The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 109 - Transformation

Two days later. Inside the castle.

Ella was imprisoned in a chamber inside the cave. It has a wooden bed, a make-shift toilet, but there is no door. Unfortunately, she can\'t still escape the place because instead of a door, it has a barrier, and it\'s not letting her out no matter how hard she tried opening it.

She\'s tired of trying because she only gets annoyed fighting the barrier that won\'t let her step outside.

She sits down on the wooden bed, waiting for her abductor to bring her food. In fairness, he brought her food, or else she will die of hunger.

When she asked him when he will let her go, he told her that he is currently busy, \'coz he needs to erect traps and defenses outside the cave so that the vampires who are trying to find them will not be able to locate their hiding place.

Ella was planning to open the bottle so that it would produce the smoke needed to distract the old man because she was planning to escape the cave.

When she demanded to see her sister Kate he retreated into silence, which means he was lying with his claim that he has Kate with him. Therefore, she can\'t trust liar people. He and the vampires are the same! They\'re all trying to deceive her!

Ella holds the bottle firmly with her hands. It\'s her only hope of escaping the cave.

She readied her bag, clutching it on her chest. The man might enter the room anytime. She needs to be alert. She noticed that when the man enters the room, the barrier disappeared, and it only returned in place after he exited the room.

Hmm, she will wait the moment he puts the food in the bed, and she will then open the bottle right away to let the smoke out and flee from the cave with all her might.

She waited for a long time. Just when she was about to give up. He appeared outside the chamber and the barrier was gone. The old man entered the chamber and was about to put the food in the bed. Ella already opens the lid of the bottle and left it behind, bolting out of the room.

She runs as fast as she could without looking behind her, afraid that he was already behind her. She sprinted into the dark passage, not caring where will it lead her. Then she entered a chamber unknowingly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed.

What she saw inside produced a hear splitting scream from her mouth because she has never seen such a terrifying monster before in her entire life. She only calmed a little when she noticed that the creature was caged! That\'s right! He can\'t get out and harm her!

"Oh, thank God!" she slows down her breathing and rest for a while. If she can steady her breathing and finally tone down her palpitating heart, she will continue escaping the cave as planned.

She saw a water jug in the table and took a glass then poured the water on it because she feels thirsty due to so much running. She closed her eyes to control her ragged breathing telling herself that she\'s safe because the monster is caged, and it won\'t be able to harm her.

The monster inside the cage was staring at her all the time.

Back in the chamber where Ella was held captive, the old man was no longer there. He runs after the girl. The smoke has all gone out of the bottle and formed into four outlines of a man.

"Where are we?" asked Zemeth.

"It looks like a cave," answered Ramza.

"Where is the girl?" asked Simuz.

"She was probably the one we heard screaming a minute ago," suggested Ogeme.

"Alright, let\'s split and searched the whole cave. Watch out for the traps! We don\'t know this cave well. If any of us found the girl, just blew the whistle so that we will know where to find each other," Zemeth commanded.

The rest of the guys nodded their heads. They left the chamber going to different directions.

Back in the chamber where Ella was resting.

"Psssssst Little girl, come here!" said the monster beckoning her.

Ella heard the monster\'s voice for the first time. "Huh? Are you calling me?"

"Yes, come over here!" the monster commanded.

"Why don\'t you come to me?" She rolled her eyes and laughed a little. It finally dawned on her that the monster cannot get out of the cage on his own. She ignored the monster completely because she already overcomes the shock of seeing such a terrifying creature.

Time for her to move on.

She was about to walk to the entrance when the old man materializes at the door, trapping her inside.

"Damn!" said Ella, biting her lower lip in fear. How can she escape now?

"How are you, little girl?" the old man asked her, smiling. He keeps advancing towards her.

Ella keeps stepping backward. She was planning to outsmart him and run for her life.

She was busy planning on her escape. She didn\'t know that her back was already close to the cage. The moment her back touched the cage, the monster\'s hands reached out to her arm and grabbed her in an iron-clad grip.

