The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

V2.Chatper 15


Liu Hao frowned slightly.

The White Walkers are arguably the most mysterious and terrifying creatures in the world, violent but intelligent.

At the dawn of the Era, he had slaughtered all the people and had become the dream of Westeros. Now it is making a comeback, which is the doomsday catastrophe of Westeros!

The most terrifying thing is that ordinary swords can\'t deal a substantial blow to the White Walkers, but the White Walkers can control the corpses to continuously grow the ghoul army.

In the original plot, a giant dragon of the Targaryen family was beheaded by the leader of the White Walkers, the Night King, and turned into a frost corpse dragon, spitting magic flames, and destroying the Great Wall of despair.

At that time, the army of ghouls will go south, and it will sweep the entire continent of Westeros with a destructive force.

"Instruct the three armies, without dismantling their armor, without leaving their arms, immediately summon the ministers of the Shangshutai and the Military Aircraft Department to prepare for the court meeting."

Liu Hao didn\'t have time to think about it, and immediately issued the order of the court.

After half a column of incense, all the officials rushed to the palace in unison. Liu Hao sat high on the iron throne, overlooking the palace, and the two officials of the Han Dynasty, civil and military, were fighting.

"The latest military report from the North came from the military plane. The White Walkers killed a group of Night\'s Watch soldiers in the Desperate Forest and turned them into ghouls. It is expected that they will invade the North soon..."

Liu Hao tapped the Iron Throne with his fingers, and said solemnly, "The Other Ghosts are immortal and immortal. This danger is even more terrifying than an army of millions. This battle is even more terrifying than the previous battles!"

"Evil monsters, in front of His Majesty the Holy Emperor Tianwei, what\'s the point?"

"The last commander is willing to be the forerunner of His Majesty and kill the White Walkers!"

"Kill the leader of the White Walkers, and the ghoul army will perish without attack."


Everyone in the palace was gearing up and excited.

The battle of King\'s Landing with the Allied Forces of the Seven Kingdoms\' nobles, the victory or defeat is immediately divided, and the fight is really not enjoyable.

The White Walkers appeared just right, and all the generals of the dynasty saw monstrous feats in their eyes, and they could only take it with one hand!

"How was the battle at Dragonstone Island?"

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it, preventing everyone from talking, and asked.

Mei Changsu said: "Lanzai Lathion of Baratheon on Dragonstone Island refused to accept the decree, and the Shangshutai ordered a large army of the dynasty to conquer him, and after three consecutive battles, consecutive victories, Lanzai Lathion died. In the chaos of the army, Dragonstone Island is under control!"

When the old fox Tywin Lannister heard the words, he felt sorry in his heart, and he had a feeling of grief in the death of a fox.

The Baratheon family dominates Storm\'s End, and is one of the most powerful among the ancient nobles of the Seven Kingdoms. Robert Baratheon was originally expected to ascend to the Iron Throne, but now the entire family has gone the wrong way, standing on the opposite side of the dynasty, and thus fell. .

"very good!"

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed, and he said, "I heard that Dragon Crystal is rich in Dragon Stone Island, is there such a thing?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this is exactly the case. There is a Dragon Crystal Mine on Dragonstone Island, which is now under the control of the dynasty."

The eight-clawed spider Varys quickly bowed and said.

"Immediately order the Ministry of Industry, immediately mine the dragon crystal ore, and use the dragon crystal to forge weapons, which can be used to kill the White Walkers!"

"I then sent Han Xin, the Marshal of Emperor Yu Shenwu, to integrate the three armies. After three days, the army of the dynasty is ready to go to the north to guard the Great Wall of Despair."

Liu Hao didn\'t hesitate, and issued several orders one after another, and the military camp in Junlin City began to enter a state of intense preparations.

People quickly realized the different atmosphere, and it seemed that a shocking battle was about to kick off.

Taking advantage of this period of mobilization for the war, Liu Hao began to count the gains of the Free Federation\'s trip.

Opening the Rashomon for precise teleportation cost millions of worship points, but this time it was a worthwhile trip.

Liu Hao grabbed the three dragon egg fossils treasured by Governor Pandos!

When the dragon\'s nest disappeared and the giant dragon disappeared, the value of the three remaining dragon eggs in the world was immeasurable!

The progress of the hidden quest has also been updated to allow Daenerys to hatch a dragon.

"As long as Daenerys can hatch these three giant dragons, then she can also successfully unlock the legendary achievement title of the Mother of Dragons. At that time, the attribute ability will be greatly enhanced..."

Liu Hao thought of the spectacular scene of the giant dragon flapping its wings and spitting red flames, and a slight arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Daenerys opened her purple eyes wide and stared at the three dragon eggs in front of her without blinking. She seemed to feel the strange rhythm pulsing, and a strange feeling emerged in her heart.

As the last true dragon bloodline of the Targaryen family, born in the storm, the princess of Dragonstone Island, she is destined to become the mother of dragons!

The powerful beings in these three dragon eggs are her children, and they will emerge from their shells in the next moment!

Unfortunately, there is still no movement.

Daenerys pouted in disappointment.

She already knew that the dynasty was facing a doomsday catastrophe, and everyone entered the atmosphere of war, and was about to fight to the death for the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

If you can get the help of a powerful dragon, Your Majesty will be very happy, right?

Daenerys was thinking wildly in her head, thinking about being able to do a small part for Liu Hao and letting Liu Hao see her humble self.

After thinking about it, I was so tired that I actually fell asleep.

in a dream.

Daenerys saw herself in a volcanic lava, the hot lava burning everything, but not hurting her in the slightest.

Suddenly, among the monstrous flames, there were bursts of shocking dragon roars!

It seems that countless giant dragons in the dragon\'s nest are roaring frantically, and the entire volcanic lava is shaken, and the lava is boiling. Daenerys is extremely afraid, but she still musters her courage!

She wants to see how powerful the real dragon is!

At this moment, the roar of the giant dragon got closer and closer, and a huge black shadow swept past, and finally stopped above Daenerys\' head.

The dragon\'s body is as majestic as a mountain, and under the light of the fire, it reflects a deep metal texture with two wings, and on the ferocious and domineering dragon head, two lantern-sized eyes are emitting an evil red light.

The giant dragon opened the mouth of the abyss, spit out red flames, and covered Daenerys\' entire body!

Daenerys was pale and her petite body trembled.

Click! Click! Click!

On the three dragon eggs in front of her, a spider silk-like gap was cracked. ....