The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 138 - Never Say Never!

Kate was shaking her head while looking at her clueless friend. "Think of a bigger picture. The golden fruit can sell with a hefty price more than that fruits you are carrying on your back..."

"Ah, I got it... so I just sell the golden fruit and give the girl the proceeds of the sale?" he asked.

Kate nodded her head and pondered for a moment. She wanted a long-lasting solution for the girl. "It can also work like that. But as you can see, the girl is not used to hold such a big amount of money in her position. She either squander the money in the long run or a thief will know about the money and steal it from her. Then her situation will turn to zero again..."

Aspen scratches his head. "So... what is the best thing to do?" he sought her opinion and advice.

Kate took a deep breath. "Here\'s what you need to do... It\'s better to train her on how to handle big money first. Before you will sell the golden fruit, first, you need to scout different gold buyers in that area and check who among them pay a much bigger price for your golden fruit, this way you can earn a big buck for the golden fruit. After you already have the proceeds in your hands, look for a land or house which is for sale near the market area. Then erect a stall or fruit stand outside the house..."

Aspen\'s eyes were getting bigger in anticipation, Kate\'s suggestion was starting to form a nice picture in his mind. "Please continue..."

"Then hire that girl to work for you, tell her that her entire family can live in that house. This way the old woman and the orphans can help run the house in a tip-top shape and also help the girl run the store for smooth operation daily. Then you give her a hefty salary every month. This way you hit three birds with one stone..."

Aspen brows furrowed. "How did I hit three birds with one stone?"

Kate smiled. "First, you help the poor souls settle in a clean environment with a nice roof above their heads. You are not only helping the girl, but you\'re also helping the entire family! They can now eat three decent meals every day and sleep in a nice room. Then second, you have now your property and home to come back to whenever you are tired of exploring the world outside. In short, you will have a sense of belongingness. Third, congratulation, you help elevate the poor girl status into a higher level which is your main purpose, am I right?" she grinned.

Aspen smiled brightly. "Wow! You have such a brilliant mind, Kate! I\'m more than impressed!" He gave her a thumb up sign and praised the way her mind works.

Then Kate smiled naughtily and whispered in his ears. "Then after everything is going good...court the girl... marry her and have children. Raised a happy family with her! And don\'t forget to invite me to your wedding!" she smiled wickedly.

Aspen\'s eyes widened in shock with her proposition, his face turned sour. "Why the heck our conversation turned into a marriage thing and raising a family?" he asked her.

Kate erupted into peals of laughter. "Look at you... as if you had seen a ghost!" she continues laughing.

Aspen\'s face turned serious. "We are talking about improving a poor girl\'s lives, not taking advantage of her innocence. I like everything you suggested to me about her. However, I will not execute your last suggestion about marrying her. She is free to marry anyone she likes!"

"Oh my...are you going to stay single for the rest of your life?" she asked him, wide-eyed.

Aspen shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?"

"Huh? Are you planning to become a priest or a monk?" she asked again.

Aspen chuckled, amused by her questions. "I\'m going to explore the world, that\'s what I wanted to do with my life. I didn\'t say I\'m going to find a pretty girl in the human world to settle down and warm my bed. Now that you know my plans...I\'d better get going and give these fruits to the poor girl so that she can have some fruits to sell in the market today," he said in a hurry.

Kate was amazed by his good heart and honest intention. She hugged Aspen for a few seconds. "I\'m so proud of you my friend! I never regretted giving you a name!" she said smiling into his eyes. She feels a warm feeling enveloping her heart after seeing him in a whole new light. If she will have a brother in this lifetime, she wants somebody like him.

Aspen smiled and patted her head affectionately. "You go back now to your boyfriend and make him happy and practice raising a family with him!" he said jokingly, then opened the portal using his belt.

"Good luck and goodbye!" Kate said.

"See you soon!" Aspen replied and disappeared inside the portal.

Kate smiled and continue picking up fruits here and there, and put them in the basket. Satisfied with her harvest, she went back to the house and washed the fruits in the kitchen. She put grapes, oranges, and apples in the platter made with clay, then some fruits in another platter for Ramza.

