The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 129 - That Hurts!

Ivy was shaking in fear and glanced at the door, wanting to escape. Maxwell was already naked, and she knows too well what does he wants from her.

He climbs the bed, getting closer to her, invading her space. His hand reached for her face.

She avoided his touch. "Get away from me!" she shouted in fear.

Maxwell\'s eyes narrowed. "Huh? Why are you avoiding my touch? But when that guy touches you... you welcome his kisses and his embrace...why can\'t I do the same?" he asked, the pain was flashing in his eyes.

"B-because I love him! He is the guy I want to marry!" she shouted bravely into his face.

"Ouch!" Maxwell said. He clutched his chest. "That hurts! You hurt my feelings!" he said angrily, feeling outraged by her confession.

Ivy whimpered.

Then he smiled crazily. "But what can you do now? You are back in my prison room. And there will be no wedding happening anytime soon because you can never get out from here! Besides, I killed that guy you betrayed me with. I slashed his neck with my sharp knife, and I\'m sure he was already dead by now!" he grinned triumphantly.

"NO! You\'re just lying to me!" she refused to believe his claim.

Maxwell guffawed. His laughter lasted for a few seconds. "Why I should be lying to you? I already have his golden dagger the one he uses in opening the barrier. This means, with you and the dagger alone, I can exit and enter this forsaken castle anytime! My brother Xenon and Lothaire are now exploring the world outside the castle, celebrating our victory! Soon enough! I will unleash all the monsters in the pit to create havoc in the world outside! Everyone will cower in fear and worship me as God to spare them the painful death. How does that sound, Ivy?" he asked her, his eyes blazing red.

Ivy shut off her eyes, as desperation, sadness, and fear bombarded her heart. Her situation was hopeless now. Zemeth was already dead, and she was trapped again inside the room with no way out. She\'s back in square one. This time it\'s much worse because she will be forever reminded of the way how Zemeth died.

Not only she was caught by Maxwell again, but he also had the dagger and he killed the guy she falls in love with!

Maxwell killed him!

She looked at him with raw hatred flashing in her eyes. "I hate you! I hate you! Get away from me!" she was screaming at him.

Maxwell doesn\'t like the way she was shouting at him! It angered him terribly. His hand moved swiftly and delivered a stinging slap on her pretty face.

Ivy\'s head hit the headboard due to the impact of his slap, she winced in pain.

Not satisfied, Maxwell grabbed a handful of her hair with his fist and dragged her face into his. "Remember this! You are now back in my territory and this time no one can save you! Your little boyfriend was already dead! Dead...dead...dead!" he shouted in her face over and over again.

He hit her face once more, sending Ivy\'s face down into the bed.

Ivy\'s tears tripled as she lay in the bed, face down, her entire cheeks were stinging with Maxwell\'s painful slap. He was physically hurting her, he is now showing his true colors. He used to be gentle towards her when she hadn\'t meet Zemeth yet. His cruelty towards her must be driven by rage and jealousy.

Maxwell began tearing up her clothes, she fought him with all her might, kicking and punching him. But he was too strong for her, he easily overpowers her. She was now completely naked below him.

"Get off me!" she screamed hysterically.

He pinned her body with his own into the bed, grinning like a devil. He looked into her eyes triumphantly. "What now?" he challenged her.

The truth is, Ivy was getting tired, no matter how hard she tried, she can\'t shake him off away from her body. She bit her lips in despair, she is just too weak to resist his advances.

Maxwell claimed her mouth in a hungry assault. In return, she bites his tongue hard.

He winced in pain, his mouth turns bloody, instantly, his sharp pangs came out from his mouth and he sank them in her neck, Ivy screamed in pain.

Maxwell looked at him angrily in the eyes, he was beyond infuriated now. He blew air into her face...a few minutes later...Ivy\'s body grows limped beneath him. Fresh tears emerged from her eyes.

Blood was dripping from Maxwell\'s mouth... his eyes grew into a slit. His hands moved into Ivy\'s neck and strangled her as rage rushed through his veins.