"I got you!" the monster grinned triumphantly.

"Let go of me!" Ella struggled to free her hand from the grip of the monster, aargh, she can\'t free herself because he was too strong for her to fight, and besides, she was afraid that if she struggles forcefully, her arms will split in half.

While the monster and the girl were entangled in a tug of war,

Jegun was grinning triumphantly. At last, the girl finally arrives! The girl\'s skin already touched the blazing cage, yet, she was unharmed!

Time to open the cage and let Agran feed on the girl\'s blood so that they can finally get out of this castle and taste freedom.

Meanwhile, Agran finds the smell of the girl, so nice! He smells her neck, and his tongue graces the exposed skin of her neck. She stared at him in horror and her eyes widened due to fright. A moment later, she fainted.

Jegun opened his palm, a knife appeared in his right hand. He went to the girl\'s side and made a small cut on her arm, then he took a bowl from the table and let the blood drip into it.

When he already had enough, he stopped and healed the girl\'s arm.

He took the bowl and splattered it on the cage. Slowly, the cage\'s door opened up, and the blazing fire loses its power. It\'s now an ordinary rusty cage.

The monster rushed outside the cage and took the girl in his arms. He looked at the old man.

Jegun nods his head. "It\'s feeding time!" he said and went to the girl\'s side. He made another cut on the girl\'s arm using the knife.

Agran sank his teeth into the open wound and drunk the girl\'s blood that would take away the curse on his body.

"Drink as much as you can, I will guard the chamber," Jegun said. He was about to get out of the chamber when he feels that there is someone at the door. "Who\'s there?" he asked.

The monster stopped drinking Ella\'s blood and looked at the door.

"Continue drinking until you feel that your face has finally changed! I\'ll take care of the intruder!" Jegun instructed. To make sure that no one can interrupt Agran\'s activity, he blew air and created a see-through barrier separating him and his ward. He was suspecting that the vampires have finally located their hiding place, he\'s now ready to fight them!

The first guy came out, then another, and soon four enemies are standing on the door. They were wearing silver clothing, which is similar to the celestial soldiers, and they were holding silver swords in their hands.

Jegun observed the guys\' faces... they are not vampires! Who are they?!

"Gentlemen, why are you here in my territory? You trespassed here without my permission. If you want to live longer, leave this place now!" he commanded harshly.

"You got our girl..." Zemeth said, his eyes staring at the monster feeding on Ella\'s blood on the ground.

"C-could he be the monster boy that we are looking for?" asked Ramza.

"He fits the description," answered Ogeme.

"If he will transform after drinking the girl\'s blood, then he is the one we\'re looking for," Simus concluded.

Jegun was listening to their conversation. "Wait! W-who are you guys?" he asked in bewilderment.

Zemeth looked at Jegun. We are the Nephilim warriors sent here to rescue the monster boy and get him out of the castle. You must be Jegun...right?"

How did they know his name? Jegun\'s eyes widened in shock. "W-who sent you here to rescue us?"

"It doesn\'t matter. You will know the one who sent us here in no time," Zemeth spoke.

"Before we can get out of this cave, we have to fight the multitudes of dark shadow hovering outside!" Ramza informed them. Earlier, he found the entrance of the cave and saw the dark shadows hovering above the trees as if looking for something.

Jegun\'s face looked grim. "So, the vampires finally located my hideout, eh?" he asked, no longer surprised.

"Guys, we need to guard the entrance and prevent enemies from entering the cave. In the meantime, we need to hide. We don\'t want to alert them while we still don\'t have the proper plan on how to get out of this cave undetected. Our main mission is to get out alive from the castle and not die here in vain," Zemeth said.

The men nodded their heads in understanding.

Zemeth paused for a moment and looked at his two companions. "Simus and Ogeme, guard the entrance, alert us with the whistle if they finally detected your whereabouts. Be alert and cautious!"

"Noted!" the men replied in unison and exited the chamber.