She brought the platter inside the house and put it on the table in front of the old folks that were still having a serious conversation during that time. "Grandpa and Granny, have some fresh fruits," she told them.

"Thank you, child," Esmeralda said.

"Wow, fresh fruits!" Jegun smiled. "Thank you, Kate!" he said.

"You\'re welcome," Kate replied and left the old folks so that they can continue their conversation. She went to Ramza\'s side and placed the fruits of oranges, grapes, and cherries on the center table. "Eat some while waiting here..." she urged him.

Ramza smiled. "Thank you, my love," he said and picked up the grapes, he began eating them.

Kate giggled. She loves hearing Ramza\'s endearment. She feels special and loved every time he called love.

After spending some quality time with him, she rose to her feet.

Ramza looked at her. "Where are you going?" he asked her.

"I\'m going to the kitchen to prepare dishes for our meal. If you are getting bored here doing nothing you can find me in the kitchen." She showered him with her sweetest smile.

Ramza\'s eyes sparkled with love. "I love you!" he said sincerely.

"I love you more!" Kate responded. She turned around, going to the kitchen in a happy mood.


In the corner, Esmeralda and Jegun continue discussing Ivy\'s condition inside the forsaken castle.

"I think we should be discussing how to enjoy our retirement at our current age and not meddle with the problems and affairs of the children," Esmeralda said out of the blue.

Jegun smiled and agreed with her statement. "Yes, that\'s what we are supposed to be doing right now. But can we settle in peace if we both know that the children are having problems like this? Whether we like it or not, our life was entangled with theirs. Therefore, we shall try to help them the best way we can," he said.

Esmeralda sighed. There is reluctance on her part to take part in the rescue process. She\'s been wanting to rest and enjoy the outside world and not saddled up with problems. Now that she finally escaped the castle, she has no plans to return there. She wanted to undo her past mistakes and enjoy her second chance of freedom.

She can do that by turning a blind eye to what\'s happening outside and no longer caring about what\'s going inside the castle. But the fact that Ivy was back inside the castle, she can\'t help but think about the poor girl. She released a deep sigh.

Jegun was studying the expression on Esmeralda\'s face. He can sense that she was undergoing an internal struggle between doing something and doing nothing when it comes to Ivy\'s situation in the castle. He took a deep breath, not sure if she will like what he\'s going to suggest to her. "I have a solution in mind... I just don\'t think you will like it," he said.

Esmeralda looked at him with a questioning glance. "Tell me at once! Let me hear what is your suggestion..." she said.

Jegun whispered something in her ears.

Esmeralda\'s eyes widened. "Hell no! I won\'t sacrifice something like that no matter what!" she blurted vehemently and objected right away.

Jegun shrugged his shoulder. "Well, it\'s up to you... I\'m not forcing you to do it. It\'s just a suggestion on my part. Please think about it. Allow my suggestion sink for a few days before you finally say no. Never say never!" he told her.

Esmeralda was shaking her head sadly. "You are suggesting something that I have reluctance in doing..." she reminded him. "Don\'t expect that I will be agreeing to it!" she concluded.

Jegun sighed. "Please don\'t personally take it against me. I\'m just stating the obvious since we are discussing how to help the children," he said.

Esmeralda breathed deeply. "Don\'t worry, I\'m not that childish. I understand your point of view," she said and rose to her feet. "I\'m sorry, I have to leave you alone here...I have a mild headache going on in my head right now," she stated.

"Okay, go now and rest in your room. I\'ll just find something to occupy my mind," he said.

Esmeralda left and went to her room.

Jegun shifted his attention to the fruits on the table with great enthusiasm. He smiled and began eating them one by one, loving their freshness and sweetness that melts in his mouth like honey.


Author\'s note: you want me to include Aspen\'s adventure in the human world and keep updated with his progress with the poor girl in the human world? Please say yes...or do you want me to write a new book dedicated to Aspen\'s adventures in the human world? Common... let me know what you like. Thank you!