The Swordsman Called the Countless Swords Sorcerer

13 Chapter 12

Under the still brightening sky, Ardis, after parting from Greshe and the others, quickly headed to the Perch Tree Pavilion.

Today\'s rewards were two gold coins for four pairs of dispensers to be defeated. The Beast King\'s pelts are for fourteen animals for four gold coins and two silver coins. The Beast King\'s Fang for 14 animals for 1 gold coin and 4 silver coins.

Subtracting the reward for Greshe and the others, one gold and two silver, it was six gold and two silver.

That\'s not bad for a day\'s work. It was enough money to stay for a month even at a rip-off inn.

The reward for Greshet and his friends is less than the money in hand, but Aldis has always found it more difficult to hunt for furs than it is to hunt for prey.

Aldis wasn\'t sure whether to take the whole afternoon and do it himself, or to carry them two by two and sell them as is, so Greshe and his team\'s help was a godsend.

(Would it be more efficient to hire a pack bearer and a collection crew?)

That thought crossed my mind, but I quickly shook my head.

This time Greshe and the others took the offer because they were on their way back to the city.

In addition to that, there is also the circumstance that Ardis was indebted to them for saving a dangerous place.

If we were to recruit unknown mercenaries under the guise of helping them from the beginning, would there really be anyone who would take us up on our offer?

Aldis is also aware that she looks very young in appearance.

There are probably very few people who would like the idea of being hired as a fledgling from the outside.

And if the efficiency of the hunt suffers as a result of having a useless person on board, it would be the end of the world, and it\'s not as if there aren\'t people who would even try to scratch you in your sleep.

(If that\'s the case, I\'d better ask Greshe and the others to do it from the start.

The strength itself is still not at the level of a newcomer, but it\'s not a problem in terms of personality.

The lack of combat ability should be covered by Ardis.

If it is within the grasslands, he will be able to hunt with room to spare even while protecting the four of us.

(Hatsuharu-tei, it was. I\'ll go there in the morning.)

With this in mind, Aldis arrived at the wooden halt pavilion.

When he entered through the main entrance, a Kashikha with Tobi-colored hair called out to him.

Oh, welcome back, Ardis. You are very early, aren\'t you?

I\'m home. Well, don\'t worry about it, I\'m making enough money for the place.

Aldis said, making sure there were no other guests around.

\'Who are those two? Is everything okay?

\'I went to check on them every two hours or so. ...... They don\'t talk at all, don\'t they? They eat their breakfast and lunch, but when I go there, they\'re always cowering in the corner of their room.

You must be scared, I\'m sure.

\'What? I don\'t look that scary! Oh, no! Your sister is in shock!

I mean, you\'re not the only one who\'s scared.

Probably to the twins, everything else seems horrible to them, except for themselves.

Without giving such thoughts a second thought, he simply told her in a clerical tone, "I\'ll go get dinner," and walked up the stairs past a gulping Kashiha, who was nodding in dismay.

I knock lightly on the door of the room and enter, and the scene is exactly the same as when Aldis left in the morning.

In a corner of the seemingly unoccupied room, the twins are still huddled and shrunken together as usual.

Aldis unpacked his gear and sat down in the chair provided and looked around at the scenery outside.

It was still bright outside the window, having returned significantly earlier than planned. It would be a while before dinner was ready.

But that doesn\'t mean I can\'t go out into town at this time of night, so Aldis began to sit in a chair and do nothing.

There was no conversation in the room, and Aldis\'s dreamy head was pedaling the boat. All the while, the twins didn\'t move or talk.

Eventually, Aldis fell asleep in earnest, and she laid herself down on the bed and fell asleep.

Aldis woke up just as the sky was turning red with dusk and the sun was about to set behind the mountains.

\'I guess it\'s time for dinner,\'

At dinner that day, the twins were still the same as the day before.

They held out the tray of food in front of them, but in the end they didn\'t touch it until Aldis had fallen asleep in bed.

Early the next morning, Aldis ate an early meal and left the inn after asking Cassiha to take care of the twins.

They walked quickly through the town where the "awazora" was spreading before the sun rose. The purpose of this trip is to visit Hatsuchun-tei, where Greshe and his friends have made a permanent home.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find the right one for you.

After arriving without getting lost in fifteen minutes, I asked the receptionist at the counter to summon Greshe and the others.

We were told to wait in the dining room and sit down for five minutes. Coming down the stairs from the accommodation room on the upper floor were a chestnut-haired, long-haired man and a petite girl with reddish-brown hair.

\'Oh, look who\'s here, it\'s Aldis! What\'s wrong with you, you came to visit me yesterday!

\'Hey ......, don\'t yell at me, Geo ....... It\'s in your head .......

Gio asks vivaciously, while Conia groans, holding her head. Apparently he\'s hungover.

\'Where are Grechet and Ralph?\'

They\'re in bed. They still look like they\'re enjoying the afterglow of yesterday\'s whiskey.

What\'s that?

He says he\'s too hungover to wake up. ......

Conia briefly supplemented Gio\'s unintelligible explanation.

Apparently, the four of them drank heavily after parting with Ardis.

Because they drank too much, Grechet and Ralph are down. Conniea is also in a very painful mood.

\'Gio looks fine, but hasn\'t he been drinking too much?


Gio laughs instead of answering the question.

\'Shut up, Gio....... It echoes in my head: ....... Also, Aldis. Gio is a bottom-feeder, he\'s a monkey. He drinks more than any of us and yet the next day he\'s just so bloody pissed off. Oh, it\'s so annoying .......

As soon as she sat down in the chair, Conia, who had been propped up on the table with her head in her hands, turned her resentful eyes to Gio.

You will be able to see that she is exhausted.

You will need to be able to find out the best way to get the most out of it.

You will need to be able to find out the best way to get the most out of this article.

You will be able to find out the best way to get the most out of your trip. He had a refreshing smile on his face, the opposite of the groggy Conia\'s expression.

\'\'So? What\'s going on today?

Gio replaces the prostrate Conia and asks for his business.

\'I\'ve been thinking about it since--\'

Aldis reveals her thoughts.

Yesterday\'s help was unexpectedly beneficial to me as well.

He wants to hire Greshet and his friends to help him for a while longer.

He would like to have a meeting with Greshet and his friends to discuss this, because of course they have their own reasons.

I see. I can\'t give you an answer without discussing it with Gresche and the others, but I personally would like to think positively about it. What do you think, Conia?

Me? Oh...... headache......

\'So, Aldis. I\'m sorry, but may I conclude this tomorrow? Maybe Grechet and Ralph won\'t have a proper head start today either.

I don\'t mind. I understand it\'s short notice.

\'Can you come back tomorrow at lunch? In the meantime, I\'ll discuss it with Greshe and the others.

Tomorrow at noon. Okay.

After informing Gio of the reward amount and conditions he currently had in mind, Aldis left the city and headed straight for the grasslands to hunt.