The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 116 - The Grand Plan

Zemeth went out to find Ramza. He found him in the next chamber. "Are you happy now after learning that Kate successfully escapes this forsaken castle?" he asked.

Ramza nodded his head. "Yes, I am. But I have to find out where she is right now..."

"I think she is in the company of Esmeralda and the tree," Zemeth suggested.

"I\'m sure that Kate would hurry home to see Ella and her Aunt Margie...but she will see no one in their house," Ramza said.

Zemeth nodded his head. "Agree, maybe she will wait there in the house or...she will go where Esmeralda and the tree will go."

Ramza sighed. "I hope she stayed in the house and didn\'t accompany her companion so that we can easily locate her. The problem is... if Esmeralda left the human world and went to another place... then we will have a hard time locating her."

"If she went back to the Nephilim Kingdom we can locate her. But if she went to another world then we need someone to locate her. Too bad, I don\'t have the capabilities to find their about you?" Zemeth asked his friend.

"Me too, it\'s beyond my capabilities. Anyways, I\'m 90% sure that Kate was staying in her house right now in the village. She won\'t come back here for sure," said Ramza.

"I hope so," Zemeth said.

"By the way, let\'s change the topic. When are we going to get out of this castle? Because I\'m already excited to see Kate," Ramza asked.

"Let\'s wait for Jegun. He went to his friend the King of Elves to brief them. As long they already secure their means of transportation then we shall leave this place in two or three days," Zemeth answered.

"I hope those Elves are not going to put our escape in jeopardy since we only came here to rescue the monster boy, the elves are not part of our mission," Ramza reminded him.

"Yeah, you are right. But since the king provided the magic healing potion that saves Ivy\'s life then we owe him a chance to escape. Right?"

"Agree!" Ramza said.


Inside the King of The Elves chamber.

Jegun was inspecting the elves\' transportation during the escape. The king decided to use the flying carpet, instead of flying cart or flying leaves.

"What do you think, my friend?" the king asked his friend.

"This is better than I expected," Jegun commented. "Can I test its efficiency?" he asked.

"Sure! Let\'s ride it!" The king replied.

The king and Jegun boarded the flying carpet that was wide enough to carry ten people.

"Go!" the king commanded the flying carpet.

The carpet hovered in the air and flew slowly going outside the chamber. When they already exited the chamber and floating in the passageway.

"Go back to my chamber!" the king ordered.

The magic carpet obeyed and hovered back towards the chamber.

"Lowered us down," the king commanded.

The magic carpet obeyed and landed on the ground.

"That was an awesome ride!" Jegun enthused.

"I\'m glad you enjoyed the ride! I have an extra two carpet ready for you. I instructed my wife and our servants to waved another extra carpet for you guys," the king said and picked up the carpet from the table and handed it to his friend. "Just command the carpet, it will listen to you. My wife designed the carpet to be obedient to anyone who rides it," he explained.

Jegun smiled. "Thank you, my friend, I\'ll take it!" he said.

"When are we going to get out of this castle?" the king asked.

"The soonest possible time. I\'ll come back here to inform you. So be ready anytime," Jegun replied.

"Okay, I will instruct my family and my whole clan to get ready so that when you return, we\'re ready to go," the king responded.

"That\'s good! I\'ll go back to my cave. My friends and I have been planning our escape well so that there will be no mistake, and we all can escape this castle alive," said Jegun.

"How about that girl, our savior? How is she doing?" asked the king.

"Ah, yes. She\'s doing good. Your magic healing potion works well on her. Her health was good as new. Thank you so much for your healing potion, my King!" Jegun said with a smile.

"Ah, don\'t thank me. Consider it as my advance gift to her for helping us escape this castle alive," the king said. And another bottle appeared in his palm. "Here, take this bottle just in case you needed it soon," he said.

Jegun accepted the gift with a bright smile illuminating his face. "Thank you so much for this gift, my friend," he said. "I\'ll take my leave now..."

"Okay," the king of elves nodded his head and watched his friend disappeared from his sights in seconds.


Jegun appeared back in the cave. He found Agran alone in the chamber, in deep thoughts. "What are you thinking?" he asked him while lowering himself on the chair, facing his ward.