Ivy was trying hard to get his hands off her neck because she was having a hard time breathing, but sadly she can\'t because she can\'t even move her arms. Tears sprang in her eyes, as she feels like she was going to die...

Maxwell saw Ivy\'s tongue coming out of her mouth which means he was already on the verge of dying...If he won\'t stop right now, she\'s going to die!

He quickly withdraws his hand from her neck, get off from the bed, and picked up his clothes. He left the room without glancing at Ivy.

Her strength was gradually coming back to her body. She was gasping for air! She lay on the bed naked, bruised, and was on the verged of dying. She was humiliated, assaulted, and violated. She was just lucky, Maxwell was able to release her neck on time or else, she was dead already.

But why she was afraid of death when Zemeth was already dead? What\'s the purpose of continuing living in this forsaken castle? Much better if she will die today, right? Maxwell should have to continue strangling her so that she can no longer feel pain every time he hits her.

But maybe...she was not destined to die today?

She already died once... she almost died today?

How many lives does she have?

Fresh tears gathered in her eyes.

It dawned on her that Maxwell won\'t stop until he can claim her body by force. While he may succeed in taking her body but he will never succeed in owning her love, she will only love one guy and that is Zemeth! Too bad he already died. She already loses the man she\'s going to marry!

Her life truly sucks!

She got a pounding headache hammering her head. Everything happened too fast!

She recalled the last embrace she shared with Zemeth outside the castle... their hearts were beating in happiness. They were closer to achieving their dreams. Too bad, everything ended in tragedy, his untimely death, and her abduction. Happiness was gone too fast, like a thief that disappeared into the night.

Suddenly, everything turned into a nightmare.

Her body was trembling hard, she reached for the blanket and covered her nakedness. She has no clothes to change into.

Right now, she just wanted to die!

But part of her was screaming to continue living.

She lay in the bed in a fetal like position, her pride, her body, and all of her was severely wounded. She was dreading hell in the next days to come expecting that Maxwell will punish her for biting his tongue off.

" love...where are you...please take me away from here!" she cried in pain. Her heart was breaking inside.

The whole room was filled with her pitiful sobbing yet no one can comfort her.



Inside Maxwell\'s bedroom. He was cursing himself under his breath. He was nursing his tongue that was still hurting by Ivy\'s bite. He nearly killed her!

Dammit! It was not part of his plan!

But Ivy angered him so much. He was not able to control his temper.

When he entered her room, he planned to brag about his achievement of killing her lover, owning the golden dagger, and capturing her back, and claiming her body.

He didn\'t expect that she would violently fight him off, resulting in her biting his tongue. That made him completely lose his control.

Damn that feisty woman!

If he successfully killed her, he will surely blame himself and regret it afterward. Good thing he was able to let go of her neck before he goes berserk.

Dammit! He punched the wall of his bedroom out of anger of himself and her.

She dares resist his advances bravely when she knows that she can\'t win against him! He wants her to be docile and submissive to his touches, not fighting him off violently like a madwoman!

She enraged him!

He was truly mad at her!

If she\'s not important to him it would be easy to strangle her and be done with her life! Such a stupid proud woman! His blood was still boiling! He wants to go back into the room and throttle her!

That bitch!

He exhaled and inhaled air in his lungs. He was consumed by rage again that he wants to kill her now!

He throws his body in the bed, trying to subdue his anger. He can\'t think straight like this!

But that would be the first and last time Ivy would be able to hurt him. There are many ways to subdue her fighting spirit and make her submissive to him.

He doesn\'t need to exert much effort in claiming her. A wicked grin appeared on his mouth.

"Ivy, wait \'till I get back to you! I\'ll make you pay!" he said loudly.


Back in Ivy\'s room.

She was done crying. She had bloodshot eyes due to so much crying. She stared at the ceiling of the room in desperation, thinking if she will ever see the outside world again. She was out of the forsaken castle for a few minutes, too bad it ended too fast, too quick for her liking. Her happiness ended abruptly before she was able to savor it.