The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

V2.Chatper 11

North, the Great Wall of Despair.

This place is frozen for thousands of miles, and it is already the northernmost land of Westeros.

Further north, outside the Great Wall, live the savage tribe of savages, who are currently the biggest enemy in the north.

Night has come, and in the vast white snow, the burning pine oil torches are crackling.

The Night\'s Watch Legion, all dressed in black, stood neatly in front of the Heart Tree, with a solemn and solemn expression:

"The long night is coming, I will watch from now on until I die."

"I will not marry, hold land, or have children. I will not wear a crown, and I will not compete for honor."

"I will do my duty, live and die. I am the sword in the dark, the guard on the wall, the flames against the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that wakes the sleeper, the shield that guards the kingdom. I give life and glory Dedicated to the Night\'s Watch, tonight, every night..."

The slogan of the desolate Night\'s Watch reverberated through the long night in the north.

The Legion of the Night\'s Watch, which symbolizes glory and protection, has been in the north for hundreds of years, resisting the invasion outside the Great Wall and protecting the safety of the people of the seven countries.

"After the fall of the Targaryen Dynasty, the Han Dynasty attached great importance to military affairs in the north. Not only did Lord Stark personally inspect the Great Wall of Desperation, but this year\'s recruits of the Night\'s Watch also increased by 100,000..."

"I heard that Your Majesty defeated the coalition of the seven kingdoms, captured King\'s Landing overnight, and had the last laugh in the Battle of the Reavers. He is truly a majesty, and only Aegon can compare."

"That\'s not necessarily true. Aegon has three giant dragons, and His Majesty also has a divine beast phoenix that swallows raging flames. He can\'t lose to the giant dragon!"

A team of Night\'s Watch Legionnaires, all clad in black, patrolled the northern jungle line.

It was freezing to the bone, and everyone had to rub their hands together to keep warm, laughing loudly, only to get a little angry.

The Night\'s Watch Legion made an oath not to marry or have children, and to dedicate their whole life to the guardian of the North.

The continent of Westeros, which had been calm for hundreds of years, was boiled by the Battle of the Reavers, and shocked by the comet-like rise of Liu Hao.

Everyone saw the sky-high sky above Junlin City. The Han Dynasty descended from the sky. With the momentum of thunder, they captured Junlin City and defeated the hundreds of thousands of coalition forces of the princes of the Seven Kingdoms!

Unifying the Seven Kingdoms, a new order has been established, and Liu Hao has also become a legend and an idol worshipped by the Night\'s Watch!

This small group of Night\'s Watch soldiers walked in the dark forest, and one of the Night\'s Watch soldiers disbanded halfway.

When he was looking for the way, he suddenly found that in front of him, standing in front of him, was a tall, withered, pale complexion, with white hair, and eyes as blue and deep as ice.

This white-haired monster held a long sword that exuded a strange blue light and looked like a long sword made of thin crystal fragments.


The night watchman soldier saw the two blue flames in front of him, his eyes widened in horror, his fingers trembled: "Then... what monster is that!?"

When he was staring at the monster, the monster was staring at him.

The white-haired monster moved so fast that it could not be seen by the naked eye, only to see a series of phantoms left in the air, and the monster had already been slaughtered in front of the night watchman.


The icy blue evil sword pierced out as fast as lightning, piercing the heart of the night watchman with one stroke.

Tick ​​tock!

The bright red blood dripped down on his chest on the white snow, and a blood plum seemed to bloom on the ground...

The White Walkers... are back!

The Night\'s Watch Ranger let out a final scream of horror, and his eyes gradually dimmed, but his movements continued, walking straight ahead.

"Did you hear anything just now?"

"The coward heard the voice!"

"Absolutely not. Did you hear it wrong? After patrolling this forest, tonight\'s task is complete. I\'m going back to take a sip of hot wine and sleep comfortably. Sleep."

The Night\'s Watch Rangers laughed through the jungle.

When they were about to reach the end of the woods, they saw a night watchman soldier dressed in black, curled up strangely, lying down in the snow, twitching non-stop.

Seeing the colleague fall to the ground, the group of night watchmen rangers subconsciously moved closer, trying to help him up.

But before they could get close, the black-clothed night watchman jumped up from the ground like a wild beast, pounced on the first night watchman, biting frantically.

Screams of terror, screams of pain.

The silence of Xuelin was broken.

The remaining night watchmen were completely stunned and wanted to go up to separate the two, but the two black-clothed night watchmen rushed up together...

Two becomes four, four becomes eight...

More and more Night\'s Watch soldiers were biting frantically.

The war horse neighed, and the howl of the ghoul was heart-pounding.

In the distance, a pair of ice-like blue and deep eyes are watching all this.

This night, there was no sleep in the North, and the White Walkers awoke from the land of winter.



Dragonstone Island is located in the east of Jun\'s Landing.

It was here that Aegon Targaryen got his three dragons, and then swept across the continent of Westeros, establishing a glorious dynasty for hundreds of years.

The dragon is no more, and the dynasty falls.

The last Targaryen king was called the "Mad King" because of his madness and tyranny. Without the deterrence of the absolute power of the dragon, Targaryen finally came to an end.

The blood and fire in Jun\'s Landing continued, and the Dragonstone Island was still calm and peaceful.

A little silver-haired girl was boarding a ship bound for King\'s Landing, looking at the rocks on the shore, her big purple eyes were full of confusion and panic.

"Daenerys, what are you looking at?"

"I\'m looking at our home."

"You idiot, Dragonstone Island is a broken place, our home is in King\'s Landing City, the Battle of the Reavers is over, the subjects of the Seven Kingdoms have already woven the true dragon flag, welcome us back!"

Viserys Targaryen, who was also silver-haired and purple-eyed, had a smile on the corner of his mouth, opened his arms, stood against the wind, and shouted proudly: "I will be the king of the Seven Kingdoms, the great Viserys III, the entire Victorian The continent of Stro, will surrender at my feet!"  …