The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 135 - Are You Crazy?

Inside the house.

Esmeralda was scolding Kate nonstop. "How dare you to leave the house without informing anyone!? Why did you steal Aspen\'s belt? You have no idea how worried I am when you suddenly vanished without informing us where are you going!"

Kate was staring at the floor, tears were falling from her eyes.

"You even want to enter the castle? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Don\'t you know how hard it is to get out of the castle? Do you think you have unlimited blood in your body?" Esmeralda continues her ranting.

"Shh, calm down Esme! Drink some water to ease away the heaviness in your chest," Vearah said. She put a glass on Esmeralda\'s hand and whispered into her ears that Ramza has returned.

Esmeralda consumed the glass of water in one go. "Thank you, teacher," she said.

"I\'m so sorry, Granny. Please forgive me. I realized my mistake now," Kate apologized for her stubbornness.

Esmeralda released a deep sigh. "Apology accepted. Go outside, someone is waiting for you in the fruit garden," she said.

A frown appeared on Kate\'s forehead. "Huh? Who is it, Granny?" she asked curiously.

"Just go there!" Esmeralda ordered.

Kate wiped the tears on her face with the hem of her clothes. She rose to her feet and walked towards the entrance of the house. She sprinted towards the fruit garden. Then her eyes widened in surprised and happiness upon seeing the guy busy eating orange. "OMG! Ramza, is it really you!?" she asked in disbelief.

Ramza smiled. "Hello my beloved!" he grinned and opened his arms wide.

Kate catapulted into his awaiting arms. "I miss you so much! I thought I will never see you again!" she beamed.

Ramza planted a kiss on her forehead. "I miss you more!" he said affectionately and kiss her on her cheeks.

Kate giggled in happiness.

Aspen left the fruit garden quietly, he doesn\'t want to disturb the lovers showing too much public display of affection in front of him, as if they have already forgotten his presence.

He went to the house and found the women talking in the living room. "Wazzup ladies?" he asked.

"What\'s happening outside?" Vearah asked.

Aspen shrugged. "The lovebirds were hugging and kissing each other...what can you expect?" he said.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes.

Vearah smiled. "Yeah, what can you expect from the lovers who didn\'t see each other for a long time?"

Aspen glanced at Esmeralda. "So...what is your plan, Esme? Now that Kate\'s boyfriend is finally back in her life?"

Esmeralda breathed deeply. Ever since Kate came into her life she becomes her responsibility. "What I\'m going to do with her?" she asked herself loudly.

Vearah was pondering Kate\'s situation for a moment. "Just let the girl go. Let her live the life she wanted for herself..."

"What do you mean?" asked Esmeralda.

"Her boyfriend is back, so why don\'t let her go with him? They love each other, they should be together. I\'m sure Ramza is good enough for her. This way... she will be out of your responsibility. You will have fewer worries by then and you can focus on yourself instead of worrying about her all the time," Vearah suggested.

Aspen gave the immortal a thumb up. "Good suggestion, Vearah!"

"And how about Ivy that was trapped in the castle? Should we just forget about her...forget about them? Let the girls settle their problems? Is that what you mean guys?" Esmeralda asked them.

Vearah took a deep breath. "Hmm...regarding that subject...we still try to help the girls the best way we can. But that is a problem that requires thorough thinking and analysis. Don\'t worry, I\'m also thinking about some possibility...But it\'s kind of muddled in my head right now. Maybe, when we can regain some quiet here...we can finally think of a better solution for Ivy," she said.

Esmeralda sighed. "I\'m so sorry, teacher, that your peaceful world was plunged into chaos because of Kate. I shouldn\'t bring that girl here," she apologized.

"Ah...don\'t apologize...Esme. I\'ve been alone here for a long time. It\'s good to encounter some turbulence in my life once in a while to spice things up," Vearah smiled for their benefits, showing them that she was not taking Kate\'s stubbornness seriously.

Aspen smiled as well. "Sometimes, I got irritated with Kate\'s behavior as well, but it\'s not enough to make me hate her. She\'s just willful and stubborn sometimes..."

"And dangerously stupid!" Esmeralda added.

"But she was just acting due to impulse considering that her sister was trapped in the castle, but she would be surprised in the end if she knows that the one trapped there is not Ella but Ivy," Aspen said.

"Ah, the twist is making me tired all of a sudden..." Esmeralda said.

"Well...It seemed someone inside the castle wants Ivy desperately for himself, am I right?" Vearah asked.

They talked about Kate, remembering how she can make their heart beat faster due to her stubbornness. But in the end, they can\'t bring themselves to hate her.


Back in the fruit garden.

Ramza was about to claim Kate\'s lip for a torrid kiss.

