.

Vearah sighed. "Too late for that now. We should return to my place and think of a better plan..." she suggested.

"Alright," Esmeralda agreed. Witnessing the mass destruction coming out from the opening made her weak. It made her guilty, she knew she can do something to prevent these things from happening. She\'s just reluctant to sacrifice her life even though she has already come to terms with that idea. It\'s her ever-changing mind that is to blame.

"But before we go home...why don\'t we dirty our hands first?" Vearah suggested.

Esmeralda\'s brows furrowed and throw her teacher an inquiring glance. "W-what do you mean?"

"Let\'s help the men hunt the monsters and kill them all before we go home!" Vearah said.

"Okay, after your teacher!" Esmeralda agreed. She needs to do something to vent her anger as well.

"Wait... take this..." Vearah handed her student a bottle.

"What\'s this?" Esmeralda asked.

"The bottle contains powerful poison powder from the roots of the Drilizir Tree, just spread the powder on the monsters\' faces. Once they inhale the powder they will suffocate and die in seconds. need to protect your face," Vearah said and waved her hand around Esmeralda\'s face creating a black veil covering her entire face. Then she also waved her hand around Esmeralda\'s hands creating black gloves. "You\'re ready to go...once you are done spreading the powder, left the place right away. You just need a small amount..." she said. "Now go! We will meet here before the break of dawn!"

"Okay, good luck, teacher, take care of yourself! Don\'t get yourself hurt!" Esmeralda said and floated in the air to start her quest in finding the monsters nearby.

Vearah wielded her power and created the black veil on her face and gloves in her hands. She went in the other direction opposite Esmeralda.

A few minutes later.

A hundred miles away from the castle, Esmeralda spotted her first prey. She saw two houses close to each other and a barn with a few horses, next to it is a pigpen housing ten mother pigs.

A few meters away, about ten monsters were creeping up to the place...the five voracious creatures were heading to the houses while the other five were heading to the barn and the pigpen, they must have smelled the animals\' scent.

Esmeralda focused her attention on the monsters rushing towards the houses, she needs to save human lives first before anything else!

She flew over the monsters approaching the two houses, she quickly opened the poison bottle and scattered the powder over their heads. Then she hovered away from them and landed on the roof of the house watching the monsters in the ground. The monsters were unable to take a step further...their bodies start convulsing and they fell to the ground. Esmeralda smiled while watching the spectacle unfolding in her eyes... her teacher\'s poison powder is indeed very effective!

Then she heard the horses neighing and pigs squealing in fright, and to her horror, she saw the monsters already attacking the animals. She zoomed towards the locations of the animals and stood near the monsters. "Hello, monsters...I am more appetizing to eat than that innocent animals...why don\'t you come after me?" she shouted at them.

Three of the monsters looked at her, their saliva was coming out of their mouths in hunger. They rushed after Esmeralda who hovered higher in the air, they continue chasing after her. She opened the bottle and spreads the powder in their faces.

Then she flew towards the barn and the pigpen. One monster was busy munching on the horse leg while the other one was munching on the pig\'s intestine ravenously. She zoomed towards them and quickly spreads the poisonous powder on their faces, she flew away heading to the roof of the house nearby.

A few seconds later, the commotion outside awakened the occupants of the two residences. They exited the house holding torches in their hand, they were trying to locate the origins of the sounds.

Esmeralda flew away to hunt more monsters in the vicinity.


Meanwhile, Vearah was presented with a gory view below her. She arrived at a place where ten houses were being terrorized by fifteen monsters, they were having fun chasing the screaming women and children.

Damn! The poison powder won\'t work this time, she can\'t run the risk of poisoning the humans as well.

Time for stealth method!

She wielded her power and turned herself invisible, then she summoned the powerful dagger in her palm that her old master had given her. It can kill monsters, beasts, and anyone in one single blow.

She may be living peacefully above the mountain, but desperate times need desperate measures!

She flew towards the nearest monster and slashed its neck with the powerful dagger killing the beast in seconds... reducing into a pile of ashes in the ground.

She moved with lightning speed. Left and right she was slashing monsters\' necks using the dagger with no seconds to lose. She had seen body parts lying on the ground. The worst is about to come for the villagers if she can\'t eradicate these horrifying creatures first!

She finished killing the monsters within sight.

She rose in the air... there are five more monsters to hunt...where are they?

Then she saw women and children huddled together in the backyard of one of the houses, they were shaking in fear while the monsters were approaching them...she flew towards the monsters at lightning speed and struck their necks with the powerful dagger...they fall into the ground one by one and turned into ashes in front of the horrified villagers.

Before she left the area, she made sure that the villagers were safe. She hovered around the neighboring areas to hunt for monsters...after a few minutes of hunting... she finds no one in the vicinity.

Time to go to other places.

She flew in the air looking for monsters everywhere.


A hundred miles away.

In the area where 200 houses can be seen scattered close to each other...the people were sleeping soundly in their houses, unaware that there\'s a war going on a few meters away near the entrance of the village as Zemeth singlehandedly began slaughtering the monsters left and right with his silver sword... his wings spreads majestically on his back.

The monsters were fighting the lone winged creature ferociously but they can\'t win over him because he can fly in the air and moved at lightning speed striking them with his sword.

Soon enough... the monsters were severely wounded and crumbled into the ground awaiting death to claim them.

To make sure the monsters won\'t come back to life, Zemeth set forth on the task of beheading the monsters one by one and separating their heads from their bodies.

After he was done with the tiring task, he burned the bodies with fire using the flames coming out of his fingers.

Zemeth\'s body was soaked with the blood from the monsters that he had slaughtered mercilessly. He rose higher in the air trying to look for a lake to wash his filthy body.

He saw one in the distance a meters away from the houses. He zoomed towards it and plunged into the warm water to wash away the putrid stench of the monsters\' blood from his body.

A few minutes later, he was done washing his body and emerged from the water, then rose in the air, ready to hunt monsters again.


Jegun and Ramza were done hunting the monsters in the area of their responsibility. After searching for miles and miles they discovered that the monsters were not able to reach the most populous town yet. A few minutes later, they finally decided to return to the castle and find out if their companion were still there.


Esmeralda and Vearah returned to the base of the hill after killing monsters. They waited for their companions.

A moment later, Zemeth arrived, followed by Jegun and Ramza. They decided to leave the vicinity of the castle since dawn was already breaking on the horizon.

The ladies returned to the mountain, while the men went to the islands to have a long rest.