Agran raised his head. "I\'m feeling guilty..." he said in a low voice, fearing that Ella will hear him.

Jegun raised his brow. "What for? By the way, where is the girl?"

"Ella went to her sister..." Agran answered.

"It\'s a good thing that Ella got her sister now. At least...she won\'t feel so miserable due to the sudden change of her appearance," Jegun commented.

"B-but Grandpa, I feel guilty that not only my curse was transferred to her, I also lied to her about the monster biting her," he said in a low voice.

Jegun took a deep breath. "That is why... we shouldn\'t talk about this topic. Or else the girls will hear us. Let\'s keep it a secret between us."

"B-but how about Zemeth and Ramza, they also know our secret. What if they will tell the girls about what I\'ve done to Ella? The girls will get mad at me, they will hate me," he insisted.

Jegun shrugged his shoulders. "Well... that is why we shouldn\'t tell them anything. Besides, you don\'t have to worry about the boys. They\'re here to rescue us, it\'s their mission, that is why they won\'t tell a word to the girls. They already swore to me that they will keep their mouth shut," he said trying to put his ward\'s guilt away. He was happy that his ward was not a guiltless demon he previously thought he was. It comforted his wary soul.

All he dreamed about is getting out of this castle alive and see the world again. His dream is about to come true and he was excited.

Jegun rose to his feet. "Don\'t think too much about the girls. We have a far more important event to focus our attention on and that is our escape from here. Follow me... the boys and I will make a grand plan for our escape. Listen and contribute if you can," he said and walked towards the entrance.

Agran followed Jegun outside.

They went to the next chamber and joined the boys in the discussion.

Zemeth eyed the newcomer. "Okay guys, let\'s start the discussion. By the way, Grandpa, how\'s the king\'s preparation?" he inquired.

"So far so good. The king already had chosen their transportation. To increase their speed, they will use the magic carpet in getting out of the castle. There will be 35 magic carpet total, each can carry ten elves at a time. So if the carpets zoomed towards the gap we will finish escaping the castle in just a few minutes. It\'s much faster than walking or running on foot," Jegun replied. "Not only that, the king give me two magic carpets for us to use," he said, showing them the carpet.

"Nice! That\'s cool! The elves can get out of the blazing barrier in just a few minutes! It\'s much better than I anticipated," Ramza enthused.

"Here\'s the plan...." Zemeth started laying his plan for the escape when out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the leader of the leaves peeking at the entrance. "Ah, it\'s our friends, the leaves...come in...we\'re just discussing the escape plan..." he said, welcoming the leaves.

The leaves entered the chamber.

"Can we also escape this castle, please? Have mercy on us, please bring us with you during your escape," the leader begged.

Zemeth nodded his head. "Alright. I will assign you... leaves, to take care of the girls. Ella and Ivy will be riding the magic carpet. You will accompany them," he said.

"Thank you!" the leaves said in chorus. The leaves settled in the air in the corner listening to the men discussing the grand plan for the escape.

Zemeth laid the plan. "After the blazing barrier opened up and the gap starts to occur. The girls and the leaves will zoom out of the barrier first. The men will be the last to leave just in case enemies are lurking by, especially that the dark shadows and the vampires are after us. Grandpa Jegun and Agran will supervise the elves and the girls out of the castle. I and my comrades will leave after everyone is already out. That is the plan, any objection or suggestion? Say it now. Once we agreed to everything, we can\'t change the plan. I\'ll give you guys a few minutes to think things over. If my plan has a flaw, tell me, or if there is something you want to add...let\'s discuss it here..."

Silence ensued.

Zemeth surveyed the faces of the people around him.

A few minutes later.

"Alright then...since no one suggested anything new. We will escape three days from now, at midnight. These will give us enough time to do surveillance of the area just in case some dark shadows are lurking around the vicinity of the blazing barrier," Zemeth concluded their meeting. He looked at Jegun. "Grandpa, you can inform the king of the elves that we already set the time of the escape. They should come over here on the third day so that we can brief them regarding the plan just in case we have a last-minute change of plans," he said.

"Okay, I\'ll go there now and inform the king," Jegun replied. He rose to his feet and left the chamber, followed by Agran.

The leaves also took their leave.