But Kate stopped him. "Not here. I don\'t want the old folks to see us having a blown up kiss here." She smiled into his eyes.

"Alright, I understand," he said. "I have good news for you!"

"What is it?"

"We rescued your sisters Ivy and Ella. My friends and I successfully taken your sisters out of the castle!" he informed her.

Kate\'s brows furrowed. "Huh? My sister Ivy was already died sacrificing her life just to make sure I can escape the castle alive," she corrected him. She knows that Ella was the one trapped in the castle. "And why did you entered the castle? How did you get out? And why did you claim that you rescued my sister Ella?" her eyes widened. Suddenly, things weren\'t making sense at all, so confusing!

Ramza sighed. "It\'s a long story. I\'m willing to tell you everything right from the start. But right now, I want to tell you that... Ella is already out of the castle. Unfortunately, after our escape, your sister Ivy was abducted by someone from the castle and brought back to that forsaken place. We were too late to know about it...I\'m sorry," he apologized.

Kate eyed her boyfriend, she was having a hard time grasping everything he told her right now. "I will only believe you if I\'ll see Ella with my own eyes," she declared. Ella is the only one who can prove to her that their sister Ivy is indeed alive and Ramza was not just making things up.

"No problem, I can take you to the beach where we\'re currently staying... Ella is there waiting for you," Ramza said.

"Alright, I\'ll go with you!" Kate said excitedly.

"Go now inside the house and bid goodbye to the women!" Ramza ordered her. He needs to come back to the beach quickly, he\'s been gone for too long, they might already be worrying about his whereabouts and what happened to him.

Kate moved forward, bouncing towards the entrance of the house like rays of sunshine.

Ramza watched her with a mixture of happiness and excitement. He found her at last! Thanks to the relic portal he was holding in his hands. He has to remind himself that he has to return the relic to the rightful owner.

Inside the house.

Kate approached the trio sitting on the chair. "Grandma Esme and Vearah...Aspen...I would like to go with Ramza. He will bring me to my sister Ella," she informed them. She was wearing a bright smile on her face. Her face was radiating with happiness.

The trio looked at each other.

Esmeralda stood up. "Okay. Let me talk to your boyfriend first," she said.

They all went out of the house going to the fruit garden.

The moment Ramza saw Esmeralda he gave her back the relic portal. "I want to give this back to you. Thank you for your relic... without it... I won\'t be able to see my girlfriend again," he said with gratitude flashing in his eyes.

Esmeralda accepted the relic and breathed deeply. "Please take care of Kate for me. That\'s the only thing I\'m asking from you," she said.

Ramza smiled. "Rest assured that I will take care of her all my life," he made an oath in front of the trio.

Esmeralda was satisfied with the seriousness and solemnity of his oath. "Go now!" she said.

"Wait..." Vearah said. She handed the necklace back to Kate. "Here, I\'ll give this necklace back to you, since it\'s my gift for you. You are welcome here anytime to visit Esmeralda. You take care of yourself, Kate, and you young man," she told Ramza. Her eyes glistening with kindness.

"Thank you, Immortal!" Ramza said.

Kate hugged Vearah. "Thanks for the gift, Granny!" she said. Then she looked at Esmeralda and hugged her too. "Thanks for taking good care of me, Granny! I\'ll never forget your kindness and protection when we\'re still inside the castle." Then she looked at Aspen. "Thanks, friend, you are one in a million," she pinched his cheeks. She was teary-eyed.

Aspen smiled. "Never say goodbye...we will see you soon!" he spoke.

Kate smiled at Aspen and the ladies. "Goodbye guys...see you soon!" she said.

The trio smiled and waved goodbye to the lovers.

The couple was holding hands, ready to go.

"Guys...let me do the honor..." Vearah holds her portal relic in front of them. "Portal...take the couple to where they are going!" she commanded.

Suddenly, a neon color opening materialized in front of them.

The couple looked at the trio one last time and waved goodbye, then they stepped into the portal.

A few seconds later, Ramza and Kate were back on the beach, in front of the startled Ogeme.

"W-where have you been!? Something happened to Zemeth!" Ogeme told him worriedly.

"What happened to him!?" asked Ramza in panic mode. "Go find Ella, tell her that her sister Kate is here!" he told Ogeme. He looked at Kate. "I\'m sorry love, I need to rush back to the house, something happened to my friend," he said and rushed to the brick house located thirty meters away, leaving his girlfriend alone with Ogeme.

"Miss... wait here a bit...I\'ll get Ella from the kitchen," he said and left.

Kate roamed her eyes around the beautiful paradise. Her mind was blown away by the beauty of nature surrounding her. The ocean is breathtaking! The white beach was stunning to watch!

"Sister!" a familiar voice rang in the air.